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Assessment 2 Idea Generation Task Description: The objective of this individual assessment submission is to learn how to develop a business idea, complemented by brainstorming and leveraging the...

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Assessment 2
Idea Generation 
Task Description:
The objective of this individual assessment submission is to learn how to develop a business idea, complemented by
ainstorming and leveraging the insights and skillsets of others. Assessment comprises two parts: Please submit a 5-page
iefing paper of your business idea, its essential business model components, and aspects that will influence its success. A business model canvass can be included as an appendix.
The second part of the assessment is how constructively and collaboratively you have worked with others during the workshops scheduled for Assessment 2.
The assessment criteria for both components are detailed below.
Assessment Due Date:
Week 8 Friday (4 May XXXXXXXXXX:00 pm AEST
Referencing Style:
American Psychological Association (APA) 
Submission Instructions:
Please submit online via Moodle 
Return Date to Students:
Week 10 Friday (18 May 2018)
Result and remarks will be available in Moodle through Feedback Studio. Please click on the blue Pencil to access feedback.
Assessment Criteria:
Business Idea:
1. Effective explanation of the custome
market problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required. (10%)
2. Persuasive argument of the benefits to be generated by the idea (10%)
3. Discussion of the proposed business model (15%)
4. Critical success factors to be managed during execution of the idea (15%)
5. Evaluation of the feasibility of the idea (10%)
6. Quality of written submission, referencing (10%)
Quality of contribution and collaboration
1. Individual student has demonstrated they worked productively in the team, including the ability to
ainstorm with others to generate a viable idea set and to solve project problems collaboratively (10%)
2. Evidence that the individual student has helped the group reach consensus on the most viable idea to take forward for Assessment 3 (10%)
3. Evidence that the individual student has been proactive in ensuring the the successful completion of the portfolio of materials for the pitch in Assessment 3 (10%)
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
· Investigate cases of disruptive innovation in different business and social contexts by applying lean entrepreneurship principles 
· Develop ideas using conceptualisation frameworks, innovation personas and horizon thinking in different business and social contexts 
· Demonstrate an understanding of and apply the stages of the innovation process, including learn how to forecast the success and market diffusion of your innovation using business model design logic
Graduate Attributes:
· Knowledge 
· Communication 
· Cognitive, technical and creative skills 
· Research 
· Self-management 
· Ethical and Professional Responsibility 
· Leadership 



