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This week's assignment involves writing a Python program to collect all the data of a road trip and calculate each person's share of the cost. Prompt the user for each of the following: · The number...

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This week's assignment involves writing a Python program to collect all the data of a road trip and calculate each person's share of the cost. Prompt the user for each of the following:
· The number of people on the trip.
· The number of days of the trip.
· For each day of the trip:
· Cost of food.
· Cost of gas.
The food and gas costs should be stored in two separate a
ays. Calculate and display each of the following:
· The total cost of each category.
· The total cost of the trip.
· Each person's share of the total cost.
Your program should include Header comments (what the program does) and in-line comments (the major design steps).  Also document the cu
ency of the country visited.
Submit your Python program as a text file ( .py) file.  In addition, submit a Design outline and a Test plan
eport (3 different test cases – one test case must be 5 days and 5 people) in a Word document or a .pdf file and include a screen shot of execution of your program for each test case. 
Your submission must also adhere to the SubmissionRequirements document. (i.e. Filename and display your name, class, date in the output).
15% - Design – outline proper sequence of steps, calculations (if necessary). Identify all your loops.
10% - TestPlan – Completeness of your Test plan
eport (at least three test cases - (one test case must be 5 days and 5 people).  You should include the known facts in your test cases.  Include screen shots for each test case.
10% - Documentation - Header and in-line comments. Documentation of major steps (from design outline);
65% - Program prompts and executes co
ectly on all test cases. Satisfies all requirements. (each requirement -10pts, compiles -20pts, effectiveness and neatness -10pts, descriptive variables – 5pts, def main() -5pts).
Answered 2 days After Dec 02, 2022


Pratyush answered on Dec 04 2022
48 Votes
    Test Case
    Expected output
    Number of people on the trip: 5
Number of days of the trip: 5
Day 1:
Cost of food: 1000
Cost of gas: 200
Day 2:
Cost of food: 1200
Cost of gas: 250
Day 3:
Cost of food: 2000
Cost of gas: 300
Day 4:
Cost of food: 800
Cost of gas: 150
Day 5:
Cost of food: 3000
Cost of...

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