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Thesis Topic:. Banquet operation and Its contribution towards hotel revenue Objectives: Ø To know about the operation of the banquet. Ø To find the contribution of banquet towards the hotel’s...

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Thesis Topic:. Banquet operation and Its contribution towards hotel revenue


Ø To know about the operation of the banquet.

Ø To find the contribution of banquet towards the hotel’s revenue.

Ø To find importance of banquet operation in hotel.

Ø To know the working system and proper management of the banquet.

Keys points in thesis


We require the successful completion of the capstone project in order to satisfy institutional regulations for the award of your respective degree. The capstone project aims to ensure that students can build a thorough and substantiated reasoning. It is based on the identification of a key issue faced by companies.

More specifically, the capstone project must demonstrate the student's ability to:

1.Understand a situation or a phenomenon related to management issues in general.

Students must explain why this topic is important and pertinent from managerial perspective. They also need to specify its pertinence based on the context of the study.

2. Formulate a problem/research question related to this phenomenon.

This problem will indeed guide the overall capstone project, and needs to be answered at the end of the project. It will lead students throughout the process research (identify the key concepts, choose the theoretical / conceptual framework, choose the most appropriate methodology, etc.).

3. Literature of review/Present current/up to date knowledge of existing fields (Int’l Business, Entrepreneurship,

Finance, Marketing, etc.) which is consistent and pertinent regarding the topics and concepts

under study.

Students are expected to look for academic sources information necessary to position the research work in a theoretical / conceptual background. They also are required to identify their added-value or originality (known as “gap in the literature”).

4. Use appropriate methodologies for collecting and processing data.

Students are expected to know how to master research design, data collection and data analysis. This step enables students to answer their research objective and research question.

5. Present the findings in a structured and pertinent manner

Students are expected to present their findings in a way that helps to answer the research question and that highlights the originality and contributions of the capstone project both on theoretical / conceptual and managerial levels. Based on their findings, students are expected to suggest recommendations for companies.

Thesis Content

The thesis project is comprised of the following elements:

Ø A cover page

Ø Abstract (150 words ) and key words (5 maximum)

Ø Acknowledgement

Ø Table of Content (including the page numbers)

Ø An introduction ( Including the research question/ objectives)

Ø The main body of the capstone project (1. Desk based study 2. Empirical setting with methodology, data collection and data analysis 3. discussion and Implications)

Ø A conclusion ( remind the objective of the project, main finding related to the research question, contributions and limitations)

Ø Bibliographical reference (APA or Chicago style)

Ø Appendices

Ø Plagiarism and Diffusion Declaration Forms

The following section briefly describes the content of the project:

1. Cover page

The cover page must include the following elements: names of the authors, Diploma, title of the capstone project, name of supervisor, academic year and session of the defense (i.e., September 2016).

2. Abstract & key words

The abstract of the capstone project (150 words) summarizes the research problem, the methodology and the main results/findings.

3. Introduction

This section must specify the context of the research (Relevance of the topic and research problem, relevance

of the concepts and theoretical frameworks, relevance of the setting).The introduction must also identify the research question/objective. Finally, this section must present the structure of the capstone project (i.e., “The capstone project is structure as follows: first, we present ...”).

4. Desk based study

The desk-based study is based in the identification and analysis of relevant previous works. The state of the art presents the context (industry/country analysis) and the disciplines, concepts and/or theoretical frameworks related to the research question.

You should compare and contrast the views and conclusions of a wide range of authors and sources. The aim is to cover and discuss the total breadth of views on a particular subject.

There are certain key reporting verbs which are significant in their use:

Shows - can be used for reporting proven facts

Suggests - indicates you are neutral about the idea being presented

Argues - allows you to challenge or even disprove the idea later in the report

You must refer to authors who are acknowledged to have developed theories and models that you are using and to anyone who carried out research on which you base any part of your thesis. It is not acceptable to write about concepts and merely list a bibliography at the end. The use of ideas without citation is plagiarism and will lead to failure and disciplinary action.


- Begin the writing process by stating your ideas; then go back to the author's original work.

- Use quotation marks and credit the source (author) when you copy exact wording.

- Use your own words instead of copying directly when possible.

- Even when you paraphrase another author's writings, you must give credit to that author.

- If the form of citation and reference are not correct, the attribution to the original author is likely to be

incomplete. Therefore, improper use of style can result in plagiarism.

- It is mandatory for your work to be proofread in a professional manner

5. Methodology

The methodology section is intended to recall the research problem and the related objectives and to justify the methodological choices (qualitative or quantitative, exploratory or confirmatory, primary or secondary data,etc.) to answer the research question.

Then, students need to present their research design in detail (i.e., respondents and participants, interview guideline or questionnaire, sampling method, etc.). There is no right or wrong method. The most important is to justify the choices based on the research objectives and expected findings.

6. Analysis of results & findings, Implications and discussion

Students are expected to present their results, to interpret and analyze them. This step should guide the students to provide the most pertinent recommendations and ultimately answer the research question and research objectives.The managerial implications represent the main contribution of the capstone project. Students are expected to include the following elements: recommendations based on the results, deployment and action plan; and discussion of the recommendations.

6. The conclusion

The conclusion should concisely recall the problem and research objectives, the empirical context, the methodology used and the main results. Students are also expected (1) to highlight their contributions, (2) to provide managerial recommendations, and (3) to identify limitations and avenues for future research.

