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MPM735 International Business Management Trimester 1, 2018 Assessment 1 - Group Proposal Submitted by Group 30 RAHUL ERAGULA XXXXXXXXXX) SACHIN SUDHIR XXXXXXXXXX) DAKSH GIRDHAR XXXXXXXXXX) GROUP...

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International Business Management
Trimester 1, 2018
Assessment 1 - Group Proposal
Submitted by Group 30
We choose English education that is native to the countries like Australia, United States of America and United Kingdom to enhance the language skill of those who don’t enjoy quality English education in their countries.
Various sources show that most people that come from countries like China, Japan and Bangladesh lack quality English education and thus struggle to communicate with global citizens. With no doubt in this global era, English is the most desirable language that empowers locals to communicate effectively on the international front (Crystal XXXXXXXXXXWe would like to offer English training courses and certifications to the local teachers during their education and partner with the education sector to ensure that all the teachers that graduate into practicing teachers are capable of speaking English fluently and are effective communicators in English.
China is one of the biggest economies in the world and yet most people find a difficulty in speaking English. Despite the country spending billions of dollars over learning English, it ranks the least in the proficiency of English language (King XXXXXXXXXXThe demand for language certainly exists but what exists more is the demand for quality English teachers.
The need for effective English teachers (Gardner 2016) in Japan shows us the demand for English teachers in the country. While the government makes its efforts to make the study of English language compulsory for year 5 and year 6, it is evident that they need quality teachers to help them provide quality English education to the students.
In a research study on the rural areas of Bangladesh (Erling et al. 2012), it was found that English was one of the contributing factors of development in those regions. The scope for development is wide in these rural regions of the country and empowering them with quality language would be a gift to enhance their development. The survey results project a notable demand among the representatives of several occupations to learn and develop their language skills.
We would like to study each of these countries in detail and understand the nitty-gritty of their economies to strategize on how we would like to penetrate into their market and flourish in doing a profitable business. With the vision to empower teachers to empower the students and take them from being effective local communicators to effective international communicators, we offer teachers various training courses and certification courses that qualify them to be highly proficient teachers in English language.
We, as a group have allocated these countries and below are the mentioned allocations of each of our group members.
    Country Allocation
    Rahul Eragula
    Sachin Sudhi
    Daksh Girdha
We would like to internationalize our business into an Australasian business that is known for its language courses and certifications in the Asia Pacific region and
idge the gap between local and international.
Crystal, D 2003, English As A Global Language, Cam
idge University Press, UK.
Erling, E, Seargeant, P, Solly, M, et al 2012, ‘Attitudes to English as a language for international development in rural Bangladesh’, The Open University, ELT Research Papers 12-08, retrieved 22 March 2013,>.
Gardner, W 2016, ‘The Need For Effective English Teachers’, The Japan Times, 10 September, retrieved 22 March 2013,>.
King, W 2015, ‘Does China Have an English Problem?’, GB Times, 14 December, retrieved 22 March 2013,>.

