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As part of Website security Analyzer project My role is as Market research and Product Owner. Real word Project about Website Security Analyzer. 1) Your Role, 2) Your capabilities 3) Your contribution...

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As part of Website security Analyzer project My role is as Market research and Product Owner.
Real word Project about Website Security Analyzer.
1) Your Role,
2) Your capabilities
3) Your contribution to the project
4) Complication of problem solved ||| Tech ,Team problem, project management
5) Lesson learned || Future Enhancement
6) Personal Data
7) Qualification
8) Skills
9) Experience
10) Expert holding
11) Role in RWP
12) skill needs
13) Task ( Log)
You can mention following roles into the individual report.

1) Market Research (What are the website security Analyzer available in market)
2) System Requirement (What is the system requirement for setup or build new website security analyzer software)
3) Swot analysis
4) Product Owner ( I have taken roles in this project as product owner and as product owner I have used Jira software for managing project )

Marketing Research
1) Veracode’s Website Security analyzer :
The Digital information today is under frequent attack from Cyber hackers and other malicious threats. But nowadays the infrastructure network has become more secure; attackers have turned their attention to the application layer, which now contains 99.9 percent of all vulnerabilities, according to Gartner. To protect the application base infra, security experts must perform detailed source code analysis when developing or buying new software.
Web Security analyzer can be extremely high paid as well on-premises website security analyzer are much expensive to purchase, That’s why so many large enterprises are turning to CA Veracode's highly effective cloud-based service for application security.
CA Veracode's Security Analyzer Offers excellent Accuracy and you Doesn't Need Source at all as well supports all widely used languages for your server, website, applications.
2) RIPS Website Security Analyser:
Rips is code analysis software this is specially designed for PHP based application and websites. Rips detected very commonly as the well unknown security issue in your PHP application. Such as HTTP reposed header, footers, etc. this is the solution much cheaper than other service providers.
3) Zscaler Web security:
Zscaler comes with the new approach to user data protection
Zscaler Web Security, Zscaler offers a complete part of the Zscaler Cloud Security Platform to enable 24/7 availability for end users, This solution provides little cost even over close as compare others and complexity of traditional secure web gateway for secure channel line.
Secure Web Gateway provides a large number of URL filtering and Web-based firewall service for your website.
Full SSL Visibility: Offer an SSL inspection of the website means give us apparent data analysis about site incoming and outgoing traffic.
Website Scanner: Zscaler Web security analysis engine Offers best website security scanning and detects malicious treats and many more.
4) is fast an very efficient website scanner in the world. This scanner built on cloud base platform and for just for the website.
This platform is straightforward to use and not even a single installation needed and support to scan, secure your HTTP headers
5) Rapid7:
Rapid 7 is very dedication offline security analyzer for the secret organization and this software provides fully integrated offline HTTP headers response and detection mechanisms.
Rapid 7 supports for PHP, JAVA, DOT.NET HTML
This is our Solution ( Need to give Brand Name)
Offers a new approach to the website security analyzer4
fast latency, lightweight cloud base security analyzer and specially designed for HTTP response headers.
Whenever attacker plan to attack your website, they do not target your site in first place. For the perfect attack, they need to have studied about your IT infrastructure and web-platform and this kind of study can be done through the HTTP response header and this can become helpful for an attacker to know what infra foundation do you have.
Whenever attackers are crawling your websites or application, just scanner of the site can collect crucial information from the HTTP response headers which the servers send for each request received. if your web-server configured very wrongly or it can be missing meta tags
This simple tool shows you the content of your headers as seen by our scanners and other robots. Base on your approach you have full access choose to send either a GET or HEAD request for the website URL. Header request entirely depends on your web-server server setting, during the header for usually getting also contain much additional info taken from website meta tags of the appropriate resources and URL is pointing. The reason this tool shows you the response code for an individual request submitted, including the response codes resulting from redirects, it can also support you to verify that web server returns the co
ect e
or codes values, whether redirects are set up co
ectly, etc.
Our Simple Website Security Analyser solution is available on Cloud so you can have full-time access whenever you want. This enterprise solution can monitor your website 24/7 and create alerts base on the response of the headers.
Our enterprise solution initially, three months in trial and free and 24/7 supports from tech team for any query.
Our pure motive to keep your organization secure from the attacker.

Market Research - Xpointo Website Security Analyzer Solution    
Q1 What is your first reaction to the website security analyzer solution which is already implemented at your organization?
    Answered: 12
    Skipped: 0
    Very positive
    Very negative
    Or Website
    90% 100%
    Very positive
    Somewhat positive
    Somewhat negative
    Very negative
    Or Website Security analyzer not implemented yet
[Type here]
1 / 12
Market Research - Xpointo Website Security Analyzer Solution    SurveyMonkey
Q2 How would you rate the quality of the website security analyzer product? which is implemented at your org.
Answered: 11    Skipped: 1
Very high
High quality
Neither high
nor low quality
Low quality
Very low
0%    10%    20%    30%    40%    50%    60%    70%    80%    90% 100%
    Very high quality
    High quality
    Neither high nor low quality
    Low quality
    Very low quality
2 / 12
Market Research - Xpointo Website Security Analyzer Solution    SurveyMonkey
Q3 How innovative is the website security analyzer product?
Answered: 11    Skipped: 1
Very innovative
Not so
Not at all
0%    10%    20%    30%    40%    50%    60%    70%    80%    90% 100%
    Extremely innovative
    Very innovative
    Somewhat innovative
    Not so innovative
    Not at all innovative
3 / 12
Market Research - Xpointo Website Security Analyzer Solution    SurveyMonkey
Q4 When you think about the product, do you think of it as something you need or don’t need?
Answered: 11    Skipped: 1
    Definitely need
    Probably need
    Probably don’t
    don’t need
Answered Same Day Jun 13, 2020


Vignesh answered on Jun 16 2020
145 Votes
A product owner and a market research person should have to plan, distribute and tracks their works on their level.
A perfect demonstrative: A perfect product owner has to demonstrate and represent their framework. As persons on the group can a discrete group so a flawless representation will help them to get an appropriate response from the professional.
A person should know the product in all ways. This shows a clear idea about...

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