7. Bibliographical references

The references refer to exhaustively all references used as sources of information for the completion master

thesis. They are mainly academic articles. The format of the bibliography must follow the APA style (see Appendix 3).

8. Appendices

The transcripts of the interviews and/or the statistics tables based on your survey are mandatory. In addition, students can include material which is not directly linked to the capstone, but is relevant and informative.


The writing rules of the capstone project are as follows: Times New Roman 12, 1.5space, 1-inch margins. Figures, tables and appendices are not mandatory. However, if they are used, students are expected to include the following elements:

· Provide a title and source

Example: Table 1: Summary definitions of the concept of corporate social responsibility (source: Igalens (2012), Social Responsibility, challenges, risks and new practices, Eyrolles).If the figure or table is your own work, it still requires a title and a source (source: the author).

· Refer to each of the elements in the body text (ex: “See Appendix XXX”).


These sources are books, previous capstone projects, academic and professional databases. While these sources represent the main type of information, other sources can be used such as websites, but they remain marginal.

These different sources provide students with the information needed to complete their research. Students are required to mainly use professional sources, management books and applied academic sources in the desk-based study; and both professional management-based and methodology sources in the empirical setting section and in the methodology section.

Below are the main types of sources available:


Factiva is the world’s leading source of premium news, data and insight, helping today’s professionals make better business decisions faster through its powerful search, alerting and research capabilities.


Books can be useful sources of information. Some are available through the extranet (Cyberlibris are Mostly Dunod books) and at the library ( or online (Cyberlibris).


Google Scholar is the most widely used general search engine to identify academic sources of information (scientific papers published in scientific journal, conference proceedings and scientific conferences). It also covers and extracts from books, research reports). Scholar is also very convenient to create your bibliography (“CITE”).


EBSCO is a database widely used for management purpose and is therefore fully part of the as part of the research process (industry/firm reports, academic journals, etc.). It mostly publishes English-based journal, but French sources can also be found. The publications are related to various subject areas (economics, finance, strategy, information systems, accounting, marketing, law, etc.).The references are either in abstract or full text formats (html or pdf).

Students are expected to use multiple sources of information and multiple criteria: concepts, keywords, subjects, authors, journal titles, publication dates, etc. The purpose is to ensure that students cover most of the research published related to their topic. Students can access such databases directly from campus and/or from distance. Downloading all relevant articles is a pertinent way to start the research process to get familiar with a concept, a theory, etc.

Information and sources used throughout the research must be systematically cited within the body of the text and the bibliography.

Example: “As described by Porter (2007) ...” or “the iron cage framework is not pertinent (Porter,



When writing professionally, it is very important to properly cite and reference the materials used in your writing. Citing also protects you against plagiarism by clearly indicating and differentiating which information comes from other sources and which is your own work and writing. Following a uniform style, such as the APA style guide, helps display your facts, key points, and scientific findings simply and clearly for your readers.

1 In-Text Citations

APA Citation Basics

When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998).

Integrated Citations

The work of Jones XXXXXXXXXXhas been used by many professors to show . . Jones and Collymore XXXXXXXXXXshowed in their previous work that . . .Park et al XXXXXXXXXXdiscuss the prospect of having more than eight signatures. . . .

Paraphrasing Materials

Although the APA style can seem difficult, it often is very easy to use once it has been practiced (Jones, 1998).


According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially their first time" (p. 199).

Citing Indirect Sources

Johnson argued that XXXXXXXXXXas cited in Smith, 2003, p. 102).

2 Reference List

Single Author

Fowler, R. B XXXXXXXXXXFriendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.

Two Authors

Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E XXXXXXXXXXMood management across affective states: The hedonic contingency hypothesis.

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 66, XXXXXXXXXX.

Three or more Authors

Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J. S.

2.1 Reference List: Title and Publication Data

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number),pages.

Scruton, R XXXXXXXXXXThe eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(30), 5-13.

Article in a Magazine

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Article in a Newspaper

Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.

2.2 Reference List: Books

Basic Form

In APA style, after the author names and the year of publication, the title of the book is written in sentence case and italicized (note that this is different from a journal reference). After the title, list the location of the publisher, followed by a colon and then the name of the book’s publisher.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R XXXXXXXXXXAPA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Article or Chapter in an Edited Book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.

O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J XXXXXXXXXXMen's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and

transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp XXXXXXXXXXNew York, NY: Springer.

2.3 Reference List: Other Print Sources

Government Document

Organization Name. (Year). Document title (Publication No.). Location: Publisher. National Institute of Mental Health XXXXXXXXXXClinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM XXXXXXXXXXWashington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Report from a Private Organization Name.

Organization name (Year). Title of report. Location: Publisher. American Psychiatric Association XXXXXXXXXXPractice guidelines for the treatment of patients with eating disorders (2nded.). Washington, DC: Author.

2.4 Reference List: Electronic Sources (Web Publications)

Basic Form

Articles that are published online are very similar to print articles. You will want to include all information the online host makes available to you, including an issue number in parentheses (if available) and the source URL. Introduce the URL with “Retrieved from” and the date the source was accessed.