Business Model Deconstruction
Abhishek Kuamr: XXXXXXXXXX
JUNE, 2017
THE BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS……………………………………………………...5
KEY RELATIONSHIP…………………………………………………………………………….5
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR………………………………………………………….6
CHANGES IN BUSINESS MODEL………………………………………………………7
In the contemporary scenario, e-commerce has emerged as fastest growing industry that has supported the business in enhancing their reach through delivering services and products over the online platform. Considering the increasing aspect of e-commerce, it has been assessed that the advanced information technology and increasing online demand among the customers is regarded as major factors that drive the growth of the e-commerce industry. In the present aspect, various small and large scale companies offer their products directly to the customers with the help of using e-commerce platform (About Us, 2018).
For the present study selected organisation is Foodora Company one of the leading online food company based in Berlin-Germany. The online company offers the range of meals and food services over different restaurants by bike courier or delivery driver to the customers. The key mission of firm is to deliver good food to their customers from the placed restaurant. The company mainly operates their activities in the ten countries and delivers food to students and working professionals. However, cu
ently, the company is highly dependent on this market segment that assists in increasing the ratio of sales and profits. With the help of using Foodora website or mobile application customers can easily
owse nea
y restaurant and place their order foodora couriers delivers the food at the doorstep in about 30 minutes.
Business canvas model is an effective instrument that is mainly used by the organisation which showcase their core activities and functions. The model has been framed by the organisation as it assists them in understanding and gaining insight information regarding the operations that are ca
ied out within the setting. However, the instrument mainly focuses on reviewing different components such as Key activities; key partnership, cost structure, revenue streams, customer relationship, value proposition and customer segment (Osterwalder et al XXXXXXXXXXAlong with this, the business model canvas also supports the company to have knowledge regarding their own cost structure and revenue aspect that clearly showcase their income and expenditure ratio.
It has been described that Foodora Company mainly focuses on key activities related with ordering the food of customers from the selected restaurant, delivering the packed food or meal directly to the customers at their doorstep, managing online activities etc. so that it may easily satisfy the customers need and requirement. The business canvas model has also determined key partners that are restaurants as well as online food suppliers so that they may engage in providing required food services and products to the customers. However, to ca
y out the effective and smooth flow of all processes and activities of Foodora Company, it is required to make sure that it features availability of effective and adequate resources that are human resources as well as technological resources that support the company in their successful operation.
In addition to this, at present Foodo4ra Company is mainly targeting their different customer segments such as working professionals and college going students as they likely to have their food outside the home. Thus, targeting both the segment customers would support the online food company in attaining their goals and objectives (Lindgren, XXXXXXXXXXAlong with this, for targeting the customer’s online food company has also engaged in using different channels such as online delivery and offline takeaway services for satisfying their different customers.
Online food suppliers
Food storage partners
Organic food producers
Key activities
Cooking meals & baking activities
Social media
Packaging frozen meals
Planning of daily menu
Key resources
Value proposition
High quality product
Convenience of takeout facilities
Affordable prices
Customer relationship
Personal assistance
Online delivery
Customer segments
Working professionals
College going students
Cost structure
Operation cost
IT cost
Revenue stream
Online orders
With the help of reviewing nine building blocks of business canvas, it has been assessed that all blocks have the significant relationship with each other that support the organisation in attaining the competitive level. The building block of business canvas includes key resources that support the company in performing their activities along with the creating value proposition so that it may easily satisfy the customers through providing them timely delivery of the food order. Along with this, the availability of skilled and competent staffs within the company support in attracting the customers and creating value by offering them quality services through handling the online orders (Ojasalo & Ojasalo, XXXXXXXXXXIn addition to this, different restaurants and online food providers support the company through delivering food accordant with the demand of customers in every possible manner.
On the other hand, cost structure within the online food company has also been depicted that has supported the company in allocating the budget so that it engages in the proper functioning of the online food delivery. The cost structure indicates that it mainly bifurcate the cost of the operating cost, marketing activities, employees as well as IT cost that support the company in managing their activities. Thus, the cost structure overall benefit the organisation in managing their key activities along with enabling value proposition so that company easily attain the significant position in the e-commerce industry.
In the present scenario company focuses on determining their critical success factor that significantly assist the company in attaining long-term success and growth in the e-commerce industry (Dudin et al XXXXXXXXXXTherefore, it has been described that critical success factors are important for the firm that assist the online company in attaining the sustainable over the other players functioning in the market. With the help of the assessing overall activities and functions of the online food company it has been determined that it features effective human resource management that supports the firm in performing their activities. The skilled and competent staffs support the company in delivering proper and effective activities through handling online website and mobile application services.
With the help of skilled staffs it supports the online food company in managing their activities as well as food processing items so that it may easily deliver the packed food or meal directly to the customers (Fritscher & Pigneur, XXXXXXXXXXIn addition to this, innovation within the services and products among the online food company is termed as the critical factor for the success. With the help of innovation in the online food company it assist the company to expand their operations in the different other countries across the world so that it may easily target the mass of audiences towards their services. In addition to this, with the help of innovation it also provides range of food and packed meals to target customers so that it may easily satisfy their needs and wants.
Heavy dependency on one particular customer segment and increasing competition within the food industry are considered as the significant factors which will contribute to the downside risk of Foodora. It can be expressed that the selected business enterprise relies entirely on customer segment which is working professional and in future, the changes in need and demand of this market segment will results in creating several kinds of challenges in the growth and success of Foodora (Spieth, Schneckenberg & Ricart, XXXXXXXXXXIn addition to this, the competitive food industry is also a significant factor which can contribute to the downside risk of the organisation.
It is required by the
and to develop effective plans and strategies so that it can deal with the issues and challenges in the best possible manner. Further, an aggressive approach to marketing and promotion needs to be employed by the
and so that it can create high demand for its products and services among people in the market. Nowadays, increasing competition is a significant threat to the business because the customers now have the opportunity to switch from one food provider to other easily. This has created complications of the
and regarding attaining long-term goals and objectives (Osterwalder & Pigneur, XXXXXXXXXXTo deal with competition, the selected organisation can also introduce a new range of innovative products and services.
Answered Same Day May 04, 2020 MGMT20143 Central Queensland University


Anju Lata answered on May 07 2020
141 Votes
CQ University, Australia
A successful business idea is driven by focusing the target market, potential customers, rivals, opportunities and risks, financial issues and investments related aspects (Caramela,2018).
Satisfaction of employees, their remunerations, job security, and effective strategy to combat the increasing competition are hugely important factors for the success of business in any organisation.
The assignment analyzes the scenario of disruptions in the existing system of multinational online food delivery Company ‘Foodora’ and presents a new business idea to overcome the cu
ent issues in the organisation.
In view of increasing workers’ protests and dissatisfaction among the bikers of Foodora Company in different parts of the world, it is important for the company to understand and prioritize the needs of its employees rather than just focusing on profitability and business.
1. Effective explanation of the custome
market problem that needs solving and/or the reason the innovation is required.
The online food delivery Company ‘Foodora’ has many issues in its cu
ent business model which are leading to increasing employees’ dissatisfaction (The Local,2017). For example, the unfair labor conditions, reduced daily wages, unordered shifts orientation, inadequate working hours for each biker, low job security, reduced transparency about working hours, no coverage of bike repair costs and mobile internet costs by the company are the main issues of concern for the employees.
In May 2017, many bike couriers from Foodora Company protested in Berlin for the issues of unfair labor conditions they have been experiencing while working in the company (The Local,2017). They emphasized that gradually the situation is getting worse now. Every month they are paid one euro less. The company has now forced the bikers to wear a uniform which was not mandatory earlier however the management does not seem interested in addressing their demands.
In March 2018, delivery riders protested in Sydney against the pay cuts imposed by the Foodora Management, and the prevailing lack of protection (like sick pay and superannuation) in their jobs. The workers said that they are being taken for rides across the cities from door to door but they do not have any basic working rights in the Organisation. They demanded for a pay hike and improved working conditions.
Other than these factors, the company focuses its entire business on one particular customer segment that is satisfying the food requirements of working professionals. Moreover, increasing competition within the food industry is also a significant factor contributing to problems (Raper and Mayors,2018). Foodora mainly aims to serve the people of different economic sections generally office going people. Their menu is not customized according to the requirements of school and college students. The involvement of other online food delivery companies like Deliveroo has also gra
ed reasonable part of the business opportunities in the market.
2. Persuasive argument...

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