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This is a case study assignment of ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY APPROACHES. The topic for this is MARK AND SPENCER and their PLAN A, sustainability program. I Have the assignment outline with...

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This is a case study assignment of ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY APPROACHES. The topic for this is MARK AND SPENCER and their PLAN A, sustainability program. I Have the assignment outline with all the details but I'm adding up whats required.1. The assignment structure should be as by the outline.2. There are 8 lecture slides and points should be used only from them.3. Proper referencing.the assignment needs to be precise and including every aspect of critics on how they successfully managed capitals and created sustainability value for their stakeholder through its plan A.Im Attaching the CASE, outline for the assignment and in total 7 slides to be followed.
Answered Same Day May 26, 2020 MGT70003


Akansha answered on May 27 2020
148 Votes
Running Head: Sustainable approaches of Marks and Spence
The project is about the scrutinizing of sustainability approaches of Mark and Spencer within the plan A.
The introduction part highlights the
ief introduction of the critical issues which need to be strategized to protect it to meet the needs of the present generation but also saves it for the future generation. A
ief description of all critical issues involved in plan-A will be discussed.
The main body will explain all critical issues along with the innovative strategies and techniques to reduce the cost of the production.
The conclusion will be added in the end to find the findings of the fact.
The given project will highlight the critical analysis of business sustainability approaches of Mark and Spencer. Various sustainable issues will be identified along with its appropriate solution which is a matter of concern for the general public. The project will explain the four key areas; energy efficiency, water usage, waste food material, and consumers.
The first key area that is energy will be
oadly explained how it increases the cost of production and increasing ca
on emission.
The second area is the use of water which is a serious problem as the companies are wasting the water to produce their products. It will describe the strategy how different strategy can be used to reduce the use of water to save it to meet the needs of present and future generations.
The third area is reducing the waste products created by the company in its all 632 stores. It will describe the techniques to use the waste for recycling to use for the productive purpose.
The fourth area will be consumers who will describe that awareness must be created to inform the users about the bad and good effects of the products. Nowadays, customers are very health conscious and want to know what type of food products are different company’s offers.
The introduction of Plan A will be discussed that how it helps to overcome the above-discussed issues. The plan A focuses on to be natural and protect the environment in best possible manner.
The conclusion will be added in the end to find the findings of the fact.
Mark and Spencer are one of the leading retailers in the UK with around 20 million visiting and exploring their stores every week. The company mainly offers home products and food products as well as clothing to its perspective and potential customer in 35 product lines along with 71,000 staff employed in the 622 stores (Rose, 2007).
Nowadays, the customers are very conscious about environmental and ecological issues. So, due to this Mark and Spencer
ings Plan A which focuses on using the more natural resources. The pan A comprises of 180 solution commitments to get rid of coming challenges. Many issues like waste reduction, ethical trading, climate change, health and sustainable raw material the company is doing and putting many efforts to tackle these obstacles. The company has decided to go with nature and environment (Stanley, 2017).
The Mark and Spencer have faced many issues when the prices for the ba
el of the crude oil increase after the Iraq war which increases the transport and production cost (Stewart, 2014). The increased prices badly affect the budget of the company and increase the cost of products which lowers the sales and profit directly. The situation forces the managers to rethink with a new and innovative strategy to get relief with this particular problem. After that, the UK government has decided to introduce a ca
on trading strategy for the retailers to manage their budget with the low pricing strategy. The Mark and Spencer have successfully adopted the ca
on trading scheme, and it has increased the use of ca
on footprints year by year. The strategy helps the company to save transportation and production cost effectively which also helps in reducing the cost of the product that increases its sales and maximizing the profit of the business operation.
The Mark and Spencer is a very responsible company which does not only work to increase profit but also help in sustaining the economy by attributing different strategies and techniques to avoid sustainable issues. Water is very crucial for the human being to live their life, nobody can think of their life without it. The wastage of the water by the companies may lead to the scarcity of water after some years. The M&C has analyzed the issue and work to use...

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