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The Succeeders, Chapters 5 and 6

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The Succeeders, Chapters 5 and 6
Part I: CH 5
1. Analyze how succeeders engaged in "sibcare practices" and how they wanted to ensure that their younger siblings gained access to a better educational opportunities. 
Then reply to your classmate by commenting on the following questions based on your reading of the Conclusion:
1. Discuss why "somos una famiia" resonated among the immigrant students in the succeeders program
2. What were some of the experiences of undocumented students in the succeeders program and the limitations they found?

Microsoft Word - Andrea Flores_Dissertation Full Draft_Feb.docx
Latino Youth Learning to Belong
By Andrea E. Flores
B.A., Harvard University, 2005
M.A., Brown University, 2011
A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
in the Department of Anthropology at Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island

© 2015 by Andrea E. Flores

This dissertation by Andrea E. Flores is accepted in its cu
ent form
y the Department of Anthropology as satisfying the
dissertation requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Date________________ XXXXXXXXXX_________________________
XXXXXXXXXXJessaca Leinaweaver, Advisor

Recommended to the Graduate Council

Date________________ XXXXXXXXXX_________________________
XXXXXXXXXXCatherine Lutz, Reader

Date________________ XXXXXXXXXX_________________________
en, Reader

Date________________ XXXXXXXXXX_________________________
XXXXXXXXXXSofia Villenas, Reader

Approved by the Graduate Council

Date________________ XXXXXXXXXX_________________________
XXXXXXXXXXDean of the Graduate School


Andrea Flores
Department of Anthropology, Brown University
Date of Birth: March 6, 1983
XXXXXXXXXXPlace of Birth: Boston, MA


XXXXXXXXXXPh.D. in Anthropology, Brown University

XXXXXXXXXXA.M. in Anthropology, Brown University

XXXXXXXXXXA.B. in Anthropology, Harvard University
Phi Beta Kappa, cum laude


Nationally Competitive

XXXXXXXXXXNational Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship

XXXXXXXXXXJack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship

XXXXXXXXXXFord Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, Honorable Mention

XXXXXXXXXXRuth Landes Memorial Research Fund Grant

XXXXXXXXXXNational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Locally Competitive

XXXXXXXXXXNational Institute for Child Health and Human Development (T32)
Awarded by the NIH through the Population Study and Training Center,
Brown University (Declined)

2011 Population Study and Training Center, Pre-dissertation Summer Research
Funding Award, Brown University

2010 Population Study and Training Center Summer Research Funding Award,
Brown University


Under Andrea Flores. Form of Exclusion: Underdocumented Students and
Revision XXXXXXXXXXthe Moral Contours of Financial Aid in the U.S. For resubmission to
XXXXXXXXXXAmerican Ethnologist.

Forthcoming Andrea Flores. Empowerment and Civic Su
ogacy: Community
Workers’ Perceptions of Their Own and Their Latino/a Students’
Civic Potential. Anthropology and Education Quarterly.

2013 Andrea Flores and Ca
ie James. Morality and Ethics Behind the
Screen: Youth’s Perspectives on Digital Life. New Media and Society

2007 Ca
ie James with Katie Davis, Andrea Flores, John Francis, Lindsay
Pettingill, Margaret Rundle, and Howard Gardner. Young People,
Ethics, and the New Digital Media: A Synthesis from the Good Play
Project (MacArthur White Paper, MIT Press).


2015 Ordinary Achievements: Latino Youth, Remaking Success, and the
Making of the Enjoyable Everyday. (Submitted) American
Anthropological Association annual meeting, Denver, CO

2014 Future and Familia: Latino Youth’s Investment in Higher Education as an
Intergenerational Bargain. American Anthropological Association annual
meeting, Washington, D.C.

2014 What FAFSA Stands for: Financial Aid Forms and the Politics of Caring
for Undocumented Latino Youth. Meeting of the American Ethnological
Society in collaboration with the Society for Visual Anthropology,
Boston, MA.

2013 Family Business: Kinship and the Domestication of Public-Private
Partnerships. American Anthropological Association annual meeting,
Chicago, IL.

2011 From Migrant to Empowered American: Nashville's Migrant Educators,
Second Generation Students, and Pedagogies of Belonging. American
Anthropological Association annual meeting, Montreal, Canada.

2008 Youth, Privacy, and New Digital Media. Andrea Flores and John M.
Francis. Digital Natives Forum, Berkman Center for Internet and Society
at Harvard University


2015 Anthropology of Transnational Migration. Lecture to Anthropology 100
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Brown University.

2011 Refugees and Other Migrants: An American Politics of Compassion.
Lecture to Anthropology 110 Global Social Problems: Humanitarianism
and Human Rights, Brown University.


XXXXXXXXXXSucceeders: Latino Youth Learning to Belong
Pre-dissertation, dissertation, and follow-up ethnographic research in
Nashville, Tennessee in two educational nonprofits—a college readiness
program for Latino youth and an adult migrant literacy program.

XXXXXXXXXXCivic Trust among Young Immigrants Project
Research Assistant, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of
Conducted interviews with youth 18-25 focused on the trusting
dispositions of first and second-generation migrant youth, served as a lead
data coder, assisted in sampling and subject recruitment, collaborated in
the writing of grant reports, publications, coding schemes, and interview
protocols. Investigators: Professor Howard Gardner and Dr. Ca
ie James.

XXXXXXXXXXThe GoodPlay Project
Research Assistant, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of
Education (HGSE)
Conducted interviews with youth 15-25 on youth models of ethics in
various forms of new media, served as a lead data coder, assisted in
sampling and subject recruitment, collaborated in the writing of grant
eports, publications, coding schemes, and interview protocols.
Investigators: Professor Howard Gardner and Dr. Ca
ie James.

XXXXXXXXXXTrust and Trustworthiness in a Democratic Society Project
Research Assistant, Project Zero, HGSE

Conducted interviews with youth 15-25 regarding the trust and the
trustworthiness of known others and socio-civic organizations.
Investigators: Professor Howard Gardner and Dr. Ca
ie James.


XXXXXXXXXXCourse Development Assistant, Brown University. Conducted focus
groups with international relations students, collected syllabi, and
developed a reading list for new departmental course aimed at
international relations majors entitled Global Social Problems. Course
topics include: humanitarianism, global aid, migration, globalization.

2011 Teaching Assistant for Global Social Problems: Humanitarianism and
Human Rights, Brown University. This is an anthropology core course
and required course for all international relations majors. Focuses on
anthropological approaches to humanitarian intervention. Responsible for
teaching two discussion sections, grading, and advising 40 students’ work.

2011 Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Brown
University. This is
Answered Same Day May 11, 2022


Jose answered on May 11 2022
111 Votes
The Succeeders, Chapters 5 and 6
Part I: CH 5
1. Analyze how succeeders engaged in "sibcare practices" and how they wanted to ensure that their younger siblings gained access to a better educational opportunity. 
Most of the succeeders are engaged in different jobs and activities to protect their family and their siblings. While analyzing the example of Janitza we can understand that she is working hard for paying her mother’s back and succeeders frequently expressed a desire to illuminate the route for their siblings and future generations, as well as a desire for scholastic achievement in order to create a loving, proud family. Succeeders identify their unborn babies, and frequently their younger siblings, as future and maybe greater beneficiaries of both migration and Succeeders' scholastic endeavors (Flores 2021, p.178). Succeeders indicate their efforts as distinctive and, if not proportional to parental sacrifice, comparable to it by grouping their siblings and future offspring as beneficiaries of their efforts.
While analyzing the chapter we can also understand that Succeeders present academic accomplishment as a method of caring for family...

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