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There are 3 question to be done in this work i will send you the requirements as well

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There are 3 question to be done in this work i will send you the requirements as well
Answered Same Day Aug 14, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 19 2020
146 Votes
Table of Contents
Q1. Mental Health Status of Chung    3
MSE:    3
DSM:    3
Q2. Two Contributing Factors to Chung’s Present Mental State    4
Stress Vulnerability Model    4
Biological Susceptibility as one of the Contributing Factors to Chung’s Cu
ent Mental State    5
Stress as another Contributing Factors to Chung’s Cu
ent Mental State    5
Q3. Critically Discussing the Positive Role of Hope, Empowerment and Respect towards Chung’s Recovery    6
Mental Health Recovery Model    6
Respect:    7
Empowerment:    7
Hope:    8
References    9
Q1. Mental Health Status of Chung
The Mental State Examination (MSE) refers to the systematic, detailed study of the metal state of a person, analysed under categories of appearance, behaviour mood, speech, thinking ability, perception, insight, and judgment of right and wrong, cognition (Arevalo-Rodriguez et al., 2015). According to the guidelines of MSE, the patient’s behaviour and appearance are initially observed (Trzepacz, Hochstetler, Wang, Walker & Saykin, 2015). Chung appeared depressed and would respond slowly but unfalteringly. His disposition reflected him to be absent-minded. Chung’s appearance, behaviour, speech and pensive mood indicated his anxiety, which according to him had increased over the past two months.
As suggested by Hollis, Duncanson, Kapust, Xi and O’Connor (2015), this indicates that a patient’s perception and analysis abilities are unhampered. He displayed meaningful cognizance of his physical and mental health. He accepted that he was unwell. He complained of recent episodes of
eathlessness and palpitation and subsequent fear of death due to cardiac a
est. He had reduced hunger and sleep. He noted that not only had he lost weight but also had become insomniac.
On the mental front, he felt incapable, pessimistic and unworthy. He had contemplated suicide aided by the fact that he, being a doctor had the knowledge of and access to lethal medicines. He felt that mediations would not improve his situation and that his illness was self-inflicted. The patient came across as severely depressed but also insightful and analytical, simultaneously.
On the other hand, as mentioned by Aggarwal, Desilva, Nicasio, Boiler and Lewis-Fernandez (2015), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) presents psychologists with a guideline to help classify mental disorders. Both the DSM and the MSE aim at better comprehension and analysis of mental illness. Chung experienced mixed emotions and displayed symptoms of a wide range of mental illness that could be categorised as per the guidelines of DSM-V. The patient’s history presented a consortium of contributing factors.
According to Armour, Mullerova and Elhai (2016), these may include the effects of immigration, missing family and homeland, severe scrutiny in the drug e
or case as well as postpartum depression. As noted by section II of DSM-V, all of this has led to depressive disorders and dysthymia in Chung. The
eathlessness and palpitations he faced indicated panic attacks and increased anxiety. The separation from his homeland and family has led to the development of Separation-anxiety disorder.
Besides, the new developments in Chung’s life, including the birth of his daughter, his wife’s ill-health, and excessive work stress have led to the onset of Adjustment disorder. As indicated by Chung et al. (2015), in DSM V, improper food intake leads to weight loss, while reduced sleep reflects feeding and eating, along with sleep-wake disorders. All of these have been evident in case of Chung.
Q2. Two Contributing Factors to Chung’s Present Mental State
Stress Vulnerability Model
‘Stress’ in psychology refers to the pressure exerted by circumstances on an individual. ‘Vulnerability’ refers to the propensity or susceptibility of an individual towards something. Bringing the two words together, the Stress Vulnerability Model, as postulated by Zubin and Spring in 1977, endeavours to present a simplistic model to analyse mental illness in individuals (Zannas & West, 2014). The Model attempts to understand the reasons behind some individuals being more likely to develop stress related psychiatric disorders as compared to others. The motive is to comprehend the reasons contributing to the disease and implement the best strategy possible to restore normal mental health in the individuals. According to the model, there are certain critical or contributing factors that influence the onset and progression of mental illness in patients (Calvete, Orue & Hankin, 2015). Two of these contributing factors include Biological susceptibility and...

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