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This paper will explain why as a military leader is self-discipline important to have. This paper MUST have the following sentences in it:1. I found self-discipline concept most important because...

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This paper will explain why as a military leader is self-discipline important to have. This paper MUST have the following sentences in it:1. I found self-discipline concept most important because XXXXXXXXXXThe implications of not applying this concept are XXXXXXXXXXAs a leader I will apply the concept by XXXXXXXXXXThe impact of my application of the concept with my subordinates..5. The impact of my application of this concept will have on my peers6. The impact the concept will have on my supervisors
Please see rubric and section reading for more info. As long as I address the above statements I will be good.
Answered Same Day Jun 09, 2020


Ritika answered on Jun 11 2020
157 Votes
Running Head: Assignment
Assignment         2
Title of Assignment
Name of Student
Name of University
Self-discipline is one of the most important and responsible part of the defence job as it exclusively involves responsibility and improved recognition among peers and subordinates. The definition of self-discipline I abide by is to perform well and exclusively work towards the benefit of the society and even for self-development.
I found the self-discipline concept most important because defence forces or officers belonging to the air force must be encouraged enough to pursue the best in their...

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