The topic that I choose is: Anxiety (Please see attached document for full instructions on the assignment)
Write a short paper in Microsoft Word outlining: How much of your topic (The topic I choose is: Anxiety) appears to be due to factors related to nature (inborn biology) and how much is related to nurture (the environment around you)? You should define your topic (the Open Stax textbook defines most of the topics below) and clearly argue your position (in 1-2 pages, double-spaced). Your paper should be based on the argument you have outlined.
You should NOT use any direct quotes in your assignment- reword the information in your own words and cite accordingly.
You will be evaluated on your reasoning skills (i.e., the arguments you put forth are logical and based in fact). You should (at minimum) use the OpenStax textbook as a source to find evidence and cite this in a properly formatted APA reference page; any additional sources should come from the library and NOT from the internet (the library website and Google Scholar are okay to use but avoid blogs and other personal websites). Be sure to also cite your sources using APA 7th Edition formatting throughout your assignment. If you do not provide references, you will receive a zero on this project.
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