Swinburne University of Technology
Faculty of Business and Law
INF70005 – Strategic Project Management
Semester 1, 2018
Assignment Two – Project Implementation Plan (Group)
Due date: Wednesday, 2nd May @ 12:00pm (noon)
XXXXXXXXXXAssignment Value = 35%
On completion of this Project development assignment, you should be able to:
· create a complete proposal for a Project;
· justify the need for such a Project;
· prepare the above into a Project Implementation Plan;
· incorporate the tools of project management presented in this unit; and
· schedule the project end-to-end using MS Project, or equivalent.
Requirement of this Assignment
· Assigned groups are required to prepare a preliminary Project Implementation Plan for a Project within an existing company. The proposal in this instance should include a justification for the project as well as how it would be rolled out. Sometimes in business environments these documents may be split, but in this case they can be combined together; as a joint proposal and implementation plan.
· The proposed Project could be based on a new facility to expand the business, an update to existing assets, a new business idea or combination of all or any of these.
· The Project may belong to any existing organisation. Company information can be obtained from the li
ary’s website:
· http:
· http:
· A good starting point is to click on “Data analysis” under the “Company Profiles” heading.
· If you are not familiar with a specific opportunity within a company you could tackle this as putting up a proposal on the basis of identifying a need.
Preliminary Project Implementation Plan
A Project proposal takes into account resource issues and competitive activity, but does so in
oad terms rather than in specific detail. Your report should cover the wider range of issues introduced in the Project Management classes, including the financial considerations that clearly demonstrate the costings and value of the Project to the organisation. If your organisation is a not-for-profit, you will still need to establish relevant costings, for example how your Project proposal reduces costs or otherwise meets organisational objectives.
Your Plan should answer the questions:
· What Project are you planning to introduce?
· Why does the organisation need this Project (what problem or opportunity will it solve)?
· What are the challenges in implementing this Project?
The Project Implementation Plan needs to meet the following criteria:
· The company you have selected is already an established business entity;
· It must not already be "in-progress" in the company;
· It must require substantial development and not just marketing. For example, if you simply want to
ing in a product from overseas and market it, that does not qualify. Nor does
inging together a bunch of stuff in a relatively trivial way and calling it a Project; for example, a new service based entirely on subcontracting existing services. It needs to be substantive. If in doubt ask your Tutor;
· Your project needs to demonstrate reasonable complexity and sophistication. It is anticipated the development would involve multiple people, a significant period of time, and require a budget anywhere between $50,000 and $300,000.
· Preliminary Project Implementation Plan = max. 3,500 words.
· Appendices are not counted in the word count, but students need to be sensible in not having excessive appendices.
Submission: shall be on Blackboard through TURNITIN. Only one member of the group should submit the Assignment on all the groups behalf.
This final group report shall include the original proposal (outlined above) along with the detailed preliminary implementation plan for the Project chosen by your group.
Your plan will demonstrate relevant academic and professional standards. You are expected to refer to and use selected theory and models from class as a conceptual framework where relevant to your project, and to cite appropriate literature to support your case. Your report should cover a range of topics including:
1. An introduction describing your organisation and the market(s) in which it operate(s). The justification of the need for the proposed Project;
2. How and what ideas were generated for the Project, and how they were subsequently assessed and screened relative to customer needs and organisational goals (including financials) and capacities;
3. Analysis utilising various frameworks to justify demand for your Project;
4. A project management plan of the development, production and launch of the Project to the market. A description of the overall project with a complete and detailed action plan.
Your Project Implementation Plan amongst other material shall include:
· The Project outline and why it is being proposed;
· company – the name and a
ief description of the company for which you are proposing the Project;
· the business reason(s) why this Project should be considered (benefit(s) the Project will provide);
· Description of the project objective, scope, deliverables, constraints and assumptions;
· Project schedule including a GANTT type chart showing the critical path;
· Resource requirements and detailed resource schedules;
· Project cost estimate;
· HR Plan, Stakeholders , Communication management
· Risk assessment; and
· Quality strategy; and
· Control and monitoring systems.
It needs to be recognised that this preliminary Implementation Plan is what helps company executives understand the justification and potential cost going forward with a Project. In reality it would be reviewed possibly several times and iteratively tightened up in detail to form a final definitive Implementation Plan before Project sanction.
The final report should be submitted to TurnItin via the appropriate link in Blackboard. Note that Blackboard and TurnItIn sometimes have outages beyond our control, so it is wise not to leave submission to the last minute – you can overwrite previous submissions.
Academic honesty
The work submitted must be the work of the individuals within the group only, and references where appropriate to the work of others. Students are refe
ed to the Unit Outline for more details.