Author, A., (Year of publication). Title of work. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue). Retrieved Month Day, Year, from


Bernstein, M XXXXXXXXXXtips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved

July 8, 2014, from


First name: Last Name:



Research Objectives:


Executive summary:

Introduction (max. 3 page)

Part 1 - Desk based study

Objectives : State of the art. Present in a structured way what others said on your topic

Chapter I - Context (15 pages)


I. Analyze current situation/ context of your research

II. Analysis of the industry

III. If necessary/pertinent: Country analysis, analysis, etc. (e.g., product, brand)

Chapter II - Theoretical approach (10 pages)

Objectives: Identify, choose and present the discipline/theoretical/managerial approach used to tackle the research objectives. The table below introduces the main approaches as well as some specific lenses that can be used. Choose one (max. 2). Students can mix different approaches if needed.



Strategic Management

Int'l Business

Service marketing

Brand image

Digital marketing

Corporate finance

Behavioral finance

International finance

Competitive dynamics

Portfolio analysis

Generic strategic

Intercultural approach

Entry strategies



Students can also use transversal approaches, as presented below:

A theory of innovation

- A stakeholder framework

- A CSR approach

Part 2 - Empirical setting/setting/analysis

Objective: Collect and analyze your own data to make recommendations and answer your master project objectives and question.

Chapter III – Method (5 pages)

Objective: Students can use Field-research study or in-company project to formulate recommendations. The table below presents some methods used to collect your own data. Choose 1 method. The choice depends on the research objective.


Semi-structured interviews

Secondary data

Around 200 respondents

10 respondents

Ex: Netnography, analyze web site,

collect data from existing sources

Chapter IV – Results, managerial implications, recommendations and discussion (15 pages)

Objective: Display and analyze the results in order to formulate pertinent/justified recommendations

- Display graphs and/or verbatim

- Analyze & interpret result

- Provide recommendations based on the results

- Discuss the results

Conclusion (1 to 2 pages)

- Answer research objective

- Implications of the results (for managers, for firms)

- Limitations of the present work and avenues for future works



Declaration Forms

Due date: 28/08/2018 at 5 pmThesis Topic:. Banquet operation and Its contribution towards hotel revenue


Ø To know about the operation of the banquet.

Ø To find the contribution of banquet towards the hotel’s revenue.

Ø To find importance of banquet operation in hotel.

Ø To know the working system and proper management of the banquet.

Keys points in thesis


We require the successful completion of the capstone project in order to satisfy institutional regulations for the award of your respective degree. The capstone project aims to ensure that students can build a thorough and substantiated reasoning. It is based on the identification of a key issue faced by companies.

More specifically, the capstone project must demonstrate the student's ability to:

1.Understand a situation or a phenomenon related to management issues in general.

Students must explain why this topic is important and pertinent from managerial perspective. They also need to specify its pertinence based on the context of the study.

2. Formulate a problem/research question related to this phenomenon.

This problem will indeed guide the overall capstone project, and needs to be answered at the end of the project. It will lead students throughout the process research (identify the key concepts, choose the theoretical / conceptual framework, choose the most appropriate methodology, etc.).

3. Literature of review/Present current/up to date knowledge of existing fields (Int’l Business, Entrepreneurship,

Finance, Marketing, etc.) which is consistent and pertinent regarding the topics and concepts

under study.

Students are expected to look for academic sources information necessary to position the research work in a theoretical / conceptual background. They also are required to identify their added-value or originality (known as “gap in the literature”).

4. Use appropriate methodologies for collecting and processing data.

Students are expected to know how to master research design, data collection and data analysis. This step enables students to answer their research objective and research question.

5. Present the findings in a structured and pertinent manner

Students are expected to present their findings in a way that helps to answer the research question and that highlights the originality and contributions of the capstone project both on theoretical / conceptual and managerial levels. Based on their findings, students are expected to suggest recommendations for companies.

Thesis Content

The thesis project is comprised of the following elements:

Ø A cover page

Ø Abstract (150 words ) and key words (5 maximum)

Ø Acknowledgement

Ø Table of Content (including the page numbers)

Ø An introduction ( Including the research question/ objectives)

Ø The main body of the capstone project (1. Desk based study 2. Empirical setting with methodology, data collection and data analysis 3. discussion and Implications)

Ø A conclusion ( remind the objective of the project, main finding related to the research question, contributions and limitations)

Ø Bibliographical reference (APA or Chicago style)

Ø Appendices

Ø Plagiarism and Diffusion Declaration Forms

The following section briefly describes the content of the project:

1. Cover page

The cover page must include the following elements: names of the authors, Diploma, title of the capstone project, name of supervisor, academic year and session of the defense (i.e., September 2016).

2. Abstract & key words

The abstract of the capstone project (150 words) summarizes the research problem, the methodology and the main results/findings.

3. Introduction

This section must specify the context of the research (Relevance of the topic and research problem, relevance

of the concepts and theoretical frameworks, relevance of the setting).The introduction must also identify the research question/objective. Finally, this section must present the structure of the capstone project (i.e., “The capstone project is structure as follows: first, we present ...”).

4. Desk based study

The desk-based study is based in the identification and analysis of relevant previous works. The state of the art presents the context (industry/country analysis) and the disciplines, concepts and/or theoretical frameworks related to the research question.

You should compare and contrast the views and conclusions of a wide range of authors and sources. The aim is to cover and discuss the total breadth of views on a particular subject.

