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The subject is business intelligence, so please write in the knowledge of business intelligence. Thanks1. Visit the website: Monday Makeover ( Explore the data sets...

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The subject is business intelligence, so please write in the knowledge of business intelligence. Thanks1. Visit the website: Monday Makeover ( Explore the data sets available through this site3. Understand how BI is used4. Combining multiple data sets (more than two) explore new sets of outcome 5. Write a short blog (up to 500 words).
Answered Same Day Aug 14, 2020


Monika answered on Aug 14 2020
142 Votes
    Country    Paid maternity leave avg payment rate (%)    Paid maternity leave full rate equivalent in weeks    Paid maternity leave in weeks    Paid parental leave avg payment rate (%)    Paid parental leave full rate equivalent in weeks    Paid parental leave in weeks    Total paid leave avg payment rate (%)    Total paid leave full rate equivalent in weeks    Total paid leave in weeks
    Australia    42.3    7.6    18    0    0    0    42.3    7.6    18
    Austria    100    16    16    80    35.2    44    85.3    51.2    60
    Belgium    64.1    9.6    15    20.2    3.5    17.3    40.6    13.1    32.3
    Canada    48.4    8.2    17    54.9    19.2    35    52.8    27.4    52
    Chile    100    18    18    100    12    12    100    30    30

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