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32541 Project Management Project Management Guest Lecture In a previous semester’s guest lecture, a project manager forcefully made the following statement: “If you are only interested in programming...

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32541 Project Management
Project Management Guest Lecture
In a previous semester’s guest lecture, a project manager forcefully made the following statement:
“If you are only interested in programming I am not interested in employing you”    
Discuss why an experienced Project Manager would make this statement. Provide arguments for your reasons.
Hint: Think of this from the two perspectives
1. the overall project and
2. the day to day activities which happen on a project
Justify and explain your answer.
Answered Same Day Jun 21, 2020


Preeti answered on Jun 21 2020
149 Votes
Discussion Question
In a recent report on the subject of project management, several global trends, in terms of technological advancements and accelerated global changes are identified, in context to which project management plays leading role. On conducting concise study on bodies and subjects of knowledge in the profession of project management, it is established that one needs to be mastery in practical and theoretical skills for standing and acting firmly in this profession. However, surprisingly, the professional of project management is characterised with frequent project failures, slow rate of methodological renewals and lack of commitment or optimum usage of available resources, asks for presence of multiple and varied a
ay of skills and capabilities.
The true doctrine of project management do not require professionals excelled or competent in single area or subject, rather there is need of personnel capable of crystallising principles of theories and practical knowledge. The underlying phenomenon is analysed in accordance to two perspectives:
The overall project
Generally speaking, project management is all about managing work, but in professional terms, it is understood as decomposition of total work effort into smaller sections or chunks, called as activities and tasks. The activities and tasks in the sphere of project management require time management, cost management, and necessary control skills. In 20th century, project management is dominated by the transformation where small tasks and activities are performed and accomplished in the manner, minimising cost of each task and gearing value for entire project chain. In simple words, professionals carefully identify, classify, analyse and accomplish smaller tasks and activities in a manner that it yields higher output at...

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