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This assignment is part of the continuous assessment and feedback. It is a group assignment with a maximum of three students. Please note again that as this is a group assignment and all students in...

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This assignment is part of the continuous assessment and feedback. It is a group assignment with a maximum of three students. Please note again that as this is a group assignment and all students in the group are expected to work together and to contribute equitably. 30 % marks have been allocated tothegroup based case studyreportprepared on the basis ofanalysis of the annual report of thecompanyallocated to the group and each student in a particular group will score same mark.

Due date of submission of assignment

Due date of submission of group assignment for all students is Friday week 9.

Late assignments

Extensions for assignments need to be made through Federation University’s special consideration procedures. Assignments submitted after the due date without special consideration granted, will be automatically penalised at a rate of 10% per day late. Assignments will not be accepted if more than five days late, unless prior approval has been given.


The educational objective of this task is to develop student capabilities to read, interpret and analyse financial statements; to apply international accounting standards; to prepare a report on corporate financial performance; and to make judgments on applying appropriate accounting standards to different business situations. Your report should demonstrate ability to access online corporate information and analysis of accounting information. This assignment will involve the use of corporate annual reports, analysis of the relevant information provided within the reports, compare and contrast the information with the requirement of relevant accounting standards and finally reporting your observations and conclusion.

Tasks involved

1. Choose the latest annual report for any one of the following companies

Your group shall be allocated latest annual report (2016 or 2017) of one of the following companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Your group is required to answer following assignment questions for the company selected in a report format and also compare the findings of your company ( wherever necessary) with another competing company from the same industry selected by your assignment group ( Preferably from ASX 200 companies available at )

1. AGL Energy Limited (Utilities)

2. Newcrest Mining Limited (Materials)

3. Qantas Airways Limited (Industrials)

4. Ramsay Health Care Limited (Healthcare)

5. RIO Tinto Limited (Materials)

6. TABCORP Holdings Limited (Consumer Discretionary)

7. Tatts Group Limited (Consumer Discretionary)

8. Telstra Corporation Limited (Telecommunication Services)

  • All annual reports are available on the website of these companies.
  • Choosing a company other than those mentioned above is not permitted.
  • All accounting standards are available on online database or these standards can also be accessed on AASB web site (

2. Draft a report incorporating the following points in relation to your selected company (not exceeding 2,000 words).

Company- Introduction, Business & operating activities, Finances and Financial performance

· Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments.

· Discuss the industry that the chosen company operates in. For example, is it a growing or declining industry; which are the main competitors of the company and what are they doing, etc. Ensure you discuss the implications of these factors.

· How the company is funded vis-à-vis internal or external sources? Critically analyse the financial structure of the company?

· Describe key elements of Financial Performance reported by the company in the annual report.

· Has this company reported any event that occurred after the reporting date? Describe the event.

· Were there any changes in accounting policies disclosed in the annual report? If yes, describe those changes.

Assets – PPE and Intangibles

· What is the carrying amount of each class of Property, Plant, and Equipment, at reporting date, of your company?

· Describe the accounting policies relating to Property, Plant, and Equipment adopted by your company.

· Identify the intangible assets reported by the company. Discuss their composition and relevance to the company’s business.

· Describe the accounting policies relating to Intangible Assets adopted by your company.

· Are any items of Property, Plant, and Equipment, and/or Intangible Assets of your company impaired? If so, identify which assets are impaired, and the amount of accumulated impairment losses.

Note: It is important to refer to relevant accounting standards in your report to score high marks in this group assignment.

Answered Same Day May 23, 2020


Aarti J answered on May 24 2020
141 Votes
Qantas Airlines
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Qantas Airlines
Executive Summary
Qantas Airlines is one of the oldest airlines of Australia which was founded in the year 1920. Since then the company has become one of the largest domestic and international airline of Australia. Qantas Airlines is known for its safety, excellence, operational ability and customer service. The company has shows positive performance over the years and has proven to be one of the biggest airlines of Australia. The company has five operating segments and includes Qantas domestic, Qantas international, Jetstar group, Qantas loyalty and Qantas freight. The company has improved on its capital structure slightly as compared to the year 2016. The company is highly governed with debt and ca
ied around 79% of debt which states that the 79% of assets are financed by debt. The company reported in its annual report that it strengthened its capital position through positive free cash flows and now around 60% of the fleets are now debt free with the asset base of $3.8 billion.
Qantas Airlines is one of the oldest airlines of Australia which was founded in the year 1920. Since then the company has become one of the largest domestic and international airline of Australia. Qantas Airlines is known for its safety, excellence, operational ability and customer service.
Different business segments
Qantas Airlines is known for its service and excellence in Australia. The company has different business segments in which it operates:
· Qantas Domestic: Qantas domestic is the segment which focus on the domestic airlines. It operates across Australia. In the year 2017, the company reported the revenue of $5632 million with the operating margin of 11.5%.
· Qantas International: Qantas international is the business segment which focus on international flights. In the year 2017, the company reported a profit of $327 million and the operating margin of 5.7%. The company recorded the revenue of this segment to be $5708 million.
· Jetstar Group: Jetstart group is the business segment of Qantas Airlines which offers value based, low cost network of airlines. There are certain segments within the group which includes Jetstar in Australia and New Zealand, Jetstar Asia, Jetstar Pacific, and Jetstar Japan. The segment offers more than 4000 flights a week and covers more than 75 destination across 17 countries. This segment was started in 2004 and has been successful since its inception. This segment recorded the revenue of $3600 million with the operating margin of 11.6%.
· Qantas Freight: Qantas freight is the air freight business of Qantas which...

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