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4) Research Design: You need to design an experiment that will answer your research question. This is accomplished by answering the following questions. In your document use the following subheadings...

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4) Research Design:
You need to design an experiment that will answer your research question. This is
accomplished by answering the following questions. In your document use the following
subheadings to clearly identify each question. You will be penalized for not doing so
a) Research Question (max 100 words)
Restate the research question outlined in your introduction and why it is important  
b) Related Work (max 400 words)
Select two research designs from the literature that you have read related to your
research question. For each paper in about 200 words explain the research design, the
strengths and limitations of the design and how this design will be useful to support your
research design.
c) Design (max 350 words)
What research design will you use to answer your research question? That is,
experimental, quasi experimental, correlational, ethnography etc.
Explain your design. For example, outline your control and experimental groupings, the
number of samples you need, and how you will determine the accuracy of your results.  
Why did you select this design? What are the strengths and limitations of this design in
relation to your research?
Your design should show how it will answer your research question

Answered Same Day Oct 12, 2019 ENGG851


David answered on Nov 30 2019
153 Votes
Literature Planner – Instructions
Delete this page when submitting this document online for assessment.
Reference Number: Number your references starting from 1
Authors: If one or two authors list their names. If more than two list the first author followed by et. al.
Title of Article: The title of the research paper / book etc.
Type: State if it is a conference, journal, book etc.
Publication: The name of the publication that the work was published in.
Year Published: What year was article published
Number of citations: The number of citations that the publication has received to date. Also mention the source of data (e.g. Scopus or Google Scholar)
Publication Rating: Use Scopus to determine the CiteScore and ranking information for each publication. Not all publications are rated, use 'N/A' if there is no score. See notes on how to extract this from lecture 2, and the document ‘How to measure impact - CiteScore and citation counts’
Primary or Secondary: State if the research conducted in the article is primary or secondary research (see lecture notes week 2)
What themes were discussed in the Literature Review: Use keywords to discuss the major themes in the article
What was the research question: What was the question the article was trying to find the answer to?
Design: How did they try and answer the question: What did they do? E.g. simulation, experimental design, statistical analysis etc.
What was the finding: What answers were found from undertaking the research in the article?
What were the gaps: What limitations occu
ed in the research design or where outlined in the results or discussion?
Note: When this work is submitted into Turnitin, it is ok if the similarity percentage is high due to the similarity in headings. What the markers will be concentrating on is the similarity in the text that you write
Literature Planne
Student Name:                Student Number:
Reference Number: 1                
Title of Article: Hardfacing            
Authors: Afrox Product Reference Manual
Type: Article
Year Published: 2012                    Number of citations:
Primary or Secondary: secondary
Publication Rating: N/A        
CiteScore:    Rank:     Percentile:     In-Category:            CiteScore Year:
What was the research question? How hard facing is used in welding repair of dragline bucket
What themes were discussed in the Literature Review? hardfacing
Design: meta-analysis
What was the finding? Use of hard facing in maintenance and repair of dragline bucket used in mining industry
What were the gaps? Lack of verification of the study
Reference Number: 2                
Title of Article:     New dragline repair link from Columbia Steel        
Authors: Aspermont Ltd
Year Published:     2017                Number of citations:
Primary or Secondary: secondary
Publication Rating:     N/A        
CiteScore:    Rank:     Percentile:     In-Category:            CiteScore Year:
What was the research question? The different welding methods used by companies to repair mining equipment
What themes were discussed in the Literature Review? Welding methods
Design: meta-analysis
What was the finding? The different methods of welding repair applied in steel companies while repairing mining equipment
What were the gaps? Lack of study findings validation
Reference Number: 3                
Title of Article: Multi-process welding robot cuts weld time by up to 90 percent SMW Group, Rockhampton QLD, 2016             
Authors: BOC Limited
Type: article
Year Published:     2016                Number of citations:
Primary or Secondary: primary
Publication Rating: N/A        
CiteScore:    Rank:     Percentile:     In-Category:            CiteScore Year:
What was the research question? What are the improvements experienced in welding repair for dragline bucket used in mining industry?
What themes were discussed in the Literature Review? Improved welding repair process of mining equipment
Design: meta-analysis
What was the finding? There has been advancement in welding repair
What were the gaps? Lack of literature on improved technology applied in welding repair for dragline bucket used in mining industry.
Reference Number: 4                
Title of Article: A WELDING REVIEW PUBLISHED BY ESAB Repair & Maintenance        
Authors: ESAB.
Type: website
Year Published:     2001                Number of citations:
Primary or secondary: secondary
Publication Rating: N/A    
CiteScore:    Rank:     Percentile:     In-Category:            CiteScore Year:
What was the research question? What are the welding repairs for dragline bucket used in mining industry?
What themes were discussed in the Literature Review? The theme of repair and maintenance
Design: meta-analysis
What was the finding? Welding is widely used in maintenance and repairs of various equipment used in the mining industry
What were the gaps? There is literature gap on information related to specific maintenance for specific dragline bucket
Reference Number: 5            
Title of Article: New gen robots cutting weld time by up to 90 per cent        
Authors: fe
Publication: fe
Type: article
Year Published:     2016                Number of citations:
Primary or Secondary: primary
Publication Rating:     N/A        
CiteScore:    Rank:     Percentile:     In-Category:            CiteScore Year:
What was the research question? What are the welding repairs for dragline bucket used in mining industry?
What themes were discussed in the Literature Review? The themes included use of robots for welding and repair in the mining industry and increased productivity and performance.
Design: meta-analysis
What was the finding? The findings included that the use of robots to improve manpower has enhanced productivity and reduced cost in welding repairs of equipment.
What were the gaps? There is not enough literature to compare robotic studies and its...

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