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The Table of Evidence is literally that- A Table – consisting of the 10 articles you have committed to while formulating your argument. The TOE is you getting organized, committing to at least 10...

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The Table of Evidence is literally that- A Table

– consisting of the 10 articles you have committed to while formulating your argument.

The TOE is you getting organized, committing to at least 10 peer reviewed articles, and summarizing those 10

based on the same criteria of relevance across all ten.

The TOE highlights the critical aspects of the 10 articles.

The TOE is a summary figure that highlights the following:

Authors and Dates; Questions, variables, objectives, hypothesis; Design, sample, setting; Findings; Level of Evidence / Quality Indicator; and Notes / Comments.
These are the required TOE Headers.

APA ranks highly in the construction, presentation, and organization of this table and should not be overlooked (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association- the Official Guide to APA Style, 7


ed; ©2020).

Avoid decorative flourishes or anything distracting from the importance of the elements and the ultimate learning goals. When constructing your Analysis and Synthesis manuscript, be sure to review your reference to this TOE (Chapter 7.5), and the proper citation and use of
any specific note below the TOE
that supplements or clarifies any information in the table itself (See Table 7.1 example on table notes, page 200).


Answered 14 days After Apr 23, 2024


Anjali answered on Apr 26 2024
16 Votes
Risk factors related to the cure and management of psychotic behavior of adults addicted to Lysergic acid diethylamide
A synthesis paper
Introduction to research problem
The use of LSD is more prevalent in youngsters or adults under the 18-25 age group, it is evidenced that it is a hallucination drug that affects the mental health of the patient. From the
oader view of studies or research, it is found that there exists a research gap between the studies related to the management and cure of psychotic behavior of adults consuming LSD, there are several risks associated with effective cures provided to patients that are uncovered till now. It is a challenging task to provide quality care to patients due to the implications involved in the behavior of a patient. Therefore this research gap is explored in this research and the following is the picot research question designed in this concern.
RQ1: What are the possible risk factors related to the cure and management of psychotic behavior of adults addicted to Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and how can it be cured or prevented?
P: adults of 18-25 age groups
I: Cure and management provided to users of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
C: Comparing the psychotic behavior after and before the treatment provided to the users
O: How can it be cured or prevented?
T: Keep track of the changes after 6 weeks of cure and management
Background and Significance
It is quite significant to manage the psychosis of an individual addicted to the consumption of LSD because most of the patients who are addicted to this drug fall under the age group 18-25, this age group is the future of the nation and developed nations can only be built up by healthy youth. Therefore it is necessary to consider the use of LSD among youngsters (Nichols & Grob, 2018), for this purpose in this research several studies are investigated to study the effect of hallucinated drugs on mental health or we can say to analyze the psychotic behavior of the individuals who are addicted to LSD is analyzed in the approach by considering the use of evidence(Yockey et al., 2020). According to the researches LSD was identified in the year of 1938 and it was discovered that it has psychotic effects in the year of 1943 (Barnes, 1970), LSD was first synthesized in 1938, and its psychoactive properties were discovered in 1943 (Pahnke & Richards, 1966). The similarity between the subjective psychotomimetic effects of LSD and clinical research was conducted on this substance to analyze its effects. But in the year of 1970 the clinical researches were banned on LSD due to political pressure. LSD individuals who were exposed to the use of this substance evidenced with the symptoms like mental stress, anxiety, terminal cancer, alcoholism, opioid use disorder, and depression. In earlier days LSD was used to cure the anxiety associated disorders and other medical conditions like schizophrenia in 1947 (Ba
on et al., 1970), but the misuse of this substance was an issue of concern among the individuals nowadays (HOROWITZ, 1969).  Therefore there exists a research gap related to negative effects of use of LSD on mental health of an individual (Killion et al., 2021)
Theoretical framework
(Fiorentini et al., 2021) used a subjective approach to analyze the effects of substance abuse on individuals and claimed that substance abuse leads to psychotic symptoms among the individuals. For this purpose an evidence based approach is followed by the author to compare the different studies in concern of this, on the basis of this comparison a number of evidences are generated by the author to fill this research gap between the studies. However (Gan et al., 2018) identified that use of Methamphetamine leads to changes in the ve
al learning abilities, memory, visual learning abilities, and cognitive abilities of the users. For this objective a literature is conducted by the author that help to identify the effect of using Methamphetamine on ve
al learning abilities, memory, visual learning abilities, and cognitive abilities of the users. The different factors are analyzed in this study by refe
ing the work of the other authors in this concern; the number of insights is generated by following a subjective approach. There is not any kind of experimentation performed by the author under this research to identify the effects using abused substances. Whereas (Glasner-Edwards & Mooney, 2014) used a framework to investigate that a quantifiable proportion of Methamphetamine users, does not constitute a psychotic disorder if this substance is taken in good proportion or measured proportion it does not affect the mental health of the patient. The cu
ent state of art is investigated in this approach by using qualitative approach and secondary evidences are collected in this approach. There are different researches available online or on digital repositories like IEEE, NCBI and science direct or emerald and Wiley etc. From where the number of researches has been investigated by the author to support the research t question or hypothesis generated in this analysis. (Ham et al., 2017) analyzed that to study the behavior of an individual certain models are required; in this research the author used different DIP models such as amphetamine, PCP/ketamine, scopolamine, and LSD to track the psychotic behavior of the patient. This research entails the use of model based approach to identify the effects of PCP/ketamine, scopolamine, and LSD on the psychotic behavior of an individual. This research is the major motivation to identify the research gap related to studies and this research will act as foundation work for the co
esponding research, this model based approach help to identify the possible risk factors related to the cure and management of psychotic behavior of adults addicted to Lysergic acid diethylamide. The prevention and cure of psychotic behavior of adults addicted to Lysergic acid diethylamide will also be discussed in this research. (Grof, 1970) studied the use of LSD in psychotherapy, it is analyzed that the regulated use of LSD help to manage the implication involved in the patient suffering from mental disease. Repetitive dose of LSD was provided to the patient and it was analyzed that there was improvement in the mental health of the patient and the dose that was given to the patient was 100 milligrams. Face to face interviews were conducted in this study to insight the experience of the patient and it is quite evident that LSD was used to cure the mental patients at that time. (Stafford, 1985) identified the recreational uses of LSD, for this purpose a subjective approach is used by the author in which the different studies are investigated and historical literature is reviewed in this study. The approach that is used in this analysis is quite descriptive and these kinds of frameworks will act as foundation for the co
esponding researches.
In this research a literature review based approach is used to analyze the
oader view of possible risk factors related to the cure and management of psychotic behavior of adults addicted to Lysergic acid diethylamide. The critical analysis of the different research papers related to psychotic behavior and use of different substances like cocaine and other hallucinating substances are analyzed in this approach. Keyword based approach is used to find out the different research papers in this approach, the keywords like psychotic behavior, of LSD among youngsters, chronic stimulants and abused substances are used to find out the number of literature in this concern. This literature based analysis is performed to provide a clear picture about the psychosis and use of substances for this purpose the 10 scholarly articles are evaluated, most of the articles are related to subjective or qualitative analysis. Literature based analysis is used in most of the research; it has a lack of experimentation. The selected studies are strong enough to provide a clear picture about the use of substances and their negative effects. Comparative analysis is performed in this approach to analyze the different parameter like research methodology, research questions, and quality index and results of the researches. On the basis of this analysis a gap between the studies is find out that help to formulate the research question for this research. From...

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