The Assignment report will be assessed on the following criteria:
Project Proposal
(max. 25%)
Satisfactory XXXXXXXXXX)
Unsatisfactory XXXXXXXXXX)
Project introduction and justification ( incl. Executive Summary)
Have the Project justification and problem been appropriately described to capture the key issues likely to be required by a company Board?
Corporate Information (history/org chart/etc) and (optional) the Department Information
Identification and Discussion of the Company/Department and the products and services of the company of the department under consideration
Discussion and identification of company process & problem (completeness, thoroughness)
Recognizes and clearly identifies the main problems in the case and subsidiary. Embedded or implicit aspects of the problems.
Clearly addresses the relationship among subsidiary issues. Indicates some issues are more important than others and explains why
Identifies not only the
asics of the issue,
ut recognizes
nuances of the issue
Basic Corporate Information (history/org chart/etc) and (optional) the Department Information
Identification and Discussion of the Company/Department and the products and services of the company of the department under consideration
Clearly identifies the main problems and include some of the subsidiary issues.
Some discussion or relationships between subsidiary issues.
Corporate Information (history/org chart/etc) and (optional) the Department Information
Rudimentary problem identification;
Identifies main problems but does omit relevant issues;
Does not identify the relationship between different aspects or issues within the problem.
Does not clearly identify the problem;
Identifies an inappropriate problem or represents the issues inaccurately.
Scope (max. 15%)
Very Good (12-15)
Good (9-11)
Satisfactory (8-10)
Unsatisfactory (5-7)
Is the scope well defined? Including what is in / outside the scope? Constraints, Assumptions?
Project Stakeholders: able to co
ectly identify the significant project stakeholders?
Measures of success: able to identify CORRECT, APPLICABLE and OBSERVABLE Measures of Success for the Project as a whole and not just simply for the IT system.
Deliverable: co
ectly identify the relevant major deliverables of the project?
Milestones : have the co
ect and relevant milestones
Technical Requirements : properly identify their technical requirements
Limits and Exclusion: properly identify the limits and exclusions of the project in order to define what they will do and what they won't do.
Project Stakeholders: able to identify the project stakeholders?
Measures of success: able to identify CORRECT, APPLICABLE and OBSERVABLE Measures of Success for the Project but not as a whole
Deliverable: identify some relevant major deliverables of the project?
Milestones : have the co
ect and relevant milestones
Technical Requirements : identify their technical requirements
Limits and Exclusion : identify the limits and exclusions of the project
Project Stakeholders: able to identify some of the project stakeholders?
Measures of success: able to identify OBSERVABLE Measures of Success for the Project
Technical Requirements: identify some technical requirements
Limits and Exclusion: identify some limits and some exclusions of the project
Does not clearly
identifies the Project Stakeholders, Measures of success, Deliverable, Milestones, Technical Requirements and Limits and Exclusion
Schedule (max. 10%)
Good (7 - 8)
Satisfactory (5 - 6)
Unsatisfactory (3 - 4)
Is the schedule plan complete? Including an outline of how it will be managed?
Creation of the Project Schedule: Was the Project schedule and precedences of the tasks properly though out?
Did they schedule anything out of place (e.g. a deliverable on Dec. 25)?
Do the estimate accurately reflect the actual work they are doing?
ative of the phases: Did they give clear rationale as to how they divided the project into phases?
Task Description: Did they describe accurately each task that needs to be done?
Creation of the Project Schedule: Was the Project schedule and
The estimate reflect the actual work they are doing?
ative of the phases: Did they give some rationale as to how they divided the project into phases?
Task Description: describe each task that needs to be done?
Creation of the Project Schedule: Was the Project schedule and
The estimate reflect some of the work they are doing?
ative of the phases: rationale as to how they divided the project into phases?
Task Description: describe some of the tasks that need to be done?
No clear Creation of the Project Schedule
The estimate does not reflect some of the work they are doing?
ative of the phases: no clear rationale as to how they divided the project into phases?
Task Description: does not describe the tasks that need to be done?
Cost estimate (max. 10%)
Good (7 - 8)
Satisfactory (5 - 6)
Unsatisfactory (3 - 4)
Is the cost estimate complete? Including an outline of how it will be managed?
All components of expenses present: All the components of A FULLY COSTED PROJECT present?
They consider all components?
ectness of the estimate : the estimates co
ect and they have supporting data on this
The computations and assumptions co
Some components of expenses present: some of the components of A FULLY COSTED PROJECT present?
They consider some of components?
ectness of the estimate: the estimates co
ect and they have some supporting data on this
some of the computations and assumptions co
Part of the components of A PARTIALLY COSTED PROJECT present?
ectness of the estimate: part of