MPM735 – International Business Management
Trimester 1, 2018
Assessment 1: Country Report
DUE DATE AND TIME:            Week 6, 20/04/18, 11:59PM
HURDLE DETAILS:            None
ASSIGNMENT TYPE:            Individual
Learning Outcome Details
    Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
    Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
    ULO 1: Undertake a systematic and critical evaluation of the external global business environment
    GLO 1 – Discipline Specific Knowledge
GLO 4 – Critical Thinking
GLO 8 – Global Citizenship
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin within 15 working days at 11/06/2018, 11.59PM.
Individual Country Report 3000-words (30%)
1) With your approved product/service and country, each group member needs to go away and do research on their chosen country, and in particular look at factors that might make it attractive/unattractive for internationalising the product/service to.
2) For each country, and with your product/service in mind you will need to investigate:
a. Economic factors
. Political factors
c. Legal issues
d. The trade and investment environment
e. Foreign exchange issues
f. Financial factors
g. Cultural factors and challenges that it might pose
3) You will need to make a recommendation about your analysed country and whether it is a good place or not for your products/service internationalisation, and why?
4) So what makes a good quality assignment:
a. It’s based on good quality research.
. You have good quality sources of information (business information sources such as government reports, World Bank, International Trade Organisation, EIU, Datamonitor etc, business databases such as Proquest, Business Source Premier, academic journal articles, textbooks, please don’t use Wikipedia or dubious references, or no name references from strange websites).
c. How well you use these resources support to your arguments.
d. Your information is realistic, relevant, and would be useful for a company/person conducting international business.
e. The information is specific to the product/service chosen.
f. You have adequately referenced, and you have used the Harvard referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text and as a reference list at the end).
g. Your final report doesn’t exceed 3000 words (Title page, executive summary, table of contents, tables, graphs, appendices and your reference list are in addition to the 3000-word limit).
h. It should be in a report format. Your report should be typed, double spaced, 12-point font, and has headings (further information on report format is provided below).
i. You have time series data where relevant, which demonstrates trends over the last 5 years or so, and if possible a forecast into the future.
Submission Instructions
You will submit your work in the group dropbox on Cloud Deakin.
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.
· Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. 'Day' means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.
· For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.
· Building evidence of your experiences, skills and knowledge (Portfolio) - Building a portfolio that evidences your skills, knowledge and experience will provide you with a valuable tool to help you prepare for interviews and to showcase to potential employers. There are a number of tools that you can use to build a portfolio. You are provided with cloud space through OneDrive, or through the Portfolio tool in the Cloud Unit Site, but you can use any storage repository system that you like. Remember that a Portfolio is YOUR tool. You should be able to store your assessment work, reflections, achievements and artefacts in YOUR Portfolio. Once you have completed this assessment piece, add it to your personal Portfolio to use and showcase your learning later, when applying for jobs, or further studies. Curate your work by adding meaningful tags to your artefacts that describe what the artefact represents.
XXXXXXXXXXDeakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited.
     Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB.
Page 2 of 3

Assessment 1 Helpful Hints
Some students have been asking me the types of things that they should be covering under each of the factors specified, so I thought that I would create a list of things that I think is important. You might like to include them, but I won’t make them mandatory, as there might be other things that you would like to include that are relevant to your product/service and to the country that you have chosen. Some factors below (ie. GDP growth rate etc) you should be able to get trend data and also forecasted information -where possible you should try to action this.
Hope that you find this information helpful!
Executive summary    
Provided findings on all factors (economics, political, legal, FDI, finance & socio cultural) in the assignment, summarized the report and provided recommendation in no more than one page only.        
Product/service background        
Scope/Parameters of the report        
Methodology used        
Limitations of report        
Economic factors        
Economic policy of the Government        
GDP & GDP Growth (Trend)        
Per capita income (Trend)        
CPI (Trend)        
Inflation (Trend)        
Unemployment (Trend)        
Political Factors        
Type of Government        
Government structure and how it operates        
International relations with other countries        
Political risk associated with the country        
Level of co
Legal Factors        
Legal system and how it works        
Government rules and regulations for establishing a foreign business        
Ownership of business, land and office        
employment law        
Trade and Investment (FDI) environment        
Tariffs – relevant (if any)        
ent Account (Trend)        
Trading partners and key imports and exports        
Trade agreements
History of FDI in the country        
Inflow /outflow amounts/where it comes from        
Industry access for the Company        
Government rules and regulations concerning FDI        
Government incentives or any special economic zones        
Foreign Exchange Issues
Type of Exchange Rate System
ency (trend data)
Banking system and types of banks there        
Access to finance (refers to Foreign Company’s access to finance in country)        
Interest Rates                
Repatriation of
Answered Same Day Apr 18, 2020 MPM735 Deakin University


