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This discussion focuses upon our theme for the week: Special Topics: Technology & Human Capital; Risk Management, Corporate Responsibility.As we bring this course to a close, we have had the wonderful...

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This discussion focuses upon our theme for the week: Special Topics: Technology & Human Capital; Risk Management, Corporate Responsibility.

As we bring this course to a close, we have had the wonderful opportunity to dive into an array of topics that have helped us understand and implement strategies for leading and influencing human capital for organizational performance. Our theme is focused on technology and how it has influenced Human Resources, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Risk Management. Of the three areas mentioned above, discuss the one topic that you believe has been most influenced and changed by technology.

Clearly and concisely explain your response.

Answered 3 days After Aug 19, 2023


Deblina answered on Aug 22 2023
30 Votes

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