There are certain key reporting verbs which are significant in their use:

Shows - can be used for reporting proven facts

Suggests - indicates you are neutral about the idea being presented

Argues - allows you to challenge or even disprove the idea later in the report

You must refer to authors who are acknowledged to have developed theories and models that you are using and to anyone who carried out research on which you base any part of your thesis. It is not acceptable to write about concepts and merely list a bibliography at the end. The use of ideas without citation is plagiarism and will lead to failure and disciplinary action.


- Begin the writing process by stating your ideas; then go back to the author's original work.

- Use quotation marks and credit the source (author) when you copy exact wording.

- Use your own words instead of copying directly when possible.

- Even when you paraphrase another author's writings, you must give credit to that author.

- If the form of citation and reference are not correct, the attribution to the original author is likely to be

incomplete. Therefore, improper use of style can result in plagiarism.

- It is mandatory for your work to be proofread in a professional manner

5. Methodology

The methodology section is intended to recall the research problem and the related objectives and to justify the methodological choices (qualitative or quantitative, exploratory or confirmatory, primary or secondary data,etc.) to answer the research question.

Then, students need to present their research design in detail (i.e., respondents and participants, interview guideline or questionnaire, sampling method, etc.). There is no right or wrong method. The most important is to justify the choices based on the research objectives and expected findings.

6. Analysis of results & findings, Implications and discussion

Students are expected to present their results, to interpret and analyze them. This step should guide the students to provide the most pertinent recommendations and ultimately answer the research question and research objectives.The managerial implications represent the main contribution of the capstone project. Students are expected to include the following elements: recommendations based on the results, deployment and action plan; and discussion of the recommendations.

6. The conclusion

The conclusion should concisely recall the problem and research objectives, the empirical context, the methodology used and the main results. Students are also expected (1) to highlight their contributions, (2) to provide managerial recommendations, and (3) to identify limitations and avenues for future research.

7. Bibliographical references

The references refer to exhaustively all references used as sources of information for the completion master

thesis. They are mainly academic articles. The format of the bibliography must follow the APA style (see Appendix 3).

8. Appendices

The transcripts of the interviews and/or the statistics tables based on your survey are mandatory. In addition, students can include material which is not directly linked to the capstone, but is relevant and informative.


The writing rules of the capstone project are as follows: Times New Roman 12, 1.5space, 1-inch margins. Figures, tables and appendices are not mandatory. However, if they are used, students are expected to include the following elements:

· Provide a title and source

Example: Table 1: Summary definitions of the concept of corporate social responsibility (source: Igalens (2012), Social Responsibility, challenges, risks and new practices, Eyrolles).If the figure or table is your own work, it still requires a title and a source (source: the author).

· Refer to each of the elements in the body text (ex: “See Appendix XXX”).


These sources are books, previous capstone projects, academic and professional databases. While these sources represent the main type of information, other sources can be used such as websites, but they remain marginal.

These different sources provide students with the information needed to complete their research. Students are required to mainly use professional sources, management books and applied academic sources in the desk-based study; and both professional management-based and methodology sources in the empirical setting section and in the methodology section.

Below are the main types of sources available:


Factiva is the world’s leading source of premium news, data and insight, helping today’s professionals make better business decisions faster through its powerful search, alerting and research capabilities.


Books can be useful sources of information. Some are available through the extranet (Cyberlibris are Mostly Dunod books) and at the library ( or online (Cyberlibris).


Google Scholar is the most widely used general search engine to identify academic sources of information (scientific papers published in scientific journal, conference proceedings and scientific conferences). It also covers and extracts from books, research reports). Scholar is also very convenient to create your bibliography (“CITE”).


EBSCO is a database widely used for management purpose and is therefore fully part of the as part of the research process (industry/firm reports, academic journals, etc.). It mostly publishes English-based journal, but French sources can also be found. The publications are related to various subject areas (economics, finance, strategy, information systems, accounting, marketing, law, etc.).The references are either in abstract or full text formats (html or pdf).

Students are expected to use multiple sources of information and multiple criteria: concepts, keywords, subjects, authors, journal titles, publication dates, etc. The purpose is to ensure that students cover most of the research published related to their topic. Students can access such databases directly from campus and/or from distance. Downloading all relevant articles is a pertinent way to start the research process to get familiar with a concept, a theory, etc.

Information and sources used throughout the research must be systematically cited within the body of the text and the bibliography.

Example: “As described by Porter (2007) ...” or “the iron cage framework is not pertinent (Porter,



When writing professionally, it is very important to properly cite and reference the materials used in your writing. Citing also protects you against plagiarism by clearly indicating and differentiating which information comes from other sources and which is your own work and writing. Following a uniform style, such as the APA style guide, helps display your facts, key points, and scientific findings simply and clearly for your readers.

1 In-Text Citations

APA Citation Basics

When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998).

Integrated Citations

The work of Jones XXXXXXXXXXhas been used by many professors to show . . Jones and Collymore XXXXXXXXXXshowed in their previous work that . . .Park et al XXXXXXXXXXdiscuss the prospect of having more than eight signatures. . . .

Paraphrasing Materials

Although the APA style can seem difficult, it often is very easy to use once it has been practiced (Jones, 1998).


According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially their first time" (p. 199).

Citing Indirect Sources

Johnson argued that XXXXXXXXXXas cited in Smith, 2003, p. 102).

2 Reference List

Single Author

Fowler, R. B XXXXXXXXXXFriendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.

Two Authors

Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E XXXXXXXXXXMood management across affective states: The hedonic contingency hypothesis.

