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1 | P a g e Federation Business School Final Assessment, Semester 02, 2020 BUGEN 2630 Principles of Responsible Business Instructions: You are required to write two essays form the following three...

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Federation Business School
Final Assessment, Semester 02, 2020
BUGEN 2630 Principles of Responsible Business

You are required to write two essays form the following three options.
You are required to submit your essays via Moodle/Turnitin within 14 days (By 5:00 pm, the
24th of June).
Each essay is worth 25 marks. The total marks for the assessment is 50 (25x2).
The essays are devised to assess your ability to interpret and apply your knowledge,
comprehension skills, and critical thinking rather than only knowledge recall.
In supporting your arguments/views in your essays, you are required to use data from various
sources including academic articles and professional reports. Use at least five sources
(preferably 3 high quality, peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 professional reports such as
eports published by the United Nations. Please note, these five sources are required in total
for two essays (not for each of the essays). While the combination may vary, it is expected
that you use more peer-reviewed journal articles than other materials). Students expecting
higher grades are required to use more than five academic articles and professional
You also need to cite the sources and present a list of references, following the APA referencing
guidelines (available via FedUni li
ary academic support)
The word limit for each of the task is 1500 words (3000 words in total for two essays).
Marking criteria for this task is posted in Moodle.

Essay 1
In the 2001 Australian film The Bank, a bank CEO has hold of research suggesting with
certainty that a massive stock market crash is about to occur. Rather than publicise the advice
he suggests the bank take advantage and make a massive profit out of the crash. When a board
member suggests they have a duty to the public to release the information, he replies he only
cares about the shareholders – “They are our people. They are our ‘society’. The public can
take care of themselves.” (The Guardian, 5 Fe
uary, 2019)
Using the shareholder and stakeholder frameworks and the key concepts from the session on
ethics, law and morality
1. Present the strongest argument you can in support of the bank CEO's position.
2. Present the strongest argument you can against the bank CEO's position.
2 | P a g e

3. Which argument do you consider to be stronger? Why do you take this position?
Essay 2
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) stress the necessity of private businesses’ active
participation, appealing for their creativity and innovation to create value for the common good,
such as reducing poverty, eradicating hunger, and protecting biodiversity. Recent research
eveals that company’s involvement in SDGs is largely symbolic and intentional, rather than
substantive [van der Waal, J. W., & Thijssens, T XXXXXXXXXXCorporate involvement in Sustainable
Development Goals: Exploring the te
itory. Journal of Cleaner Production, 252, 1-11.].
Using the theories relating to corporate social responsibility and your understanding of United
Nation’s Agenda for sustainable development (2015), suggest why this is the case and what
companies can do to promote SDGs?
Essay 3.
In the course materials, we discussed the ways in which businesses and governments can
influence and impact each other. Discuss some of the specific ways in which a global mining
company such as BHP or Rio Tinto can influence governments and the specific ways in which
governments impact on their business/mining operations. Give examples of these impacts and
    Federation Business School
    Final Assessment, Semester 02, 2020
    BUGEN 2630 Principles of Responsible Business

Final Assessment Information BUGEN 2630 Principles of Responsible Management
Final Assessment Information
BUGEN 2630 Principles of Responsible Management
Dr. Abdul Moyeen
Federation Business School
March 2020
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
There will be three short essay questions in the assessment
You will require to answer two form those three options.
You will require to submit your answers via Moodle/Turnitin within 14 days. 
The total marks for the assessment is 50 (25x2). 
The questions will be based on the materials covered in weeks 4 -11. 
The questions will be devised to assess the interpretation and application of knowledge, comprehension skills, and critical thinking skills rather than only knowledge recall.
In supporting your arguments/views, you are required to use data from various sources including academic articles and professional reports.
You also need to cite the sources and present a list of references, following the APA referencing guidelines (available via FedUni li
ary academic support)
Use five sources (preferably 3 high quality, peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 professional reports such as reports published by the United Nations)
Final assessment questions including marking criteria will be released on the 10th of June.
Submit your tasks via Turnitin by 24th of June.  
The word limit for each of the task is 1500 words.
Essay 1
Stakeholder and shareholder theory [Movie - the Bank (2001]. While you do not need to watch the movie to write your essay, you are expected to make good use of theories and concepts covered in topics 6 and 7 (lecture weeks 6-7).
Essay 2
SDGs and how they can be promoted. Your understanding about sustainability, Triple Bottom Line, CSR, UN SDGs website and academic articles are valuable sources to prepare the essay.
Essay 3
Corporate Social Responsibility and it applies to business rights
esponsibilities to stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, government and employees). Academic articles, professional reports, and theories and concepts covered in topics 7-11 (lecture weeks 7-11) would be useful to prepare this essay.

