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The topic is recidivism. Please see attachment. please don't use .edu, .com, .org, .net websites. use academic or government websites only. use in-text citations and reference page. For this...

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The topic is recidivism. Please see attachment. please don't use .edu, .com, .org, .net websites. use academic or government websites only. use in-text citations and reference page.
For this assignment, suggest several ideas for future research that will build upon the lessons learned in your study. Explain why future research in your research area will be worthwhile and what you expect future researchers may find. Keep in mind the limitations that you have identified in theWeek 9 Discussionas they may be beneficial for a future researcher to perform a study that overcomes these limitations from your study.
Answered Same Day Mar 29, 2020


Soumi answered on Apr 05 2020
158 Votes
Running Head: RECIDIVISM        1
RECIDIVISM     `    4
Table of Contents
Areas of future research    3
Considering the limitations    3
Significance of future research    3
Anticipated findings for the future researchers    3
References    4
Areas of future research
    The studies previously conducted on recidivism have identified a number of areas, where future researches could be conducted to prevent this act of the prisoners. One of the key areas, identified is the in-depth study of the trends prevailing in the world for recidivism. It has been found that in the different countries of the world, prisoners or released convicts have the tendency to re-offend in a variety of ways as well as for a wide range of reasons (Loeffler & Grunwald, 2015). Besides, different demography and group of people are also associated with the kind of recidivism that might take place. Hence, a research could be conducted in this area.
    Another area that calls for notable research is the identification of the ways, in which recidivism could be stopped;...

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