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This paper will explore a major city destination from both an attractions point of view and a management point of view. Students will choose from the following destinations and prepare a 1500 word...

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This paper will explore a major city destination from both an attractions point of view and a management point of view. Students will choose from the following destinations and prepare a 1500 word paper discussing the particular destination with respect to the questions below. One of the main goals of this research paper is to develop your library research skills, to help to you find both current literature, government literature and academic journal articles. Pay very close attention to the rubric, this is how your essay will be marked. Maximum of 8 students per topic.
Options for destination choice:
1Calgary, Alberta

Please note I have provided these options because they do have Destination Management Bodies, they do have literature and statistics about them and it provides students a great opportunity to either research a city they know well, or learn about a new destination.

Marking rubric for student papers: Student Name:____________________________________________
Please include the following in your research essay:
Out of:
. Introduction (purpose statement, choice of destination, key points that you will cover in your essay)

. Body: Main part of assignment where you provide supporting information for your purpose statement and/or introduction.
a) Which organizations are responsible for managing or encouraging tourism and visitors to the destination area?
i) What is the structure of this group (agency/DMO/province/town)?
ii) What is their mandate and/or vision statement?
iii) Describe their roles and responsibilities.
b) What are the main attractions of the destination? E.g., why do people visit these locations
c) Provide destination statistics and economic impact, of the area (use government reports or statistics on visitor numbers and the contribution to local economy)
d) What factors would most likely impact tourism to this destination (both positive or negative) e.g., special events, international events, poor weather etc.





. Conclusions: Provide a summary of your evidence and restate your key points

. References should include:
a) One newspaper article (or blog or in the news item)
b) One statistical reference
c) One academic journal article
d) One tourism text book (check G or GV in library or in e-brary)
e) One destination website
Grammar, flow, conciseness etc.


Standard APA Referencing must be used both within the body of the text and in a reference list ( )
Please note that full marks for referencing will only be gained if APA referencing is used and if the sources are properly cited in the body of your text.

Final Grade
Content -35
References 15
Grammar – 5
Total Potential Points – 55

Final Grade – worth 15% of final mark
Answered Same Day Dec 20, 2021


David answered on Dec 20 2021
126 Votes
Alberta: A Paradise for Travellers
Student Name

Alberta is a Canadian province and a tourist place which attracts thousands of visitors all
around the world every year. This study aims at finding out the key success factors of this
destination as a tourist place. The destination has been explored from form attractions and
management point of view. The modus operandi of the managing body has been explained.
Also, the contribution of the destination to the overall economic development has been
covered at the later stage.
Canadian Tourism Commission or CTC is responsible for encouraging and managing tourism
in Alberta. They are the innovators and marketers engaged in promoting the country as a
whole. The idea is to reach to maximum number of people around the world and invite them
to visit such a beautiful place. They introduce their country to exotic and authentic travellers
of the world. CTC has marketed Alberta in a better way so that if someone thinks of Canada,
he/she thinks of travelling Alberta as well (Canadian Tourism Commission, 2012).
CTC is governed by a Board of Directors. The President and CEO report to the board and the
oard is accountable to Parliament through Minister of Industry. The role of the board is to
provide strategic direction and stewardship and to approve annual 5-year Corporate Plan and
udget. The Governor-in-Council appoints the Chair of the Board, as well as the President &
CEO. The CTC is privileged of having the
ightest and the best tourism industry leaders in
Canada. The CTC has its localized units for its provinces and te
itories that report to it. They

work independently at local level but they operate in a prescribed manner (Canadian Tourism
Commission, 2012).
CTC is a wholly owned corporation by the Government of Canada. The legislated mandate of
CTC is to:
 Sustain a profitable and vi
ant Canadian tourism industry.
 Market the country as a desired tourism destination.
 Support a supportive and cooperative relationship between the governments and
private sector with respect to Canadian tourism.
 Provide information on Canadian tourism to the governments of Canada and private
sector (Canadian Tourism Commission, 2012).
“Our vision is to inspire the world to explore Canada. We do so by promoting a compelling
and consistent image of our country in the international tourism marketplace.”
CTC is nothing but a national marketing organization aiming to promote tourism in
the country. They lead their tourism marketing efforts in consumer segments and global
markets where they find the highest potential on ROI. Their cu
ent approach is targeted at
international travellers in mainly 11 countries around the world: Brazil, Australia, China,
Germany, France, India, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the US. However, their
egional hub structure allows them to be opportunistic and nimble so that they can adjust their
marketing programs align them with the changing market scenario and capitalize on new
marketing avenues (Canadian...

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