Sangeeta answered on Apr 22 2020
136 Votes
English Language Services in Bangladesh
Executive summary    
The main intention of the company is to enter the Bangladesh market and offer English training courses and certifications to the local teachers during their education and partner with the education sector to ensure that all the teachers that graduate into practicing teachers are capable of speaking English fluently and are effective communicators in English. Likewise, this particular paper attempts to examine Bangladesh from several different fronts in order to gain great insight of the business environment and trends prevalent here. While people unacquainted with Bangladeshis might consider their communication style as being a
upt due to the speech content, Bangladeshis are likely to communicate in rich as well as long sentences. They are highly polite in their style of communication and might prefer flattery. Moreover, Bangladeshis are frequently indirect speakers. Thoughts are recu
ently put across in a delicate way and there exists a cultural tendency for avoiding powerfully worded statements, confrontation or assertions. Nevertheless, the communication style a Bangladeshi uses usually relies upon the level of acquaintance. With close friends or relatives, they might communicate in a direct way while they might communicate indirectly with associates or in professional respect.All data presented in the report was analysed and evaluated which led to key recommendations for the Company.    
In Bangladesh, there is freedom for moving freely all around the nation but there might be limitations imposed through the government in general people interest. For any company to maximize opportunity and build new enterprises as well as wealth they need to undergo several loopholes. This trims down the capability for new business progress. Also, there has been high oppression with respect to free speech within Bangladesh. There exist several issues presently within the nations. For any new company to be successful within the region there needs to be a sound enforcement of police action, which offers safety from criminals. all around the nation but there might be limitations imposed through the government in general people interest. For any company to maximize opportunity and build new enterprises as well as wealth they need to undergo several loopholes. This trims down the capability for new business progress. Also, there has been high oppression with respect to free speech within Bangladesh. There exist several issues presently within the nations. For any new company to be successful within the region there needs to be a sound enforcement of police action, which offers safety from criminals.
Introduction    4
Economic factors    4
Political Factors    8
Legal Factors    9
Trade and Investment (FDI) environment    10
Foreign Exchange Issues    12
Finance    12
Culture    13
Recommendations    15
References:    16
English education that is native to the countries like Australia, United States of America and United Kingdom has been chosen to enhance the language skill of those who don’t enjoy quality English education in their countries. With no doubt in this global era, English is the most desirable language that empowers locals to communicate effectively on the international front (Crystal 2003). Thus, the main intention of the company is to enter the Bangladesh market and offer English training courses and certifications to the local teachers during their education and partner with the education sector to ensure that all the teachers that graduate into practicing teachers are capable of speaking English fluently and are effective communicators in English. Likewise, this particular paper attempts to examine Bangladesh from several different fronts in order to gain great insight of the business environment and trends prevalent here.
The need for effective English teachers (Gardner 2016) in Bangladesh shows us the demand for English teachers in the country. While the government makes its efforts to make the study of English language compulsory for year 5 and year 6, it is evident that they need quality teachers to help them provide quality English education to the students. In a research study on the rural areas of Bangladesh (Erling et al. 2012), it was found that English was one of the contributing factors of development in those regions. The scope for development is wide in these rural regions of the country and empowering them with quality language would be a gift to enhance their development. The survey results project a notable demand among the representatives of several occupations to learn and develop their language skills.
Economic factors        
Economic policy of the Government
In Bangladesh, there is freedom for moving freely all around the nation but there might be limitations imposed through the government in general people interest (Abdul, 2005). For any company to maximize opportunity and build new enterprises as well as wealth they need to undergo several loopholes. This might trim down the capability of the company for new business progress in Bangladesh. Also, there has been high oppression with respect to free speech within Bangladesh (Ray, 2011). There exist several issues presently within the nations. For any new company to be successful within the region there needs to be a sound enforcement of police action, which offers safety from criminals (Singh, 2003).         
GDP & GDP Growth (Trend)
Bangladesh is regarded as being a developing nation. Still, around one-third of Bangladesh’s population lives in high poverty. During the past several years, the nation has recorded rates of GDP growth to be more than 5% because of development of garment sector and microcredit (Trading Economics, 2018). The chief problems to sustainable development within Bangladesh involve poor infrastructure, overpopulation, co
uption, a slow execution of economic reforms and lastly, political instability. Due to high poverty not many people might be willing to spend money on English learning services considering them as not being that important.
(Fig. 1 Source: Trading Economics, 2018)
Per capita income
The per capita income within Bangladesh would perk up by around 11.39% to around $1,466 in 2018. It was about $1,316 during 2017 (Trading Economics, 2018). Along with a rise in the GDP, the per capita income also increased.    With rise in income people preference for learning English language might also go up resulting in high acceptance of the company’s services here.
(Fig. 2 Source: Trading Economics, 2018)
CPI (Trend)
Consumer Price Index (CPI) within Bangladesh augmented to around 248.65 Index Points during March from around 247.81 Index Points during Fe
uary this year (Trading Economics, 2018). CPI within Bangladesh averaged around 122.73 Index Points from the year 1993 till the year 2018, touching maximum high of 248.65 Index Points during March as well as a highest low of about 51.99 Index Points during July in the year 1993 (Trading Economics, 2018).
(Fig. 3 Source: Trading Economics, 2018)
Inflation (Trend)
Bangladesh's yearly consumer price inflation reduced somewhat to around 5.68% during March 2018 from around 5.72% during Fe
uary 2018, since costs of food products increased at a softer speed (Trading Economics, 2018). In the meantime non-food price...

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