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This is a question and answer paper. Provide answers and references and a link to where the references were retrieved from. Thanks

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This is a question and answer paper. Provide answers and references and a link to where the references were retrieved from. Thanks
Answered Same Day Jul 03, 2020


Amar answered on Jul 05 2020
144 Votes
Running Header: Patient Case Questions                        1
Patient Case Questions        5
Patient Case Questions
Patient Case Questions
Patient Case Questions #1
Nifedipine represents the group of drugs refe
ed as calcium channel blockers (PDR, 2018). The same works in the manner of relaxing muscles in one’s heart as well as blood vessels (PDR, 2018). Nifedipine in the context of the specific patient is being used for treating hypertension, that is, high blood pressure, as well as angina, that is, chest pain (PDR, 2018).
Patient Case Questions #2
Lisinopril represents the group of drugs refe
ed as ACE inhibitors (Sukalo et al., 2016). ACE refers to angiotensin converting enzyme (Sukalo et al., 2016). Lisinopril in the context of the specific patient is being used for treating hypertension and the congestive heart failure (Sukalo et al., 2016).
Patient Case Questions #3
Paroxetine is the psychotropic drug that is orally administered (FDA, n.d.). Paroxetine in the context of the specific patient is being used for treating anxiety issues faced by him (FDA, n.d.).
Patient Case Questions #4
The concerned provider of health care grasps skin over the backside of hand in between two of the fingers such that the same is noted to be tented up (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). The skin shall be held in for few seconds and later released (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). The said assessment aids in evaluating the hydration status, or else, fluid volume concerning the patient. Dehydration shall be demonstrated in the clinical manner by way of the higher temperature, lower BP, and, evaluated HR...

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