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 66, XXXXXXXXXX.

Three or more Authors

Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J. S.

2.1 Reference List: Title and Publication Data

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number),pages.

Scruton, R XXXXXXXXXXThe eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(30), 5-13.

Article in a Magazine

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Article in a Newspaper

Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.

2.2 Reference List: Books

Basic Form

In APA style, after the author names and the year of publication, the title of the book is written in sentence case and italicized (note that this is different from a journal reference). After the title, list the location of the publisher, followed by a colon and then the name of the book’s publisher.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R XXXXXXXXXXAPA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Article or Chapter in an Edited Book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.

O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J XXXXXXXXXXMen's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and

transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp XXXXXXXXXXNew York, NY: Springer.

2.3 Reference List: Other Print Sources

Government Document

Organization Name. (Year). Document title (Publication No.). Location: Publisher. National Institute of Mental Health XXXXXXXXXXClinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM XXXXXXXXXXWashington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Report from a Private Organization Name.

Organization name (Year). Title of report. Location: Publisher. American Psychiatric Association XXXXXXXXXXPractice guidelines for the treatment of patients with eating disorders (2nded.). Washington, DC: Author.

2.4 Reference List: Electronic Sources (Web Publications)

Basic Form

Articles that are published online are very similar to print articles. You will want to include all information the online host makes available to you, including an issue number in parentheses (if available) and the source URL. Introduce the URL with “Retrieved from” and the date the source was accessed.

Author, A., (Year of publication). Title of work. Title of Publication, Volume(Issue). Retrieved Month Day, Year, from


Bernstein, M XXXXXXXXXXtips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved

July 8, 2014, from


First name: Last Name:



Research Objectives:


Executive summary:

Introduction (max. 3 page)

Part 1 - Desk based study

Objectives : State of the art. Present in a structured way what others said on your topic

Chapter I - Context (15 pages)


I. Analyze current situation/ context of your research

II. Analysis of the industry

III. If necessary/pertinent: Country analysis, analysis, etc. (e.g., product, brand)

Chapter II - Theoretical approach (10 pages)

Objectives: Identify, choose and present the discipline/theoretical/managerial approach used to tackle the research objectives. The table below introduces the main approaches as well as some specific lenses that can be used. Choose one (max. 2). Students can mix different approaches if needed.



Strategic Management

Int'l Business

Service marketing

Brand image

Digital marketing

Corporate finance

Behavioral finance

International finance

Competitive dynamics

Portfolio analysis

Generic strategic

Intercultural approach

Entry strategies



Students can also use transversal approaches, as presented below:

A theory of innovation

- A stakeholder framework

- A CSR approach

Part 2 - Empirical setting/setting/analysis

Objective: Collect and analyze your own data to make recommendations and answer your master project objectives and question.

Chapter III – Method (5 pages)

Objective: Students can use Field-research study or in-company project to formulate recommendations. The table below presents some methods used to collect your own data. Choose 1 method. The choice depends on the research objective.


Semi-structured interviews

Secondary data

Around 200 respondents

10 respondents

Ex: Netnography, analyze web site,

collect data from existing sources

Chapter IV – Results, managerial implications, recommendations and discussion (15 pages)

Objective: Display and analyze the results in order to formulate pertinent/justified recommendations

- Display graphs and/or verbatim

- Analyze & interpret result

- Provide recommendations based on the results

- Discuss the results

Conclusion (1 to 2 pages)

- Answer research objective

- Implications of the results (for managers, for firms)

