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This page outlines the major written assignment and the steps involved in preparing for submission. This assignment will allow you to develop essential skills in analysing and interpreting a data set...

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This page outlines the major written assignment and the steps involved in preparing for submission. This assignment will allow you to develop essential skills in analysing and interpreting a data set to address a psychological issue and report the results in APA style. Note that separate documents are provided for delivering all the required information. A video explainer is also available below. All these materials should be reviewed prior to commencing the written assignment.


Group or individual:


Word limit:

  • 800 words maximum (no 10% leeway).

  • Markers will not grade content outside this limit.

  • There is no minimum word count.

  • Tables, figures and references are not included in the word.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Evaluate design characteristics of psychology experiments and research, including appropriate uses of psychological instruments to collect data.

  • Choose appropriate analyses and psychological instruments typically used to generate psychology knowledge.

  • Discuss the underpinnings of critical thinking in evaluating psychological research.

  • Interpret the data collected from quantitative methodologies to evaluate their meaning with respect to the field of psychology.

  • Communicate research in written format using appropriate professional conventions.

(Pre) Professional Competencies:

  • Demonstrate basic assessment strategies in situations appropriate to psychological
    practice and knowledge of psychometric theory and principles of the construction,
    cultural considerations, implementation and interpretation of some of the more widely
    used standardised psychological test instruments (APACLinks to an external site.

    , p. 12)

Feedback:Feedback will be available via Canvas Grades.


Required Sections:

A typical research paper contains five main sections (introduction, method, results, discussion, and references). An introduction section will be provided for you (see template document) and you will need to complete the remaining sections:

  • Method(describes the sample, measures, and procedures)

  • Results(reports the descriptive and inferential statistics)

  • Discussion(summarizes and interprets the findings)

  • References(provides formatted list of the cited sources)

Steps Involved:

  • Review the other relevant documents (template, rubric, and data simulation steps).

    • See explainer video as well.

  • Choose a between-subjects research design (notwithin-subjects).

    • Quasi experimental or experimental.

  • Read relevant literature to find:

    • Examples of relevant methodologies for your chosen design.

    • Published measures of state or trait mood (not depression or anxiety).

    • Sensible estimates of descriptive statistics for the dependent variable.

    • Additional references to support the methodology and discussion sections.

  • Write your method.

    • This will help you decide how to simulate data that matches your measures/procedures.

  • Simulate your data

    • So that you can perform your analyses.

    • Detailed step-by-step instructions have been provided further below.

  • Perform analyses and prepare a results section.

    • Use the lecture and workshop write up examples to guide you.

  • Write discussion and prepare references.

    • Once you have finalized the method and results secions.


  • A minimum of 5 references overall are required

  • Make use of any or all the supplied references in the introduction

  • Include at least3 additional references

Simulating the Assignment Data:

Read the Simulating the Assignment Data.pdf

Download Read the Simulating the Assignment Data.pdf

for further instructions.

Assignment Templates:

Use the
Assignment Template.pdf

Download Assignment Template.pdf

and the
Assignment Data Simulation File 2023.omv

Download Assignment Data Simulation File 2023.omv

to complete this assignment.


Submit aWord document (.doc or .docx)
andtheJamovi data file (.omv)via the submission portals on theAssignmentpage. You will receive a Turnitin similarity report when you submit your written document. It is recommended that you submit a full version of your assignment ahead of the due date so you have time to make revisions if necessary after receiving this report.

Assignment Criteria/Rubric

Click hereto view the marking rubric for this assessment (Canvas version). A PDF version is also available below.

Assignment Rubric.pdf

Answered 6 days After May 01, 2024


Dr Shweta answered on May 06 2024
15 Votes
Introduction: Psychometrics is a scientific field that focuses on how psychological concepts, such as intelligence, neuroticism, or depression, can be accurately linked to measurable factors, such as the results of psychological assessments, genetic profiles, or neuroscientific data. Psychometric theories are founded on a conceptual framework that presents intelligence as a combination of talents that are assessed through mental exams. This kind of model is capable of being quantified. Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity has numerous beneficial psychological impacts, such as heightened life satisfaction, good emotions, self-evaluation, self-assurance, self-confidence, cognitive abilities, mood enhancement, reduction in depression, and improved quality of life. Engaging in exercise improves mood and self-esteem by reducing stress levels. This is because aerobic activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which are chemicals that promote positive feelings. Additionally, it boosts heart rate and blood flow to the
ain, triggering the release of norepinephrine, which can aid in the
ain's ability to cope with stress. Psychological tests or mental measurements, or psychometric tests, inventories, or rating scales, are standardized tools used to assess certain psychological variables, such as personality traits, IQ, or emotional functioning. Typically, these tests comprise a set of questions that individuals evaluate as either true or false, or based on a Likert-type scale (agree, somewhat agree). However, tests can also employ textual, visual, or vocal techniques. BMI serves as a valuable measure of health when considering a large group of people. Body mass index (BMI) is a widely used measure that assesses an individual's weight in relation to their height, allowing for classification into weight categories such as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. Weight status is a crucial metric in the Sightlines study due to its direct impact on longevity. BMI is determined by dividing an individual's weight by the square of their height. Mood is commonly assessed using a variety of items or scores. The strategy involves utilizing a composite score derived from numerous items/scores or selecting a single mood dimension, such as positive or negative.
Objective: The aim of this study was to illustrate the fundamental evaluation methods in psychological practice and acquire an understanding of psychometric theory and the principles involved in developing, considering cultural factors, implementing, and interpreting commonly used standardized psychological test instruments.
The body mass index (BMI), age, and gender of a total of 120 participants were gathered for the purpose of this study. Subsequently, the utilization of the jamovi programme was employed to evaluate the co
elation between physical activity and...

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