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This is an individual project. If possible, it should be based upon your own organisation as this will grant you better access to research resources and stakeholders. You will conduct secondary...

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This is an individual project. If possible, it should be based upon your own organisation as this will grant you better access to research resources and stakeholders.

You will conduct secondary research to support the development of:

· A new entrepreneurial proposition for an organisation;

· Or an idea for an entrepreneurial start-up

· Applied/engaged research project.

The ‘proposition’ could relate to a new product or service; a new way of doing things; resolution of an issue; a new department; implementation of something that will change the way the organisation operates e.g. software and systems; the introduction of a new philosophy relating to human resources, production or quality.

You should provide a strong argument for this opportunity in terms of market justification, exploring relevant issues/context behind the idea, the business model/context of successful innovation, and the size and nature of the opportunity. The evidence for this justification is secondary research and academic literature.

There is one formal summative assessment (Element 010) of up to 12,000 words at module end.

You should note that:

· You are required to submit a Stage 1 Research Ethics Application Form and a screenshot of the results of your online ethics quiz to your Supervisor for submission to the Ethics Committee in order to be permitted to carry out secondary research. This should be done within the first few weeks of module start (see Canvas for the deadline). Neglecting to apply for ethical approval to conduct your secondary research is considered an academic offence which could result in you failing the module. Any such instances where ethical approval has not been sought will be reported to the Faculty’s Director of Studies for consideration under Regulations 10.10 ix (Academic Regulations, 13th edition, August 2020).

1.1 Formative Feedback

You should submit your c. 3,000 word Project Proposal & Plan to your Supervisor for formative feedback via email. A template is available within the ‘Module Documents’ area on Canvas; click on the ‘Modules’ tab to access. The example assessments evidence how previous students have used the template. These are also within the ‘Module Documents’ area on Canvas. Refer to an Announcement placed at the start of the module within Canvas for the deadline for submission.

Whilst not mandatory, submission of your PP&P allows you to receive timely feedback on your initial ideas which will be useful in informing your continuing secondary research and write up of the various chapters of your action research project.

To earn up to 10 marks at module end as part of the summative assessment, you should append to your final project report:

  • Project Proposal & Plan which was sent to Supervisor part-way through the module for formative feedback. There is no requirement to amend the PP&P (up to 5 marks).
  • A table outlining how you addressed your supervisor’s feedback, to include justification of any feedback that you might have disregarded (up to 5 marks).

Note that your Project Proposal & Plan does not need amending following receipt of formative feedback from your Supervisor. You will use their feedback to inform your continuing work on your project and as already stipulated you will append a table to your project report outlining how you utilised your Supervisor’s feedback.

1.2 Summative Assessment

There is a single formal summative assessment (Element 010) of up to 12,000 words at module end which is comprised of three elements:

a. Action research project report (10,000 words);

b. Oral video presentation reflecting on learning (10 minutes - equivalent to 2,000 words);

c. Ethics application form and quiz result appended to project report and not included in word count.

a. Action Research Project Report

You are required to submit a 10,000 word action research project report via Canvas at module end.

You will undertake an action research project focused on understanding and supporting entrepreneurial action in practice. This is to be undertaken on an individual basis and could be an applied/engaged research project to address an immediate organisational issue, an enterprise consultancy project which addresses an opportunity or challenge faced by an entrepreneurial organisation or researching and developing a new business proposition or idea.

This project needs to provide you with an opportunity to understand and manage how to move from opportunity to idea, to action. This could relate to your study or employability interests and/or current interests within the entrepreneurial management field.

In undertaking the project, students are expected to:

(i) source their own opportunity or idea,

(ii) develop a case for why this opportunity to idea is worthy of consideration as a project, particularly in terms of its value to the appropriate community of practice,

(iii) develop a project plan to ensure completion within the identified timescales,

(iv) acquire the appropriate resources and internal and external support to develop and deliver the project,

(v) manage the project in terms of moving from idea to action and

(vi) reflect on the development of the project against key themes in the academic and grey (i.e. policy and practice) literature related to being enterprising, the role of the individual in moving an idea from concept to action; and the influence of the entrepreneurial task environment.

The deadline for submission of a draft of your completed project report for formative feedback via email to your supervisor is communicated on Canvas in the form of an Announcement.

As per the Feedback Policy on this module your supervisor is only permitted to comment on up to 20% of your completed project report draft.

When you email your supervisor with your draft you MUST highlight which areas you specifically want feedback on and why. You should also include your own assessment of your report against the marking criteria. A template is provided as part of the assessment tasks to help you with this.

If you do not specify what 20% you want feedback on (and why), providing a copy of your self-assessment, your supervisor will not provide you with formative feedback.

b. Oral Video Presentation

The oral video presentation should be 10 minutes long and is equivalent to 2,000 words along with the accompanying PowerPoint slides.

The presentation provides you with an opportunity to reflect upon your learning with the objective of being able to confidently articulate your learning and module outcomes/achievements to current and future employers, thus helping you to develop and hone important skills required in the workplace.

Many employers seek confident candidates and use presentations as a part of their selection procedures. Some organisations use staff presentations frequently for progress reports, staff appraisal and development. Preparing and delivering presentations as a student can help you to be a more competent and confident candidate for interviews. They offer opportunities to develop your team working and project management skills. You will have to work to deadlines and take responsibility for delivering an outcome of your work. You will improve your research, design, and communication skills as well as your general presentation skills. A student presentation such as this helps to prepare you for future employment and your ongoing professional development in the workplace.

Your presentation should address:

# Synopsis of project objectives, the rationale for selection, and summary of outcomes.

# Critical reflection on your experience of undertaking a major project and how your learning might inform your future practice professionally.

