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Thisassignment must be done in Khan Academy. New project link for Khan Academy below, Please see attached videos to understand the output of...

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Thisassignment must be done in Khan Academy.

New project link for Khan Academy below,

Please see attached videos to understand the output of the assignment

Starter code is given below,

Thank you

  • Start with a random # of randomly colored circles., then remove one circle at a time in draw() - so we need to clear the canvas area and redraw the remaining circles every time. Once the # of remaining circles become 0, restart the whole process - restart with another random # of colored circles and start removing one circle at a time.

  • Please look at the video1 for more clarity

  • The second part of the assignment is- once the # of remaining circles become 0 pause for few seconds before restart the whole process.Please look at the video2 for more clarity

The starter code is given here

Start with a random # (1 to 100) of randomly colored circles., then keep removing one circle at a time: we need to use draw() and clear the canvas area and redraw the remaining circles every time. Once the # of remaining circles become 0, restart the whole process - restart with another random # of colored circles and start removing one circle at a time....

1. setupCircles will be a function that will start with a random number of circles 2. Wait until numCircles reaches certain negative value
3. Restart fresh by calling setupCircles again

var x = [], y = [], colors = [];
var numCircles = 0;
var rate = 10;
frameRate(rate); // 10 frames per second

var setupCircles = function() { //decide # of circles
numCircles = floor(random(1,100));

//let us empty the circles' data first. x = [];
y = [];
colors = [];

//populate the data for that many circles! };

draw = function() { //clear canvas background(255);


Answered 1 days After Apr 14, 2021


Prasun Kumar answered on Apr 16 2021
140 Votes
* Programming assignment - Part 1
* Runs on Khan Academy Processing JS
* By Colton Fults
initializing all the variables
var x = [], y = [], colors = [];
var numCircles = 0;
var rate = 10;
var i;
* resetting function
* it will reset all variables
* and generate random (x, y) coordinates
* and (r, g, b) colors of circles
var setupCircles = function() {
    numCircles = floor(random(1, 100));
    x = [];
    y = [];
    colors = [];
for (i = 0; i < numCircles; i++ ) {
this function runs repeatedly
draw = function() {

if the number of circles is zero, call the reset function
if (numCircles===0) {


draw all the circles & fill colo
for (i = 0; i < numCircles; i++...

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