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1 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M © Laureate International Universities 2016 Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject code HOS302A Subject name Resort and Spa management...

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1 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M
© Laureate International Universities 2016
Assessment Brief
Program Bachelor of Business
Subject code HOS302A
Subject name Resort and Spa management
Assessment title Assessment 3 - Essay
Group or individual assessment Individual
Length 2000 words (not including tables)
Learning outcomes addressed f)
Submission date Week 11
Total marks 120
Weighting 40%
Assessment Brief:
1. This assignment must be prepared and submitted individually; the work you submit must
e your own.
2. You should include a reference list (which contains a minimum of 4 academic sources
and a minimum of 2 non-academic sources). Incorporated in this reference list are all
academic sources (ie. textbooks, peer reviewed journal articles, conference papers or
theses) and all non-academic sources (ie. websites, newspapers, trade magazines,
newsletters, blogs and articles that have no bibliography or other references) you use to
prepare your answers.
Assessment Outline:
Critically analyse 3 cu
ent issues or challenges that affect the Resort and Spa industry. In
your essay, include discussion on each issue or challenge in detail and formulate a solution
to and recommendation for each issue or challenge.
Analyse the effect you believe that 5 emerging trends within the Resort and Spa industry
have on the future of the industry and provide justification for your perspective. Your
concluding paragraphs should synthesise your main points.
2 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M
© Laureate International Universities 2016
Marking Guide:

High Distinction
ent issues or challenges (3)
are critically analysed
Detailed discussion of each
issue or challenge
Formulation of solutions and
ecommendations for each issue
or challenge
Analysis of emerging trends (5)
within the resort and spa
Justification of effects of trends
on the future of the resort and
spa industry

High Distinction
Essay structure (clear, logical
and topics connected)
Total points /120 points
Marking criteria
High Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%
Outstanding quality of work
Outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application
Evidence of in-depth relevant research, reading, analysis and original and creative
thought demonstrated
APA referencing system is used and is consistent and accurate at all times
Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%
Superior quality of work
Superior integration and understanding of theory and application
Evidence of in-depth relevant research, reading, analysis and evaluation
APA referencing system is used and is consistent and accurate with minimal e
Credit 65 – 74%
More than satisfactory quality of work
More than adequate understanding of theory and application
APA referencing system is used competently
Pass 50 – 64%
Satisfactory quality of work
Satisfactory understanding of theory and application
Use of APA referencing system is evident
Fail 0 – 49%
Unable to demonstrate satisfactory quality of work and understanding of theory and
Use of APA referencing system is not evident
3 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M
© Laureate International Universities 2016
Answered Same Day Apr 29, 2020 HOS302A


Akansha answered on May 03 2020
146 Votes
Resort & Spa Management
Unit Code
Professor’s Name
Introduction    3
Resort and Spa Management    3
Conclusion    6
References    8
Resort and spa industry is a part of the hospitality industry which is a
oader field in the service industry which consists of lodging, transportation, event management, cruise and other fields of the tourism industry. The industry is dependent on two factors for its revenue generation i.e. vacation time and income that is available to dispose of. The hospitality industry is producing multibillion dollars over the world year by year (Lee, 2017). The base dimension on which the hospitality industry is established is customer service. There are mainly three segments of hospitality industry, i.e. food and beverage, accommodation, travel and tourism. Resort and spa industry comes under the tourism and accommodation sectors. This essay describes the cu
ent trends in the resort and spa industry, analyze the statistics of the industry, identify challenges that the industry is facing and future trends that will continue to affect the industry.
Resort and Spa Management
A resort can be defined as a commercially established isolated place where people go to spend their vacations or holidays with family and friends, that provides the customers with their amenities such as food, accommodation, wellness, sports, recreation, shopping and entertainment, on the location. One of the wellness services provided by this generation resorts is Spa services. A spa has been defined by the International Spa Association as a place that is devoted to the well-being of the people through their different professional services which enhances the rejuvenation of mind, spirit and body. In general terms, it offers a variety of services such as massages, steam and sauna, body care, facials etc. for body recreation, relaxation and health management. The statistics of the wellness tourism industry show the increased importance of health and wellbeing amongst people nowadays. About one out of five travellers are booking a wellbeing holiday in 2018 which was one since last ten years. In 2017, the world wellness tourist industry accounted for about 563 billion dollars with 700 million trips a year. Studies reveal that consumers are including health and wellness for their holidays and learn something new to incorporate into their lives. The pharmaceutical industry is just one-third of the wellness industry this year. A small pool and gym in a resort are not enough to sustain in the competition in 2018. Holistic wellness is the mantra for the success right now. Even international airports are establishing spas to consider wellbeing tourism. Considering the cu
ent trends, Hilton introduced in-room facilities like gyms in its chain of hotels, vitamin c infusion showers for wellness etc.
Figure: 1 Statistics on global wellness industry
As every industry has certain success components so do they have certain challenges with every ongoing period. Resort and spa industry also has few challenges that pose a threat to its sustainability. We will discuss three of the major challenges of the industry here. The first challenge is that the industry has to cater to the needs of the Millennials. Millennial can be attributed to the generation Y and generation Z in the age group of 18-34 of this century. It is expected that by the year 2025, 50% of the traveller group would represent millennials. Hence, the resort and spa industry has to take care of the needs, personality and habits of this part of the demographic group, for example, they are a keen traveller, they can adopt technology very quickly, and they need customized services and spontaneity (Bharwani and Butt, 2012). Millenials are the toughest to please. If they are satisfied, they in turn actively help in promoting the business of that resort and spa on social media and through word of mouth. At least 9 percent of...

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