# Reflection on the development of your entrepreneurial competency skills, providing evidence to support assertions made.

# What next – to continue to develop your personal and organisational entrepreneurship?

Slide and verbal clarity and coherence are also taken into consideration when marking with marks apportioned as follows:

  • Up to 10 marks awarded for the video presentation.
  • Up to 10 marks awarded for the PowerPoint slides.
Answered 34 days After Feb 18, 2022


Anurag answered on Mar 24 2022
109 Votes
Table of Contents
Background Of the Study    3
Statement of the Problem    3
Aims And Objectives of The Study    4
Research Questions, Aims and Objectives    5
Justification of the Study    5
Significance of the Study    5
Literature Review    6
Research Design and Methodology    7
Entrepreneurial Approach to B2B Channel Partners    9
Project Plan    11
Risk Management    11
References    13
Background Of the Study
Business-to-business organizations are making new essential enablement interests to be better prepared to serve their store network accomplices while expanding deals and upgrade consumer loyalty in an assortment of market circumstances. A buyer organization in the B2B organization structure represents customers, often known as buyers in B2B firms. Individual users who are members of buying groups must register using that organization's name. A seller company is formed to own all of the companies that own storefronts. Because of the cu
ent longing for new pioneering approaches in the B2B business, the need to either improve or take on better organization procedures must be portrayed as pressing and henceforth important. Scarcely any investigations have investigated the pioneering way to deal with Business-to-Business Channel Partners Sales Performance Enablement and Engagement Strategies to help Organization X's new strategic agreement improvement.
A seller company is formed to own all of the companies that own storefronts. Seller administrators are those who administer the store's functions (for example, customer service representatives, catalogue and product managers) and are part of the seller organization (de Jong et al., 2021). To own the shop, a child organizational unit (OU), B2B organization, is developed under the seller organization (Business). A buyer organization in the B2B organization structure represents customers, often known as buyers in B2B firms. Individual users who are members of buying groups must register using that organization's name. The root organization becomes the ancestor of all other organizations in the company. The root owns the site administrators who keep it up to date. Therefore, this optional exploration concentrate on supports the production of Organization X's present business offer. Subsequently, the discoveries of this exploration study will be utilized to advance a pioneering opportunity that fulfils the guidelines of module MOD007666 entrepreneurial action.
Statement of the Problem
Channel accomplices are very much aware that shrewd ventures that give them upgraded worth and profits for their administration giving are alluring. In fact, the rise of new issues, for example, high retail estimating and stressed connections can be a wellspring of shortcoming. The channel accomplices' demands for additional ground promoting actions pointed toward upgrading
and acknowledgment as well as unrivalled similarity with other advertising apparatuses and administrations to create a profitable B2B organization. Accordingly, this auxiliary Action research project on an Entrepreneurial Approach to B2B Channel Partners Sales Performance Enablement and Engagement Strategies will support the advancement of another business suggestion for Organization X, whose significant business is B2B.
Aims And Objectives of The Study
Furthermore, the study will give information to help the research task's principal objective, which is to lay out an entrepreneurial way to deal with B2B channel accomplices deals execution enablement and commitment methodologies to assist Organization X with growing new business recommendations. Different channel ennoblements will be created for this reason, going from the research to supporting association X's improvement proposition support by enabling channel accomplices to
ing issues to light of the association's latest recommendation. Therefore, the overall objective will be upheld by particular objectives got from autonomous study factors. Likewise, this research would investigate entrepreneurial strategies to empowering B2B channel accomplices' business achievement, as well as commitment that would uphold the foundation of an emanant business suggestion for Organization X.
Likewise, this research will utilize a blended strategies approach that will contain both subjective and quantitative information. The subjective and quantitative information will then be exactly acquired from auxiliary sources, for example, the development records of other B2B entrepreneurial firms, different existing business sector archives from other firms, and distributions by other researchers who should have led comparable business venture studies. Notwithstanding the accessibility of a wide scope of Entrepreneurial Approach parts for B2B, Channel Partners, Sales Performance Enablement, and Engagement Strategies, the extent of this research will be restricted to five factors: serious forcefulness, inventiveness, opportunity acknowledgment action, and hazard taking. Furthermore, the literature evaluation for the research undertaking will be driven by a theoretical structure that will incorporate three entrepreneurial methodology theories, including stewardship theory, game theory of rivalry, and dispersion theory of advancement (Torfing & Bentzen, 2020).
Research Questions, Aims and Objectives
This research will endeavour to resolve the issues of the fundamental factors that direct Entrepreneurial Approaches to B2B ventures, Channel Partners Sales Performance Enablement, and suitable Engagement procedures that advance the improvement of another strategic agreement for Organization X. It additionally aims to give a system to settling on Organization X venture choices by conceptualizing the manners by which these different sorts of methodologies empower more proficient and powerful selling and showcasing.
Justification of the Study
This research project is justified in light of the fact that the discoveries will be helpful to an assortment of individuals, including Organization X's administration and partners, policymakers, the public authority, business visionaries in other pertinent organizations, and future researchers and academicians. Furthermore, this research will fill in as a springboard for future research into entrepreneurial B2B techniques, channel accomplice deals execution enablement, and commitment procedures that advance another business suggestion for organizations. Likewise, the study will fill in as an asset for future research and understudies on significant themes.
By focusing on the Entrepreneurial Approach to B2B, Channel Partners Sales Performance Enablement, and Engagement Strategies that advance another business recommendation for organizations, the study will add to the business venture literature for future research. Subsequently, the research study's primary commitment to future researchers and academicians will be to work on their understanding of how business person approaches empower channel accomplices' business execution, as well as commitment procedures to help associations and new business suggestion improvement.

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