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This is an HTML, and PHP assignment here it says to upload files in specific folders. Pls follow all the requirements and name the folders as specified. there is website called twa site I have...

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Technologies for Web Applications COMP2020
Autumn 2022 Page 1 of 2
Practical Set 2
Due: 7.00pm Friday 20th May 2022 Weight: 20%
• This assessment is not a group assessment; collusion, plagiarism, cheating of any kind is not acceptable.
Submitting your work to your TWA site signifies that the work uploaded is yours. If you cannot honestly certify
that the work is your own then do not upload it to your TWA site. Breaches of the Misconduct Rule will be
dealt with according to the university policy (see the learning guide for more information).
• Include code comments for your student ID, Name, and Practical Class Time at the top of each source file
created (all html, css, php files)
• All files must be uploaded to your TWA web site in the co
ect location before submission due date.
• The submission process:
o All files must be uploaded to your TWA web site in the co
ect location before submission due date.
o Ensure that you allow sufficient time to complete the entire submission process before the due time.
The 7pm cut-off time will be adhered to when determining late penalties.
o See Submission Instructions at the bottom of this page for full details.

This assessment is an accumulation of weekly practical exercises from week 8 and week 10. Practical Set 2
comprises the following exercises:
Exercise Questions Marking Criteria
A. Week 9 practical
Exercise 2 [2 marks]
Exercise 3 [4 marks] Code
B. Week 10 practical Co
Exercise 3 [1.5 marks]
Exercise 4 [4.5 marks]
Exercise 5 [8 marks]
All files relating to the above exercises must be uploaded to your TWA web site in the co
ect folders – see the
weekly practical exercise documents for details.
Submission Instructions

Has been given in a separate word file called twa site instructions
Technologies for Web Applications COMP2020
Autumn 2022 Page 2 of 2
Referencing must follow the guidelines given in Section 2.5.2 of the unit Learning Guide. Examples are shown in the FAQ in the
TWA vUWS site.

Marking Criteria and Standards (Ru
The marking criteria and standards for Practical Set 2 are found in section 2.5.2 in the Learning Guide (reproduced below) and will
e used to assess each question in this Practical Set according to the specific weightings identified above for each

CRITERIA Unacceptable Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
Functionality and
Functional item(s)
do not execute
ecause of e
Functional item(s)
executes but with
some e
ors or
Functional item(s)
executes without
ors and handles
some special cases
ectly; the
functional item(s)
contains most
or checking
code as required
y the question;
output is co
for at least 50%
of marking test
cases; output is
well organised for
some function
points and is
generally easy for
the user to
Functional item(s)
executes without
ors and handles
most special cases
ectly; the
functional item(s)
contains most
or checking
code as required
y the question;
output is co
for at least 75%
of marking test
cases; output is
well organised and
is mostly easy for
the user to
Functional item(s)
executes without
ors and handles
all special cases
ectly; the
functional item(s)
contains thorough
or checking
code as required
y the question;
output is co
for all marking test
cases; output is
very well
organised and is
easy for the user
to understand
output is co
ect handles some
(See weighting for
each question in
table on page 1)
for less than 25%
of marking test
cases; no e
special cases
ectly; the
functional item(s)
checking code contains very
included as minimal e
required by checking code as
question; output is required by the
simply dumped to question;
the screen without functional items(s)
any semblance of output is co
logic or thought – for at least 25%
the user would be of marking test
confused by this cases; output is
output simple written to
the screen without
any clear
organisation or
thought - the user
would find it hard
to understand

* As a special case, if a program does not render or execute it is still possible to receive partial marks in this criterion at the
markers discretion. This is dependent if there are clear attempts at the logic or what is required of the question or task.

TWA site link
User name : twa107
Password Kwsbuajz (case sensitive K is capital)
After login Click practicals folder
Once done you will see
Uplaod all the file in this related folder say upload all the exercises which has been asked in Pracset 2 document
Eg: week 9 folder upload – exercise 2 and 3
Week 10 folder upload- exercise 3 , 4 and 5
In CSS folder – put week9style CSS file _ link that CSS file in week 9
In CSS folder – put week10style CSS file _ link that CSS file in week 10
In java script folder put java codes – link it to relevant week in html (only if given)
Do in all folder week 9 and 10
Also use tables .php file has specified
Makes sure all the images and Css and html, php is work properly in all the exercises
This a very clear eg: for how the TWA site works
Once you upload all the html files click on the html file you can see the web page of what you created see in pic below
If you click on the star icon you can edit the html.file there only
Edit, save, delete
Answered 2 days After May 11, 2022


Salony answered on May 13 2022
110 Votes

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