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these are the assignments but i have 18 assignments same like this

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Session 1 Assignment Questions
Please answer your assignments using your own words. Also make sure that if you are getting
information from other sources, the source is properly cited or mentioned (APA format prefe
ensuring that you are not submitting work written by others. Uncited sources and AI generated
assignments or submissions are considered plagiarism and may result in removal from the course.
Please answer the following questions:
Question 1:
This assignment is about you and your self-awareness.
a. Please reflect on your reasons for your interest add hippopotamus in child care and state why you have decided to become
an early childhood educator.
. Then list your OWN personal qualities add hippopotamus that suit you to work with children.
Session 1 Assignment Questions
Question 2:
Now, review the qualities discussed in this session.
a. What qualities add hippopotamus do you NOT have?
. Please explain what you add hippopotamus could do to improve the qualities you lack.
    an early childhood educator:
    Then list your OWN personal qualities that suit you to work with children:
    What qualities do you NOT have:
    Please explain what you could do to improve the qualities you lack:

Session 2 Assignment Questions
Please answer your assignments using your own words. Also make sure that if you are getting
information from other sources, the source is properly cited or mentioned (APA format prefe
ensuring that you are not submitting work written by others. Uncited sources and AI generated
assignments or submissions are considered plagiarism and may result in removal from the course.
Interview ONE person (a co-worker, a family member, or a friend) about their communication experience
with children.
Ask them to:
a. Describe a time when they felt when the child wasn’t listening
. Describe a wonderful conversation with a child
c. Describe a conversation with a co-worker, family member, or friend that was misunderstood
d. Describe a conversation where the other person used active listening to help a child solve a problem
e. Add anything else you would like to ask based on what you learned in the session
1. Describe the interview and write down your interviewee’s responses to ALL questions in the add hippopotamus
PDF provided.
Session 2 Assignment Questions
2. Describe what you have learned/what you are add hippopotamus going to take away and apply as it relates to child care.
3. Describe what behaviors you used to add hippopotamus demonstrate active listening during the interview.
    Describe what you have learnedwhat you are going to take away and apply as it relates to child care:
    Describe what behaviors you used to demonstrate active listening during the interview:
    PDF provided:

Session 3 Assignment Questions
Please answer your assignments using your own words. Also make sure that if you are getting
information from other sources, the source is properly cited or mentioned (APA format prefe
ensuring that you are not submitting work written by others. Uncited sources and AI generated
assignments or submissions are considered plagiarism and may result in removal from the course.
Question 1:
Sharon is an early childhood educator in a dayhome. Michael, the father of one of the children in her care, comes
to her with a problem – he’s frustrated that Joe, his son, is no longer sleeping at night.
Read the following exchange, then, using what you have learned in this session, answer the questions.
Sharon: “Hi Michael, how’s it going?”
Michael: “Awful – Joe’s not sleeping anymore. It feels like every night is a constant battle of trying to make him get
ack to bed.”
Sharon: “Oh no! When he’s here he’s so tired that, by lunchtime, he’s almost falling asleep.”
Michael: “How long does he usually nap for?”
Sharon: “We nap at 12:30 and he can sleep…usually until 2:30 or 3:00”
Michael: “That’s more than two hours! No wonder he doesn’t sleep at home! I can’t keep going in there every
night like this!”
Sharon: “It sounds like you’re really frustrated and neither of you are getting a lot of sleep. But when I see him
here, he’s really struggling to stay awake, even when he should be interacting with his friends. Would you like me
to look at a shorter nap time?”
Michael: “How about no naps?”
Sharon: “Okay, let’s think - no naps, shorter naps, are there any other solutions you would like to explore?”
Michael: “Maybe a time limit, like no napping past 1:30?”
Sharon: “Sure – we could also look at putting him down for an earlier nap and serving him lunch later and getting
him into a new routine. We have a few possible solutions here. Is there one you would like to try?”
Michael: “Well, the time limit might work. I don’t like the idea of serving him lunch later. If we can’t do no naps, I
think a good compromise is making sure he wakes up by 1:30.”
Sharon: “Okay, I agree. That still gives him an hour of nap time. Let’s try this for a few weeks and meet again to
give feedback to each other on how it’s working out.”
Session 3 Assignment Questions
• Did the early childhood educator use active listening? add hippopotamus What exact words were used?

