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This chapter discusses tensions between ideal and real culture in attitudes and practices linked to conventional attractiveness and honesty. Can you think of other cases where ideal and real cultures...

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This chapter discusses tensions between ideal and real culture in attitudes and practices linked to conventional attractiveness and honesty. Can you think of other cases where ideal and real cultures collide?

What is cultural capital? What, according to Bourdieu, is its significance in society? How does one acquire valued cultural capital, and how is it linked to the reproduction of social class?

Answered 140 days After May 22, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Oct 10 2022
74 Votes
Table of Contents
Solution 1    3
Solution 2    3
Solution 3    3
Solution 4    4
Solution 5    4
References    6
Solution 1.
Ideal culture is a mandatory custom which are the society adheres to and the culture which we must follow. But real culture is the one which we follow in our everyday lives. Ideal culture states that the women should stay in home and work as a housekeeper. On the contrary, the ideal culture will suggest that the women are the caretakers of children while the men are the
ead earners.
The other cases where the ideal and real culture collides is when a person is willing to attend a church and visits there for praying but while coming all the way, he has to complete the work scheduled earlier (Drey, 2003).
Solution 2.
It is mass media which plays a significant and paradoxical role for the development of the society. This is due to the fact that television is being watched by everyone. Thus, it makes storylines in the form of soaps and theatres for
ainwashing the viewers which encourages us to think in a different way that the things displayed on television are reality. Further, mass media is considered as the fourth pillar which helps in edifying and influencing as well as indirectly governing the public affairs in a democratic society. Also, mass media has power to educate people and instruct them so that they are able to learn basic skills which helps to develop a specific standard of living in the society (Bhatt, 2020)
Solution 3.
Cultural capital is acquiring of knowledge, attitude and skills by a person which helps to demonstrate the cultural competence and structuring the social status of an individual (Cole, 2019). There is presence of cultural capital in the objectified state. This is refe
ed to as the material objects which are being owned by the individuals which are associated with the education, employment,...

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