Federation Business School
Final Assessment, Semester 02, 2020
BUGEN 2630 Principles of Responsible Business
Introduction (2.5 Marks)

If introduction is weak, and it does not clearly state the purpose of the essay XXXXXXXXXXmarks).
If the introduction clearly states the purpose of the essay, XXXXXXXXXXMarks).
Additionally, if the introduction outlines how the essay will be structured, using keywords from
the assignment XXXXXXXXXXmarks).
If the introduction additionally touches on the theoretical lenses used for analysis and what the
essay will seek to prove XXXXXXXXXXmarks)
Analysis, evaluation & recommendations (15 Marks)

If the analysis of the questions is incomplete; arguments/perspectives are not reinforced by
qualitative evidence/quantitative data; makes little or no connection between the issues
identified and business ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories, and if there is no/some
ealistic and appropriate conclusions
ecommendations are made, or the conclusions are made
with little support. (0-5 Marks)
If an analysis of most of the questions is presented; arguments/perspectives are largely
einforced by qualitative evidence/quantitative data but the reliability of evidence is
questioned; makes some appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issues
identified and business ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories; and generally realistic
and appropriate recommendations/conclusions are made with some support from business
ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories (Marks 5-9).
If a thorough analysis of most of the questions is presented; arguments/perspectives are largely
einforced by reliable qualitative evidence/ quantitative data; valid connections between the
issues identified and business ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories are made; and
specific, realistic and appropriate recommendations/conclusions are made, and generally well
supported by business ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories (Marks 9-12).
If a thorough and insightful analysis of each of the questions is presented;
arguments/perspectives are reinforced by highly reliable qualitative evidence/ quantitative data
collected from wider sources; valid and powerful connections between the issues identified and
usiness ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories are made; detailed, realistic and
appropriate recommendations are made and clearly supported by business
ethics/CSR/sustainability concepts and theories (Marks 12-15).

Research (5 Marks)

If there is limited/no evidence of research, and most sources are questionable XXXXXXXXXXMarks).
If the tasks are prepared with generally relevant research (three peer-reviewed high quality
academic journals, such as Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Business
and Society, Social Responsibility Journal, Journal of World Business, Academy of
Management Review) for two essays, plus 2‐3 professional reports, newspaper articles), but
some sources may be questionable XXXXXXXXXXMarks).
If the tasks are prepared using information with relevant research from credible sources (three
peer-reviewed high quality academic journals, such as Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of
Cleaner Production, Business and Society, Social Responsibility Journal, Journal of World
Business, Academy of Management Review) for both the essays, plus 2‐3 professional reports,
newspaper articles. (3-4 Marks).
If the tasks are prepared using information with extensive and relevant research from credible
sources (at least 3 peer-reviewed high quality academic journals, such as Journal of Business
Ethics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Business and Society, Social Responsibility Journal,
Journal of World Business, Academy of Management Review for both the essays, plus at least
2‐3 professional reports, newspaper articles XXXXXXXXXX)

Referencing (Marks 2.5)

If APA guideline is not used XXXXXXXXXXMarks).
If incomplete knowledge and application of APA guidelines XXXXXXXXXXMarks).
If APA guideline is used with minor inconsistencies to cite sources XXXXXXXXXXMarks).
If APA guideline is accurately and consistently used to cite sources XXXXXXXXXX)
Answered Same Day Jun 11, 2021 BUGEN2630


Abhinaba answered on Jun 21 2021
149 Votes
Running Head: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT                             1
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT                                     15
Table of Contents
Essay 2    3
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Theories related Corporate Social Responsibility    3
United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development    4
The issues regarding the Sustainable Development Goal as per the case study    4
Ways to promote Sustainable Development Goals    5
Conclusion    5
Essay 3    6
Introduction    6
Discussion    6
Influence of the global mining company on the Government    6
Impact of the Government Policies on the mining operations    7
Conclusion    8
References    8

