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This assignment is pretty straightforward. If you can, make this one about pop culture. I want a summary of what you plan to make your research paper about. This summary needs to be at least half a...

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This assignment is pretty straightforward. If you can, make this one about pop culture. I want a summary of what you plan to make your research paper about. This summary needs to be at least half a page long (double spaced), including a tentative (subject to change) Thesis, and what your core argument is.

The proposal needs to answer these questions:

  1. What is the subject of the essay?

  2. What is the core argument?

  3. What is the thesis?

The proposal could also include these questions:

  1. How do you plan to research the information needed to back up this argument? Books, documentaries, interviews? What will that process for proving your argument look like?

  2. Why is this subject important to you?

  3. Why would this subject be critical to the audience?

  4. What are you, the writer, trying to convince the audience of?

Answered Same Day Mar 11, 2023


Shubham answered on Mar 11 2023
46 Votes
Pop culture refers to the collection of cultural phenomena that are widely circulated, consumed, and enjoyed by the masses. This includes forms of entertainment such as music, social media, fashion trends, movies and television shows. Pop culture is often associated with the tastes and interests of younger generations, and it is constantly evolving as new trends and fads emerge. Pop culture can be an interesting and valid topic for a thesis because it can provide insights into the attitudes, values, and beliefs of a particular society or subculture (Edensor, 2020). As a...

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