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Analytical essay
Word Limit: 1700
Format: Essay
Reference Havard
Due Date 08/06/2022
Assessment 3 is an Analytical Essay that builds on the work undertaken in Assessments 1 and 2.
In Assessment 1, you were asked to critically reflect on a personal experience related to difference and diversity (e.g., sex, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, Aboriginality, class, dis/ability, faith, age, etc.). In Assessment 2, you were required to discuss a contemporary topic (social issue) of difference and diversity, demonstrate your understanding of one theory and key concept of difference and diversity, and develop a thesis statement articulating a clear argument on your topic.
For this assessment, you are required to write a 1500-word analytical essay that persuasively argues the thesis statement you have developed in relation to your chosen topic. Your argument should be informed by the theory of difference and diversity you discussed in the Scoping Paper and be supported by reference to appropriate academic literature. As this essay builds on the work completed in A1 and A2, you are welcome (but not required) to reuse your own written text from previous assessments and develop the ideas further based upon further reading and feedback. Your analytical essay should start with your thesis statement that identifies the topic (social issue) you have selected, the argument that you will develop throughout the essay, and the theory you will apply to build your argument. A strong argument convinces others that you have an interesting, well-informed point of view on your chosen topic. Your thesis statement is your interpretation of the issue that makes an argument others might agree with or challenge. The rest of the introduction should foreground the points you intend to make throughout the body of your essay. These points will support/demonstrate your argument, which will be developed across the body of your essay. To ensure a strong argument, you should make clear links to the chosen theory, key concept, and resources you have cultivated across Assessments 1 and 2 extended upon in this analytical essay.
Guidelines for writing an analytical essay Assessment 3 is an essay, which typically has three main components: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Throughout the essay, careful selection of headings and sub-headings helps to improve the structure and flow of the text. This suggested structure is a guideline only, and variations to this structure are acceptable-what is important is that the structure and style of the text coherently build ideas to support the main argument. The structure below is therefore a guide to organising the content required rather than a structure that must be followed.
1) Introduction: The Introduction should include a thesis statement that identifies the social issue you have selected, indicates the argument you will develop in the body of the essay, and indicates how the theory and key concepts will be used to support this argument. After reading the introduction, the reader should have a clear idea of the scope of the paper and the argument it will make. The argument stated here should take a clear position on the topic, rather than only describe the topic or be a statement of fact. The introduction should also contain a summary of the key points that will be discussed to support your argument throughout the paper.
2) Body of the paper: This is where the reader should be convinced of your argument. In the body of the paper, you will further develop the review of the relevant theoretical literature undertaken in the scoping paper. In this analytical essay, you will extend the theoretical literature you have already reviewed in Assessment 2 through the addition of new references and elaboration of key issues, debates, and complexities associated with your selected topic. You should do more than describe these issues and debates, but develop your views about them through careful reflection, analysis, and critique. You can use examples relevant to your topic to analyse and support your argument (e.g., news reports, films, books, magazines, policies and other documents, and personal or professional experiences), but again, 10 make sure to include reflection, analysis and critique through applying theory when discussing these examples. This section is evidence of your grasp of your topic and your capacity to work with a theory of difference and diversity to develop a sophisticated argument.
3) Conclusion: Sum up your discussion and reiterate your key points and arguments here. Clearly state how the theory and concepts you have worked with have informed your thinking. The conclusion should clearly restate the key argument or position developed in both the Introduction and in the Body of the paper. Do not introduce new points or arguments that haven’t been covered in the essay already. In your Analytical Essay, you are required to cite at least eight academic references, though care should be taken to ensure that all claims are supported by appropriate literature.
Answered 18 days After May 20, 2022 Macquaire University


Shubham answered on Jun 03 2022
100 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Argumentative Discussion on Violence against Transgender People    3
Conclusion    6
References    8
Transgender people and the gender diverse groups who have people identified with different gender other than what is assigned to them at birth face harassment and violence on a larger scale. As mentioned by Carter et al. (2020), the prevailing stigma in the society about transgender woman has made them extremely vulnerable to killings, high exposure to violence and other human rights violations and abuses (Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2021).
Since 2008, the numbers of murder for gender non-conforming persons are increasing at a steady rate around the globe. It was documented that 98% of transgender women are victims of violence. The rise is because of the fact that such cases are not concerning for law and government at large and therefore perpetrators are led free for their acts without thorough investigation.
The society in itself is so biased about their behaviour towards this section of people that prejudice, persistent stigma and discrimination led to the criminalisation of their expressions and identities. It has also increased their vulnerability in multiple folds by intersecting the marginalisation forms (Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2021). Transgender population have faced exclusion at social and economic level since ages and this became the root cause of violence against them. Adding to this they were restricted from accessing justice, which encouraged abuses and impunity acts of violence against them.
The basic human right, which allows an individual to stay mentally and physically healthy including sexual and reproductive health, are denied to transgender community. They cannot enjoy highest standard of adequate housing and living and education. The right to bodily autonomy is violated and certain global events such as pandemic aggravated their condition with time (Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2021).
Reflection of previous work
This has reminded me of the experience I witnessed where one of the companion from the group was humiliated through derogatory comment on his personality and interaction with females. As a society we failed to understand his needs and way of social interaction. We have judged people from our own perspective without giving their perspective a due chance to put their requirements in front of others. My later interaction with that guy after few years again shook me to the core because despite understanding his condition I was not in a state to offer him any help and it made me even more helpless as a human being. I failed to understand despite questioning leaders from the society why equality is not there right and did not receive any satisfactory answers yet.
Argumentative Discussion on Violence against Transgender People
A research study on the sexual health of transgender population of Australia was conducted by Miller et al. (2020) threw some shocking revelations. The question on sexual violence and coercion was asked to participants with an option to bypass it. The question was- were they ever forced to do anything, which they never want to and 180 participants responded while others ignored it. These participants were those who were assigned female status at birth answered that as compared to non-binary people and Trans men they suffered more of coercion and sexual violence. They also reported cases in less numbers in comparison to non-binary participants (Valentine & Shipherd, 2018). The real condition is they do not seek help or talk to anyone on this. Anyone whose has experienced more incidents of coercion has tried to reach people. The situation is similar in countries like United States, Spain, Canada and other countries as well.
These participants also revealed that the sexual health education they received in schools was also of poor quality. They wished if the education was more structured, then they could have benefit out of that. School bullying is another violent act, which has stressed and pushed the children from transgender community into severe depression failing the objectives of schools to support and protect children as social institutions. These disappointments are a humiliation to Australia and ought not to be permitted to proceed (Hernandez, 2020). In any case, to do really that will require more activity than simply the extent of this bill, albeit this bill is expected as a feature of fixing the grave treacheries being committed against this piece of the local area.
Hospitals were also blamed to be the least sensitive about sexual health care of non-binary participants. As suggested by Johns et al. (2019) doctors, GPs, specialists are also not untouched from discriminatory practices because due to their set perceptions and Hippocratic Oath they are not even able to provide basic healthcare facilities to them. The services in regional and rural areas is even worse where medical facilities is not up to the mark and specialists can only be reached in metropolitan cities. There is no provision for dedicated community based testing services and there is lack of intervention from the government as well.
Statistics shows that one transgender individual in every three transgender people has suffered...

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