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this task has been done every week by writer 58221 but this week is a little different I don't need an answer to a question I need just a question so less 100 words I've sent a document with an...

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this task has been done every week by writer 58221 but this week is a little different I don't need an answer to a question I need just a question so less 100 words I've sent a document with an example(in file week 12 task) and will provide more over the days also provided lecture and the weeks reading PLEASE READ BELOW ITS IMPORTANT

Note: The only thing you *must* post this week is a question for Dr. Fahey. You don't have to do the usual 300-word post and reply. You *can* respond to the CNN article (#2) if you'd like, and it would certainly be a good exercise for keeping up with current events and prepping for the final. Don't forget that you also get two free passes on the discussion board for the semester, so if you have any left, this is your last chance.

1. Below is Dr. Fahey's biography. Please post at least one question for him so he can know how to tailor his remarks for next week. Based on his expertise, what would you like to know? What are you curious about? Is there something in the readings or our discussions you'd like to ask? There will be some duplication in questions and he won't be able to answer all of them, but this exercise will help Dr. Fahey prepare and also helps you understand who's visiting us and what kinds of perspectives he can bring to our class.

Dr. John Fahey is the author of the two leading (only) historical studies of Australian intelligence from the foundation of the Commonwealth on 1 January 1901 to the early 1950s. The two books areAustralia’s First Spies, which deals with Australian foreign HUMINT and SIGINT intelligence operations, published in 2019, andSpies and Traitors, published in 2020, which deals with Australian security intelligence for the same period.
He is currently an Honorary Fellow of the Department of Criminology and Security Studies at Macquarie University and before that was an Honorary Associate of the School of Philosophical and Historical Studies at the University of Sydney.
Dr. Fahey holds a B.A (Hons) from Deakin University and a Ph.D from the University of Sydney for his thesis,Britain, 1939 to 1945: The Economic Cost of Strategic Bombing. His central interest is the question as to why intelligent individuals remain committed to wrong ideas in the face of growing evidence that the idea is wrong.
He is now working on two books, a history of Australia’s strategic response to the Japanese threat from 1930 to 1943 and an analysis of Australia’s economic response to World War II.
Over the years, Dr Fahey has worked in a range of careers. He has served in the British and Australian armies as an infantry commander and he has worked in the intelligence field serving in the Australian Signals Directorate and in a number of operational military intelligence postings. He also worked as a Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance Officer and is now the managing director of one of Australia’s leading providers of emergency medical education for medical and dental professionals. In this position, which is still his day job, he has authored a wide range of papers and clinical guidelines, protocols and textbooks.
2. Here's a link to the article I mentioned in the lecture slides about the new DNI. Feel free to respond to this as well, or to come up with your own question and respond to that.

Answered Same Day May 25, 2021 PICT3012 Macquaire University


Somudranil answered on May 26 2021
146 Votes

In matter relating to Ratcliffe and his role in playing an important and yet an essential part concerning the decision making of what documents are to be released publicly. Does this shed light on the aspect concerning the typical bourgeoisie milieu of the utilitarian...

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