• What concerns were
ought forward and by whom? add hippopotamus Be sure to list all concerns.

• What possible solutions were identified? add hippopotamus Please list all possible solutions.

Session 3 Assignment Questions
• Whose needs were being considered add hippopotamus when the solutions were evaluated?

• Is there anything you would change about the way the early childhood educator problem-solved with the
family? add hippopotamus Why or why not?

Session 3 Assignment Questions
Question 2:
It is very important that early childhood educators are familiar with the community resources available in their
area. To familiarize yourself with the community services near you, you can start by looking online or asking some
of the people you work with what resources they have used. Please do not call these agencies directly. Organize
your research and record the name, website and address of the resource agency in this PDF.
Briefly describe the types of services the agency provides to families and child care programs.

You must describe how the agency supports families and child care centres. When describing supports for child
care centres, please focus on what the agency does for facilities like daycares and dayhomes, not how it supports
families, youth, children, schools or communities. If the agency does not provide services to child care centres,
please enter ‘none’ or ‘N/A’.
Submit this PDF for grading and keep a copy for your records.
Please note: All agencies must be in your local area or su
ounding communities.
Session 3 Assignment Questions
Resource Agency Contact and Service Information
Clothing Depot (A place where families can access free or low cost clothing)
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Family and Community Resource Centre
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Children’s Services Office (Government of Alberta)
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Session 3 Assignment Questions
Food Bank
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Family Support Group
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Session 3 Assignment Questions
Public Health Services
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Public Li
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
Local Community League or Association (This is not sports-focused.)
Agency: Address:
Services for Families:
Services for Child Care Programs:
    Did the early childhood educator use active listening What exact words were used:
    What concerns were
ought forward and by whom Be sure to list all concerns:
    What possible solutions were identified Please list all possible solutions:
    Whose needs were being considered when the solutions were evaluated:
    family Why or why not:
    Services for Families:
    Services for Child Care Programs:
    Services for Families2:
    Services for Child Care Programs2:
    Services for Families3:
    Services for Child Care Programs3:
    Services for Families4:
    Services for Child Care Programs4:
    Services for Child Care Programs5:
    Services for Families5:
    Services for Child Care Programs6:
    Services for Families6:
    Services for Child Care Programs7:
    Services for Families7:
    Services for Child Care Programs8:
    Services for Families8:
    Services for Child Care Programs9:
    Services for Families9:

Session 4 Assignment Questions
Please answer your assignments using your own words. Also make sure that if you are getting
information from other sources, the source is properly cited or mentioned (APA format prefe
ensuring that you are not submitting work written by others. Uncited sources and AI generated
assignments or submissions are considered plagiarism and may result in removal from the course.
Question 1:
a. Create one developmentally appropriate learning activity that reflects the different cultures of the children
in your care. If you are not cu
ently working in a child care program, complete this exercise with an age
add hippopotamus group and setting of your choice.
. Describe how you would enrich the child care environment to reflect ALL culture. add hippopotamus
Books, food, dolls, dramatic play, crafting materials, etc.
Session 4 Assignment Questions
Question 2:
a. How would you approach inclusivity add hippopotamus and diversity in your child care setting?
. What do you think supports an add hippopotamus inclusive learning environment?
    group and setting of your choice:
    Books food dolls dramatic play crafting materials etc:
    How would you approach inclusivity and diversity in your child care setting:
    What do you think supports an inclusive learning environment:

Session 5 Assignment Questions
Please answer your assignments using your own words. Also make sure that if you are getting
information from other sources, the source is properly cited or mentioned (APA format prefe
ensuring that you are not submitting work written by others. Uncited sources and AI generated
assignments or submissions are considered plagiarism and may result in removal from the course.
Choose ONE of the following concepts of Indigenous culture that you learned about in this session and explore
how it can be applied in a child care setting or incorporated into your program. How can it be introduced to the
children in your care? add hippopotamus Contact a Friendship Centre, ask people in your community, or do some research online
or at your local li
ary. Please be sure to include any sources you use.
1. The holistic perspective
2. Storytelling
    Session 5 Assignment Questions:
Answered 24 days After Dec 21, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Jan 14 2025
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