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(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 2 Week 2: Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems....

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(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 2
Week 2: Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
    Reading samples
    Learning outcomes of the unit
    Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
    Supporting documentation including any prior learning
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner XXXXXXXXXXChapters 2.1; XXXXXXXXXX; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB),
    1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
    The objective of this week’s topic is to ask questions about how systems thinking can be implemented. To achieve this we need to have a good understanding of:
· What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve. You might want to review back to last week’s readings and material;
· Secondly what tools and techniques can be used to make systems thinking work? In fact this is the purpose of systems engineering, which is a comprehensive way of implementing systems thinking;
· How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
· The conventional project management thinking says that Project, Program and Portfolio management is a solution to solving project problems. But is it really?
· Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did systems thinking and systems engineering help them?
· How about the Chief Counsel’s Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about systems thinking?
In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don’t! What are your thoughts?
Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner XXXXXXXXXXChapters 2.1; XXXXXXXXXX; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB),
    2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
    The objective of this week’s topic is to ask questions about how systems thinking can be implemented. To achieve this we need to have a good understanding of:
· What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve. You might want to review back to last week’s readings and material;
· Secondly what tools and techniques can be used to make systems thinking work? In fact this is the purpose of systems engineering, which is a comprehensive way of implementing systems thinking;
· How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
· The conventional project management thinking says that Project, Program and Portfolio management is a solution to solving project problems. But is it really?
· Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did systems thinking and systems engineering help them?
· How about the Chief Counsel’s Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about systems thinking?
In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don’t! What are your thoughts?
Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner XXXXXXXXXXChapters 2.1; XXXXXXXXXX; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
    3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
    The objective of this week’s topic is to ask questions about how systems thinking can be implemented. To achieve this we need to have a good understanding of:
· What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve. You might want to review back to last week’s readings and material;
· Secondly what tools and techniques can be used to make systems thinking work? In fact this is the purpose of systems engineering, which is a comprehensive way of implementing systems thinking;
· How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
· The conventional project management thinking says that Project, Program and Portfolio management is a solution to solving project problems. But is it really?
· Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did systems thinking and systems engineering help them?
· How about the Chief Counsel’s Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about systems thinking?
In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don’t! What are your thoughts?
Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner XXXXXXXXXXChapters 2.1; XXXXXXXXXX; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
    4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a project.
    The objective of this week’s topic is to ask questions about how systems thinking can be implemented. To achieve this we need to have a good understanding of:
· What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve. You might want to review back to last week’s readings and material;
· Secondly what tools and techniques can be used to make systems thinking work? In fact this is the purpose of systems engineering, which is a comprehensive way of implementing systems thinking;
· How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
· The conventional project management thinking says that Project, Program and Portfolio management is a solution to solving project problems. But is it really?
· Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did systems thinking and systems engineering help them?
· How about the Chief Counsel’s Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about systems thinking?
In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don’t! What are your thoughts?
Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner XXXXXXXXXXChapters 2.1; XXXXXXXXXX; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
    5. Explain the importance of appropriate selection of project management (PM) application systems in regards to meeting the internal and external objectives of a project.
    The objective of this week’s topic is to ask questions about how systems thinking can be implemented. To achieve this we need to have a good understanding of:
· What systems thinking is and what it is trying to achieve. You might want to review back to last week’s readings and material;
· Secondly what tools and techniques can be used to make systems thinking work? In fact this is the purpose of systems engineering, which is a comprehensive way of implementing systems thinking;
· How with systems thinking and systems engineering project managers might solve problems?
· The conventional project management thinking says that Project, Program and Portfolio management is a solution to solving project problems. But is it really?
· Think of the problems that BP have faced with The Deepwater Horizon and Texas City disasters. Did systems thinking and systems engineering help them?
· How about the Chief Counsel’s Report? Does it show that BP had a good idea about systems thinking?
In this portfolio please reflect on the readings (1st column) and the learning outcome (2nd column). Ask yourself in what way does the readings provide insights into the learning outcome? Maybe they don’t! What are your thoughts?
Are there other insights that you can make from other units that you have studied? Or your work and life experience?
PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner XXXXXXXXXXChapters 2.1; XXXXXXXXXX; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
    6. Describe how the use of project management (PM) application systems can lead to effective PM knowledge management and decision making.
    The objective of this
Answered Same Day May 25, 2020 PPMP20012 Central Queensland University


Sakshi answered on May 31 2020
148 Votes
31339 WEEK 10-11.docx
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 10 and 11
Week 10 and 11: Discuss contemporary developments in the use of PM application systems.