- Limitations of the present work and avenues for future works



Declaration Forms

Due date: 28/08/2018 at 5 pm

Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020


Sangeeta answered on Sep 04 2020
151 Votes
Banquet operation and Its contribution towards hotel revenue
This dissertation aims at analyzing the hospitality industry in the UK. The dissertation has used a case study of a hotel to understand the banquet operations and its contribution towards hotel revenue. The hotel that has been chosen for the research is Hilton Hotel based in UK. The methodology used for this research includes an in – depth interview with 10 individuals including employees and top management of Hilton hotel. The research also involves the surveying around 10 guests of Hilton hotel. Based on the research results, a number of suggestions are listed in the conclusion. The research is a mix of both primary and secondary sources. The primary data has been collected through means of survey approach and secondary data has been collected through several different sources such as books, journals, texts, past studies, online sources and others. Further, this particular study revealed that banquet operations contribute towards a good amount of hotel revenue.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to a number of people like my Supervisor Put Name Here, Programme Co-ordinator Put Name Here and all the Tutor's whose generous support and encouragement have made this dissertation a success.
Thank you!!!
Introduction    5
Aims and Objectives    6
Research Objectives    6
Research Questions    6
Structure of the Dissertation    7
Desk Based Study    8
Events that take place at Banquets    9
Types of Banquets    10
Background of Hilton Hotel, UK    12
Research Methodology    13
Introduction    13
Justification of Theoretical Approach    13
Research Paradigm    14
Epistemology    15
Ontology    15
Research Methodology    16
Ethical considerations    18
Challenges Encountered    19
Alternative Approach    19
Analysis and Discussion    20
Survey Results    21
Interview Results    25
Conclusion    26
Research Limitations    26
Future Research Options    26
Concluding Remarks    27
References:    28
Appendices    30
Appendix A Survey Questions    30
Appendix B Interview Question    32
To start with, function catering is basically the term used for covering the service of special functions for particular groups of individuals at particular time, the beverages and food offered, being pre-decided. It involves occasions like luncheon parties, cocktail parties, conferences, weddings as well as dinner-dances (Chacko, 2009). Within the huge first- class establishments all functions are organized in the banqueting suites as well as are under the managerial control of the banqueting supervisor. Within the smaller operation such functions generally occur within a room set aside for the purpose and fall under the authority of the assistant manager or manager. Additionally, these are too dedicated, banqueting conference centers. ost of the staff available for functions are employed on acasual basis. !t busy periods there may be a number of functions running at the same time.
Additionally, functions are popular even today however their style and purpose is altering. For instance, theme evenings are turning out to be highly popular. Also, the trend is for less formality, choosing more informal patterns of table plans as well as away from springs and top table. Likewise, the guests expect superior overall decor, greater standards of comfort and food and lighting effects. Moving ahead, the concept of banquets dates back to last century and originated from the Italian term banchetto that implies towards a small bench intended for guests to sit (Chacko, 2009). During previous years ma
iages and festivals occu
ed on a quite small scale, thus individuals cele
ated events in their homes and ma
iages occu
ed within temples with just the family members. However, with passing times individuals have started linking themselves with bigger groups. Moreover, there was commercialisation of ma
iages and festivals. Shortly individuals faced the issue of accommodating people and making a
angements for their beverages and food. And this is how exactly the trend of banqueting gained pace. These days, individuals rent preferably hotel premises or open grounds for banquets (Chacko, 2009). Further, banqueting within the United Kingdom is considered as being a highly challenging task and individuals belonging to diverse religions, creed, caste and backgrounds make the caterer task even more difficult.
Mostly there are two different kinds of banquets including indoor as well as outdoor location. The indoor banquet is basically an enclosed premise that is specially developed for some purpose. All leading hotels need to must offer space in their hotel area for the purpose of banqueting. A large portion of the hotels revenue is generated through banquets. These hotels charge a particular amount per head/per plate on the basis of chosen menu, decoration theme and total number of guests (Chacko, 2009). For the reason that banqueting halls within five-star hotels are fully air-conditioned, appropriate care must be taken with respect to the requirement of air-conditioner considering the total area of the hall. Additionally, an effective exhaust system must be installed for avoiding any blockage or suffocation. Further taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to explore the level to which banquet operations contribute towards a good amount of hotel revenue at Hilton hotel UK.
Aims and Objectives
According to Maylor (2006), each and every study, regardless of its domain, is associated with particular set of objectives and goals. In the same manner, this study also makes an effort to critically evaluate the manner in which banquet operations in a hotel lead to augmented returns. The research makes use of both primary as well as secondary research and information has been collected from several different sources including interviews, li
ary, historical archives, online journal and others. Moving ahead, the below section highlights the set of research objectives and questions associated with this study.
Research Objectives
Besides the specific research aim, the study targets to address the following research objectives as well:
· To know about the operation of the banquet
· To find the contribution of banquet towards the hotel’s revenue
· To find importance of banquet operation in hotel
· To know the working system and proper management of the banquet
Research Questions
· What all operations are associated with banquets at hotel Hilton?
· How much do banquets contribute towards the revenue of Hilton hotel?
· What is the significance of banquets at Hilton hotel?
· How does the banquet at Hilton hotel work and are managed?
Moving ahead, the section below will now present the structure of the overall dissertation along with
ief overview of the content of every chapter.
Structure of the Dissertation
After the introduction chapter which has presented a research overview along with summarizing the research study aims and objectives, detailing research questions, the thesis comprises of four other chapters i.e. Literature Review, Research Methodology, Finding & Analysis and lastly, the conclusion section. The next chapter deals with the literature review of this dissertation. Here the researcher has used secondary sources of information to gather data and to obtain a clear outlook on the cu
