Preeti answered on
Apr 26 2020
Trust for Nature: Challenges and its dealing
Victoria Marles, CEO and lawyer of the Victoria based ‘Trust for Nature’, established in 1972, with the goal of protecting private lands having long terms conservation value through adopting covenants and other legal tools or methodologies. Over the last 45 years, Trust for Nature is dedicated for protecting and restoring places allowing wildlife, native plants and species to live, grow and thrive sustainably. While operating as one of the oldest conservation organisation in the country, Trust for Nature has succeeded in securing around 100,000 hectares on private land, rarest species, critically endangered bird emblem, wildlife and rarest native plants (About us: Protecting biodiversity on private land across Victoria, 2018).
In this process of conservation and protection, CEO and Trust for Nature faces several challenges, in terms of building awareness among private land owners regarding critical role their private land has in achieving landscape and strategic wide conservation, searching and developing innovative private land conservation approaches and seeking participation of private land owners, and rapid pace of climate and ecosystem changes. All these challenges are central to the functioning of Trust for Nature, asking CEO coming up with new and innovative solution.
Key challenges faced by organisation, and, how they have dealt with those challenges
A) Lack of awareness among private land owners
At times, it has found that private land owners with less education and knowledge are not able to understand the mission and strategic goal of the organisation therefore depict reluctance in joining hands or collaborating with Trust for Nature leaders in protecting native plants and wildlife. The private land owners perceive that ecologists who make visit to their lands intend to transfer ownership of lands to government officials or authorities. The ecologists prohibit cultivation of certain species, mandate for growing non-indigenous vegetation, ask for subdivision of lands, prohibit grazing by livestock, and many more, which act as major impediment in managing private lands (Sabto, 2014).
In this context, Trust for Nature launched several awareness and knowledge program, such as State-wide Conservation Plan for Private Land in Victoria, Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC), etc for developing awareness among public for evaluating conditions of native flora and fauna on property, presence and evaluating rare and endangered species, size and shape of the land, and evaluating ecological integrity of the private lands. These plans and programs are run for developing awareness among public that Trust for Nature is established for assisting private land owners through providing systematic approach and planned way to protect and conserve their lands and species. The main notion of these plans and programs is to impart with modern-day conservation skills and techniques ranging from growing indigenous or non-indigenous vegetation, allowance and non-allowance of grazing, and many more (Ecosystems: Victoria's...