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HIS 201 Midterm: Chapters 4-7 Please answer each question in complete sentences in the required word length (you may write more than the minimum). You may consult your textbook, but you may not quote...

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HIS 201 Midterm: Chapters 4-7
Please answer each question in complete sentences in the required word length (you may write more than the minimum). You may consult your textbook, but you may not quote from it. You do not need to cite it. You may not use the internet to find the answers. Any answers that are taken from the internet will mean that the entire test will be given a zero. Please feel free to type your answers underneath each of the questions in this file.
Chapter 4
1. Discuss the concept of “salutary neglect.” Why did Britain follow this policy, and how did it both work in their favor and come back to haunt them? (150 words)
2. Describe the ideological responses to George Grenville’s colonial policies. What impact did these responses have on the relationship between Parliament and the colonial assemblies? (150 words)
Chapter 5
3. What kinds of factors did the colonists have to consider when deciding which side of the Revolution to support? (150 words)
4. Who were the big winners and losers of the Treaty of Paris of 1783? What did the treaty definitively settle and what provisions left remaining questions? (150 words)
Chapter 6
5. It is sometimes assumed that because the Articles of Confederation were weak, they were unpopular. Discuss the merits and shortcomings of this statement. (150 words)
6. What major compromises were made at the Constitutional Convention, and what issues were settled? What issues remained unsettled? (150 words)
Chapter 7
7. Discuss the issues that led to the Ma
ury v. Madison case of 1803. What were the results of the decision, and what impact did it have on the Supreme Court and the country? (150 words)
8. Explain the impact of the Battle of New Orleans on the Treaty of Ghent and American perceptions concerning the end of the War of XXXXXXXXXXwords)
Answered Same Day May 30, 2021


Abhinaba answered on Jun 01 2021
153 Votes
Last Name:    2
Title: Answers of the Questions
Answer to Question 1    3
Answer to Question 2    3
Answer to Question 3    4
Answer to Question 4    4
Answer to Question 5    5
Answer to Question 6    5
Answer to Question 7    6
Answer to Question 8    6
Works Cited    8
Answer to Question 1
    Robert Walpole, Britain’s prime minister initiated salutary neglect policy. The main aim of the policy was to reduce the strict regulation over the trade schemes imposed mainly on the American colonies. This policy came into the year March 22, 1775 through a speech given by Edmund Burke in the House of Commons. Coming to the answer of the question ,it is to say here that during that time the British started losing holdover many colonies and around the year 1690 it was mostly associated with the salutary neglect that took place officially by in mid of the 1700s (Geloso). As during that period the British Government has no official policies in the colonies and the companies. Colonies, merchants and the others in the colonies used to govern themselves with less supervision by the British officials and only for this; the policy of salutary policy was implemented. This policy helped the British as it helped them in increasing money flow immensely from the colonies from the British.
Answer to Question 2
    George Greenville was a British Whig Statesman who raised prominence to the position of Prime Minister of Great Britain. He is best known for his most prominent policy that is known as the Stamp Tax in Great Britain. It was an act of standing tax in the Great tax in Great Britain, which Grenville extended to all the colonies of America. However it received enormous opposition from all the Britain’s American Colonies and due to that widespread protest later on it was withdrawn (Thornton).
    The stamp tax became very much popular among the colonists. The majority of the colonists considered it as the violation of the rights as Englishmen to be taxed without their consents- the consent that the colonial English legislatures could grant. The main slogan that was raised by them was” No taxation without representation”. Thus, the relation between the American Parliament and the colonists became very much toxic and finally the stamp tax policy was nullified.
Answer to Question 3
    Before taking the side of any particular revolution the colonists of America, they had to take go through...

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