ent marquees industry. The literature review chapter details and describes the contribution made by banquet towards overall revenue to hotel Hilton. This chapter also provides an insight into the background of the Hilton Hotel, UK. Chapter 3 details the methodology used in this research. Here the researcher discusses the basic types of researches, and other information pertaining to the research. The chapter also details the questionnaire designing process and pilot study details as well. This chapter provides a justification for the theoretical approach along with research paradigm as well as methodology for addressing the set research questions. This research revolves around comprehending human perceptions and interpreting their perspectives, thus, the interpretive research approach and the case study method, interviewing and survey technique have been adopted (Darke et al., 1998). Chapter 4 deals with the findings and analysis. This is an insight into the responses that have been collected from the people. This includes complete responses from the participants and an analysis that has been made based upon the questionnaires and focuses on the objectives of the research and find out the contribution made by banquets towards overall revenue of Hilton hotel. Finally, Chapter 5 provides acts as a conclusion chapter and here the overall summary of the dissertation and its findings are discussed. The chapter also provides a set of recommendations to the company based on results that have been obtained. This forms a close to the dissertation and it includes findings of the research and conclusions based on them.
Desk Based Study
The hospitality sector within the United Kingdom dates back to the period of middle 19th Century at the time when it exhibited applicable traits that qualifies it for a place within the industry industry (Bowdin et al., 2006). The key operations of the hospitality sector have been hotel, bar, restaurant, bed and
eakfast, fast food, café and lastly, pub. It also includes provisions such as food and drink preparation for hospitals, schools as well as other business institutions, nevertheless, globalisation greatly shapes the appearance along with progress of several industrial segments taking in the hospitality sector (Mair and Whitford, 2013). Likewise, the shift in events and time has necessitated the appearance of banqueting sector from the hospitality segment. Although mindful about this development, stakeholders have persisted to face issues in creating clear functional margins amid the hospitality sector as well as its outgrowth (Bowdin et al., 2006). Nonetheless, the actual difference of the hospitality sector into key and non-key practices might have affected the appearance of the conference and banqueting sector basically from the non-key hospitality sector. The conference and banqueting sector has connected terms like events sector. During the recent time, there have been several efforts for defining the scope and size of the banqueting sector within the United Kingdom for creating its own active career path. Additionally, through a meta-analytic research, Bowdin et al. (2006) found that banqueting segment fundamentally manages events more effectively such as Business meetings, travels and tours and exhibitions; Festivals, cultural events and trade fairs; outdoor and Community events; live music shows; entertainment; concerts and movies; Charity and fundraising programmes; Sports events; Planning of parties; wedding; birthdays; lifetime achievements along with other special events.
Like all service suppliers in the corporate hospitality market, hotels like Hilton also finds itself operating in an environment which is subjected to changes in order to cope with the consequences of the financial crisis where corporate entertainment budgets have been reduced or cut. As highlighted above, the most talked about trend is the perceived need to justify the effectiveness of hospitality in meeting a company’s marketing objectives. This has also led to agencies offering some form of measurement or ca
ying out “audits” (Stones, 2007) and demonstrating the value of the service provided. In effect, the client company desired some sort of reassurance that their communication strategy has a financial return and the events or hospitality agencies and organisers are developing ways in order to meet the new demands. Any supplier dealing with the hospitality agencies needs to be aware of the new constraints that they are under and need to become part of this changing cultural picture.
Having said this, one of the impacts of this new accountability is the shift in emphasis for banqueting to be the latest trend (Stones, 2007). Another trend observed is to incorporate themes in the banquets. This may mean asking a cele
ity ‘expert’ to be a part of the event or function to make it more happening. Another predictable trend that has resulted from the impact of the financial crisis is the immediate reaction to make corporate hospitality and events even more spectacular than ever before. Richenda Wilson reports in her article for ‘Marketing Week’ (May 22, 2008) that venue operators in order “to increase their appeal to customers (have been) erecting new lounges, pavilions and marquees”. Nonetheless the feeling in the market place is to shift the emphasis towards hospitality. This feeling has been fuelled by concerns over the perceptions that the public has of a company’s image, of damaging reputations by “being outed for treating guests to jollies” (Bell, 2009). Further, the complexity of the banquet sector and the cu
ent economic downturn has led to tightened budgets and controlled expenditure in the market place. Nevertheless, it also offers opportunities for those suppliers who understand the new constraints and who appreciate the emerging trends that have resulted from them.
A number of hotels account for banquet proceeds equivalent to or greater than 50% of the overall beverage and food volume. Properly administering the proceeds arising from the banquet practices, start with the order team. Such events frequently include booking rooms, incentive plans. Moreover, the profit potential differs greatly based upon the competition and decisions of the sales team (Cassee, 2014). After every event is fixed, the kitchen obtains the details of agreement menu for every BEO (banquet event order). For the reason that the chef is generally engaged in the menu planning practices for the banquet events, it’s frequently interesting to observe their surprise at the costs charged for particular events. Recu
ently, events are sold with quite less profit margins. At the time when any hotel supposes a quite high rate of occupancy, such deals could hold an undesirable impact upon overall outcomes. It is such peak days at the time when the sales team requires working thoroughly with the kitchen team prior to promising any discount to the client (Chacko, 2009). In case if the hotel is experiencing slow season and administration has made a decision of promoting the banquet business, the kitchen could provide recommendations for suitable menus that might be provided at some discounted cost (Cassee, 2014). The whole practice would benefit in case if the sales as well as production teams function collectively for improving banquet proceeds.
Moving ahead, the past come years have observed a remarkable rise in the overall number of banquet halls being introduced all around the UK. The banqueting facility in the UK is chiefly introduced with the chief goals of providing comprehensive catering experience to the customers on host’s behalf. Such speedy progress within the banqueting sector is certainly the outcome of social influence and modifying lifestyles of the people. Moreover, working families living in small houses as well as flats have a quite bigger social life in the present day as compared to before (Cassee, 2014). Entertainment has turned out to be a way of life for majority of people and banquet halls offer a solution through taking care of organization and planning of the function on behalf of the host. In the present day, people do not have enough time or the inclination for getting engaged in the preparations and would instead prefer being free from all this tension Banquets enable the host to have fun in their own party that too without being wo