        Reading samples
        Learning outcomes of the unit
        Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
        Supporting documentation including any prior learning
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
        The very best involvement should have to be in the project ad system management in order to have a very good and structured project which could be in the all over industries and help in the always along with the previous implementation.
        PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
        There are several tools which could be used to have the
ief analysis of the problems of the tragic disaster happened. The process should have to be included in the hectic analytic part of the process, which can be used to solve the problems also.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
        The very best scenario of the implementation should be such that no other process can make the system a very clumsy and tragic massacre. The proper management should be easy by including the proper involvement of the process (Saviano, 2016).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a project.
        The methodology is those which might be a very helpful unit in the process of the implementation including all the process of system thinking into it. This should use the portfolio management also (Loosemore. and Cheung, 2015).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        5. Explain the importance of appropriate selection of project management (PM) application systems in regards to meeting the internal and external objectives of a project.
        The importance of the appropriate implementation should be very reliable incident in terms of the proper management of the project. The internal, as well as the external factors, must be there to help that being developed in the process.
PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        6. Describe how the use of project management (PM) application systems can lead to effective PM knowledge management and decision making.
        The very effective knowledge and decisions making should be done by using proper implementation of the system thinking in all the ratio of the industries which should help to develop a contemporary planning and execution of the project (Rosenkränzer, 2016).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different manual and electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems within each PPPM knowledge area over the life cycle of a project, program or portfolio.
        There should be several advantages as well as the disadvantages which should be mitigated in order to have a very
ief and good plan of execution of the project. The very best implements should be very helpful in mitigating the threats (Williams et al. 2017).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        8. Identify how project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems can assist project managers to monitor performance and manage changes within a project.
        Monitoring the performance as well the overall progress should be with very proper care and less lacking the process drawback in order to help the process in more and more involvement.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        9. Propose appropriate project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems to support successful project, program and portfolio execution in different industry domains.
        The process of the different industry should be based on a very immediate accessible system thinking the base system and the process of managing the all over performance should be very much easy to be acknowledged in terms of that management.,
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
        10. Discuss contemporary developments in the use of project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems.
        The contemporary development should be very much involved in the previous scenario of the incident and should have to be in such a way so that it could help the process to run in a managed way and a very smooth engaging approach of the proper basis of implementation.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
4 of 4
31339-Week 1 to 10.pdf
31339-Week 1 to 10
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31339-WEEK 1.docx
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012Unit Portfolio for Week 1
Week 1 Topic: Explain the relevance of systems thinking to PM.
        Reading samples
        Learning outcomes of the unit
        Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
        Supporting documentation including any prior learning
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
        System Thinking is the process of understanding the cu
ent situation of an organization and taking necessary steps in order to
ing the changes in the process. The system thinking process aligns parallel with the project management as it also defines the structure of the project management in terms of the necessary changes.
        PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
        There are different kinds of tools such as Conceptual Model and Contextual diagram which are used to
ing development to the project development process. The tools are also used to assess the potential problems of the organizations according to their organizational situation.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
        System engineering is another helpful process which manipulates the organizational activities by including and excluding functions. Monitoring and configuring structures are the fundamental factors in the system engineering process. In the project case, it has been found that lack of proper system engineering can lead the organization to a massive disaster. Hence it is important to have system engineering implemented in the organization for future aspect (Kostalova et al. 2015).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a project.
        The system engineering process has various steps which include monitoring the organizational process and also configuring as per the requirements. On the other hand, testing, maintaining operational system and installations are being done as a part of their implementation methodology.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        5. Explain the importance of appropriate selection of project management (PM) application systems in regards to meeting the internal and external objectives of a project.
        The application of project management selection is essential as it defines the future of the organization and on the other hands, it also
ings efficacy in during the project work. It maintains the program and helps to build a proper portfolio management.
PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        6. Describe how the use of project management (PM) application systems can lead to effective PM knowledge management and decision making.
        The implementation of Project Management helps to make a better understanding of the project managers in the process. It also helps to identify the issues which are faced by the organization.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different manual and electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems within each PPPM knowledge area over the life cycle of a project, program or portfolio.
        There is a number of advantages and disadvantages of applying the electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems in the project management. The project managers are responsible to imply the changes according to the organizational need and
ing necessary changes in it (Svejvig and Andersen, 2015).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        8. Identify how project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems can assist project managers to monitor performance and manage changes within a project.
