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this assignment about child labor. the question is what is child labor? an introduction about child labor and what is it?3 paragraph intro + what is child labor? + concussionIn this report i need you...

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this assignment about child labor. the question is what is child labor? an introduction about child labor and what is it?3 paragraph intro + what is child labor? + concussionIn this report i need you to use an article about child labor and put citation in paragraph.
Answered Same Day Apr 02, 2020


Nastiya answered on Apr 03 2020
145 Votes
Child Labo
Many children are exploited all over the world by putting them to hazardous work jeopardizing their health and life. Though there are some work which are not harmful or exploitive in nature many children are engaged in unacceptable work which violates child rights.
According to International Labor Organization, Child Labor can be defined as children engaged in such work that deprive the child from attending school and force him or her to leave school at very early age. Child labors are involved in heavy and lengthy work schedule which harm them mentally, physically and morally. (What is child labor (IPEC), Website title:
Children worldwide work in different sectors from agriculture to manufacturing, mining to domestic services. Mostly are drop outs from the school and forced to join work to survive themselves and their families. These children sometimes live in a vulnerable state, isolated and deprived of basic human rights.  In some extreme forms a child labor is drawn to slavery being isolated, traumatized and abused. AS per UNICEF data, between the age group of 5 to 17 there are 168 million children engaged in child labor. (To eliminate child labor, attack it at its roots, UNICEF says, Website title: UNICEF). Children from developing countries are more prone to child labor than that of developing countries. They work at nominal wage for their...

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