ied about the preparations (Chacko, 2009). The banquet halls are a fraction of the hotel, club or restaurant and they are seen as being a vital revenue entre.
Taking a step ahead, banquet halls prosper upon local clientele and as a result, their marketing approaches are intended towards targeting restricted regions. As a result, one does not see any commercials on banqueting services in newspapers or print media and the promoters hold the view that word of mouth is even today the most suitable strategy. This actuality makes it significant for all banquet supervisors to comprehend the fact that probabilities of the same guest frequenting visiting the banquet hall are very high (Chacko, 2009). Normally, it is the same socially active individuals who either plan parties or get engaged unexpectedly. Several operators either choose to overlook for absence of innovative outlooks or ignorant of this. It is quite significant to periodically modify the decor, menu, theme and service styles of the banquet. Change forms an important part of the success and in case if the needs and expectations of the clients are not properly met, it could become hard to attain their trustworthiness (Chacko, 2009). Additionally, gone are those days when banquets used to serve their own exceptional food. In the present day, they compete with one another on the basis of food as well as ambience served within the cu
ent restaurants. A large number of individuals hold the view that banquets inside a hall are suitable for one or two meals and after that they prefer going outside. That is the situation where outside catering gains significance.
Further, the banquet halls are quite huge ornate as well as splendorous rooms having a raised platform or stage at one corner. It normally has smaller rooms linked with it for the purpose of serving like reception, coatroom, dressing room and others for catering to the needs of smaller informal groups (Chacko, 2009). Preferably, the kitchen must be linked for encouraging speedy service nonetheless a commissary kitchen, situated far off from the service point, taking care of more than one catering unit are too probable. In contrast to a restaurant, there is some activity within a banquet hall just at the time when there is a particular task to be taken client consideration. As a result, the kitchen isn’t constantly in operation (Cassee, 2014).
Function catering is basically the term used for covering the service of special functions for particular groups of individuals at particular time, the beverages and food offered, being pre-decided. It involves occasions like luncheon parties, cocktail parties, conferences, weddings as well as dinner-dances (Chacko, 2009). Within the huge first- class establishments all functions are organized in the banqueting suites as well as are under the managerial control of the banqueting supervisor. Within the smaller operation such functions generally occur within a room set aside for the purpose and fall under the authority of the assistant manager or manager. Additionally, these are too dedicated, banqueting conference centers. ost of the staff available for functions are employed on acasual basis. !t busy periods there may be a number of functions running at the same time.
Additionally, functions are popular even today however their style and purpose is altering. For instance, theme evenings are turning out to be highly popular. Also, the trend is for less formality, choosing more informal patterns of table plans as well as away from springs and top table. Likewise, the guests expect superior overall decor, greater standards of comfort and food and lighting effects. Moving ahead, the concept of banquets dates back to last century and originated from the Italian term banchetto that implies towards a small bench intended for guests to sit (Chacko, 2009). During previous years ma
iages and festivals occu
ed on a quite small scale, thus individuals cele
ated events in their homes and ma
iages occu
ed within temples with just the family members. However, with passing times individuals have started linking themselves with bigger groups. Moreover, there was commercialisation of ma
iages and festivals. Shortly individuals faced the issue of accommodating people and making a
angements for their beverages and food. And this is how exactly the trend of banqueting gained pace. These days, individuals rent preferably hotel premises or open grounds for banquets (Chacko, 2009). Further, banqueting within the United Kingdom is considered as being a highly challenging task and individuals belonging to diverse religions, creed, caste and backgrounds make the caterer task even more difficult.
Mostly there are two different kinds of banquets including indoor as well as outdoor location. The indoor banquet is basically an enclosed premise that is specially developed for some purpose. All leading hotels need to must offer space in their hotel area for the purpose of banqueting. A large portion of the hotels revenue is generated through banquets. These hotels charge a particular amount per head/per plate on the basis of chosen menu, decoration theme and total number of guests (Chacko, 2009). For the reason that banqueting halls within five-star hotels are fully air-conditioned, appropriate care must be taken with respect to the requirement of air-conditioner considering the total area of the hall. Additionally, an effective exhaust system must be installed for avoiding any blockage or suffocation
Background of Hilton Hotel, UK
It began in the year 1919, at the time when Conrad Hilton took over the foremost hotel. Since that time Hilton, directed the sector with its ground-
eaking strategy to products, offerings as well as service. In the present day, Hilton Hotel is regarded as being the trendy, forward thinking worldwide giant of hospitality. Hilton Hotels & Resorts is a worldwide
and of including full-service hotels along with resorts. The actual corporation was established by Conrad Hilton. In the year 2017, there were over 570 Hilton Hotels properties located within 85 different nations and regions across six different regions. Moreover, properties are possessed through, administered through, or franchised to some autonomous operators through Hilton. Additionally, the
and is directed at both leisure and business clients with locations within chief city centers, close to airports, known vacation regions and convention centers worldwide. People who make bookings directly via Hilton-owned networks get special amenities and discounts like free Wi-Fi, keyless entry, digital check-in and the capability of selecting the room they would prefer by making use of the Hilton Honors application.
Moving ahead, the past some years have observed a remarkable rise in the overall number of banquet halls being introduced all around the UK. The banqueting facility in the UK is chiefly introduced with the chief goals of providing comprehensive catering experience to the customers on host’s behalf. Such speedy progress within the banqueting sector is certainly the outcome of social influence and modifying lifestyles of the people. Moreover, working families living in small houses as well as flats have a quite bigger social life in the present day as compared to before (Cassee, 2014). Entertainment has turned out to be a way of life for majority of people and banquet halls offer a solution through taking care of organization and planning of the function on behalf of the host. In the present day, people do not have enough time or the inclination for getting engaged in the preparations and would instead prefer being free from all this tension Banquets enable the host to have fun in their own party that too without being wo
ied about the preparations (Chacko, 2009). The banquet halls are a fraction of the hotel, club or restaurant and they are seen as being a vital revenue...

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