        The PPPM application is very crucial as it helps the project managers to get a proper overview of their cu
ent project (Vasiljeva and Berezkina, 2018).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        9. Propose appropriate project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems to support successful project, program and portfolio execution in different industry domains.
        The previous assessments are included in this application that gets them a proper idea about the process.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to SEBoK'
· SEBoK: 'Introduction to Systems Engineering';
· SEBoK:Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
        10. Discuss contemporary developments in the use of project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems.
        According to the report of Macondo catastrophe, it has been found that improper management skills can
ing huge disaster. In the scenario, it has also been discovered that the incident of Gulf of Mexico has been found out to be a huge disaster. The lack of proper system thinking was found during the management activities. On this basis, an efficient project development can
ing necessary changes including monitoring and configure process.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
7 of 11
31339-WEEK 2.docx
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012Unit Portfolio for Week 2
Week 2: Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
        Reading samples
        Learning outcomes of the unit
        Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
        Supporting documentation including any prior learning
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB),
        1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
        System thinking helps project management process by identifying where interventions will be having the greatest impact and also in a long run. The system keeps stakeholders at the priority which means the process goes through the whole process by complementing the top-down thinking. It is also helpful for the complex project works. The portfolio manager is responsible to lead the team is a part of system thinking.
        PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB),
        2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
        There are several kinds of system thinking tools such as Affinity Diagram, Conceptual Model and also Context diagram which is responsible to
ing improvement in the project development process to solve the project managers.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
        System engineering is very impotent in project management which has been witnessed in the Chief Counsel's Report of Macondo Disaster. The system engineering enables the validation of the lifecycle assets. Lack of System Engineering can
ing catastrophe. The managers do not have a proper team plan in the organization which has caused the concern scenario in the project case.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a project.
        In order to organize a project, the project managers are responsible to follow the concept of system thinking in order to change the cu
ent structure of the project work. The methodology or the concept of the system thinking is based on the interdisciplinary approach (Svejvig and Andersen, 2015). This helps to analyze the system process by the realization of the cu
ent structure.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        5. Explain the importance of appropriate selection of project management (PM) application systems in regards to meeting the internal and external objectives of a project.
        The project management application system helps to meet the internal and external objectives of a project by implementing new and innovational ideas that were never tried before. The software used in the process helps to collaborate very easily and also helps to keep a better track on the organized schedules of the organization (Sanchez and Terlizzi, 2017).
PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        6. Describe how the use of project management (PM) application systems can lead to effective PM knowledge management and decision making.
        The project management application system is known to be very productive in terms of
inging internal and external activities within the process. It has been found that project management reaches its ultimate destination by implementing the concerned system as it helps to track the number of projects with the details encountered. On the other hand better communication plays a major part.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different manual and electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems within each PPPM knowledge area over the life cycle of a project, program or portfolio.
        In project management system there are different kinds of applications and software that are being used in the project development. All of them are having different uses and different manual and electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application. Project Management, portfolio management are basically used which are having a significant difference in their use (Saeed et al. 2018).
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        8. Identify how project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems can assist project managers to monitor performance and manage changes within a project.
        Project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application system help the manager to monitor the project by the following steps. Firstly it helps to identify the places then makes an assessment and then necessary steps are implemented to
ing change in various aspects of the organization.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        9. Propose appropriate project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems to support successful project, program and portfolio execution in different industry domains.
        After the followed disaster of Texas, it is recommended for organizations to implement the PPPM system so that better precautions could be taken before it happens.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'Introduction to SE Transformation';
· Part 1: SEBoK Introduction - 'SEBoK Users and Uses';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines - 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Project Management'
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 2.1; 2.6 - 2.8; 2.21;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Introduction;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Case Study
· Chief Counsel's Report - Chapter 5 (PDF 700KB);
        10. Discuss contemporary developments in the use of project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems.
        There are many new technologies which are used in such as Agile projects to develop the cu
ent situation in the PPPM system.
        PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
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(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 3
Week 3: Assess the Relevance of Systems Engineering to Project Cases.
        Reading samples
        Learning outcomes of the unit
        Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
        Supporting documentation including any prior learning
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
        1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
        System thinking is a very essential process which enhances the business quality and also helps to assess the cu
ent problems in an organization. Applying system thinking helps to identify the new existing problems of the business and necessary steps are taken according to it.
        PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
        Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
        2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
        In the BP catastrophe, it has been found that the lack of system thinking was...

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