Essay 2
    The importance of the sustainable development of the companies has come under the shade of light due to the past records of ups and down in the economic condition of the country. The necessity of establishing and developing a business in the way that it can support several strata of the society have become the concern for many country and the leaders of major companies. In this assignment through a case study provided the justification of the sustainable development be focused. To justify it in more effective manner the usage of the theories related to the CSR and the agenda of the UN on sustainable development is employed. Lastly, the ways is stated with the help of which the sustainable development goals can be promoted within the organization.
Theories related Corporate Social Responsibility
    The corporate social responsibility is the way the management of the business engages different models to deals with the social structure of the areas in the most careful manner. The basic idea of the models engaged by the management is to run the business, which is socially accountable, to their shareholders and to their stakeholders (Frynas & Yamahaki, 2016). The concept of the CSR can be well farmed and understood by the support of the theories related to the CSR.
1. The stakeholder theory, it is the direct competitive theory related to the shareholder value theory. The theory emphasis on the fact that the stakeholders of the companies have the vital role to play and needs not to be treated in the poor way. The ethical relationship with the stakeholders is to be maintained in an improved way by the management of the company as it outnumbered the shareholders (Frynas & Yamahaki, 2019). Similarly, the focus of this theory is on the social aspects that the management ought to consider rather than the corporate ideologies.
2. The business ethics theory, the theory focus on the ethical ideologies of the social responsibility that the business needs to incorporates. The moral and the social obligation of this theory is sub divided into three inte
elated ethical aspects. The first part is to identify problems and changes the certain variants for the betterment of the social problems. The encouragement of the universal social principles such as the encouraging social justice, human rights etc. are the second aspects of this theory. The employees of the companies are to be trained in the way it can provide changes in the social structure in the positive ways. With these three interlinked philanthropic ideologies, the CSR of the company deals with (De Roeck & Maon, 2018).
United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development
    The United Nation is the international platform for the political and the social discussion incorporates the major economies as well as the developing and the underdeveloped economies. The sustainable development of the business is the major criteria with the help of which the development of the nation in the different sector is possible (Desa, 2016). The major polices related to the sustainable development of the business has been adapted by the UN to encourage the global economy. The 17 major goals have been taken under consideration for the developing the state of the people, plant and prosperity. The agenda of the UN itself invokes the ideas according to which the importance of the stimulation of the social and the environmental factors for the overall factors is highly important. The social and the environmental factor has a large impact on the growth of the business thus ensuring the safe and the better usage of the two is the main focus of the UN directives resolved in the year 2015. The goals of the sustainable development also incorporate and reflect the integrated approaches for the government and the business to ensure the social responsibility along with the economic and the environmental responsibility is well met by the management (Rosa, 2017).
The issues regarding the Sustainable Development Goal as per the case study
    The case study that is provided to complete the assignment is showing the truth of majority of the companies who are keeping the CSR model as mere model in the paper work and only working for their own interest and development. The prime factor of the sustainable development as studied is the ideology the management follows to ensure the safe and the secure way of doing the business (Guija
o & Poyatos, 2018). The corporate social responsibility is also the ideology that is comprehended in the impact of the company on the society. As suggested in the case study when the CSR or the sustainable development is the mere structure that is present in the company and not an effective one, it is a major problem. As per the theories of the corporate social responsibility suggested the stakeholders plays a vital role in the company thus the prime focuser of the management to retain their business needs to focus on the stakeholders as well.
    However, when the same is remains in the mere documents and not in the substantive form, the problems starts to arise. The stakeholders consist of the employees, customers, the supply chain management and so on. When the company fails to give attention to their development, the overall developmental structure reduces into ruins (Salvia, Leal Filho, Brandli & Griebeler, 2019). Moreover when the stakeholders are ill-treated or not given their deserved value the company tends to lose their stakeholders and resulting in the creation of the huge void in the place. Thus, it is importance to have a substantive idea of the CSR and not only in the symbolic manner. Similarly, the maintenance of the ethics in the business plays a vital role in the growth of the company. The social and the environmental aspects are much required to be responsible and ethically dealt with.
    When the misuse of both begins, results can be harsh. For example, the most renowned Sta
ucks can be also termed were the coffee giant. It is responsible for serving millions of people, all around the world in the most effective way and growing its market in every now and then. The engagement of the company in maintaining of the CSR and the goal of maintaining the sustainable development is the beneficial factor for it. The ethical and socially responsible plantation as well as giving importance to the stakeholders by the company...

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