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This 2,000 word individual report is to investigate the problem of employee theft in hotels. This problem is a constraint unique to the management of international hospitality companies. Given the...

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This 2,000 word individual report is to investigate the problem of employee theft in hotels. This problem is a constraint unique to the management of international hospitality companies. Given the easy access to physical resources in hospitality, this is a perennial and pertinent problem facing the dynamic hospitality industry. This assignment will help develop your awareness and understanding of the features and complexities of employee theft in the hospitality industry
    Report, 2000 words (+/- 10%), MSWord, Times New Roman 12pt font, 1.5 spacing
    Unit learning outcomes:
    ï‚· Demonstrate an awareness of the nature and characteristics of a global hospitality enterprise.
ï‚· Critically analyse the constraints unique to the management of international hospitality enterprises.
Before starting this assignment, you should have read all assessment materials provided on Blackboard and consulted with your Lecturer for additional instructions and support. Please refer to the marking ru
ic for this proposal on Blackboard to see marking criteria and achievement expectation.
For this assignment you are required to conduct a literature review on employee theft in the hotel industry. You will be required to produce an individual report which contains the following information:
1. Discuss how and if employee theft is a problem in the hotel industry.
2. Discuss how employee theft is a problem across different departments.
3. Discuss the underlying motivations behind employee theft in hotels.
4. Discuss the types of employee theft in hotels (e.g. intentional vs unintentional, tangible vs intangible, etc).
5. Discuss best practices adopted by international hotels to prevent employee theft
6. Provide practical recommendations on how employee theft can be managed effectively
The submitted document should be 2000 words (+/- 10%) – excluding references, cover page, executive summary and appendices. Referencing should be in the APA Style (see Resources below for Tip Sheet). The report must be suitably referenced with a minimum of 10 academic references and may include photographs, maps, tables, diagrams, illustrations.

Any student who wishes to defer the submission of an assignment must apply to the lecturer before the due date for an extension of the time within which to submit the assignment. The application must be in writing and must set out the grounds on which extension is sought.
An assignment submitted after the fixed or extended time for submission shall incur a penalty to be calculated as follows: ï‚·
where the assignment is submitted not more than 5 working days late, the penalty shall, for each working day that it is late, be 5% of the maximum assessment available for the assignment; o
ï‚· where the assignment is more than 5 working days late, a mark of zero shall be awarded.
RESOURCES Apart from the references provided above, students should be conducting secondary research using the ECU li
ary database
RESOURCES Apart from the references provided above, students should be conducting secondary research using the ECU li
ary database
    High distinction
    Quality of analysis of employee theft motivation and types of theft (50%)
    Analysis is inadequate and/or very limited. Fails to show insight and thoughtful discussion of topic.
    Analysis is basic
Shows some insight and provides some thoughtful discussion of the topic.
    Analysis is good.

Shows good insight and provides a sound discussion of the topic
    Analysis is very good.

Shows very good insight and provides a strong discussion of the topic
    Analysis is excellent.

Shows excellent insight and provides great depth in discussion of the topic.
    Quality of analysis of employee theft in relation to international hospitality (20%) (CLO 5.1)
    Analysis is inadequate and/or very limited. Fails to show depth of thought and understanding of topic and/or discussion of all key concepts.
    Analysis is basic.

Shows some depth of thought and adequate understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts
    Analysis is good.

Shows good depth of thought and sound understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts.
    Analysis is very good.

Shows very good depth of thought and strong understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts.
    Analysis is excellent.

Shows great depth of thought and excellent understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts
    Quality of practical recommendations (20%) (CLO 5.2)
    Analysis is inadequate and/or very limited. Fails to show depth of thought and understanding of topic and/or discussion of all key concepts
    Analysis is basic.

Shows some depth of thought and adequate understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts
    Analysis is good.

Shows good depth of thought and sound understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts.
    Analysis is very good.

Shows very good depth of thought and strong understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts
    Analysis is excellent.

Shows great depth of thought and excellent understanding of the topic and/or discussion of all key concepts
    Referencing technique (10%)
    Referencing is inadequate.

In-text referencing is limited and/or inco
ect and/or plagiarism is evident. End-text referencing is inco
ect and/or references are missing.
    Referencing is adequate but a number of e
ors are present. In-text referencing has e
ors. End-text referencing has e
ors. More work is required to adhere to ECU referencing guidelines
    Referencing is good but some e
ors are present. In-text and/or end-text referencing has some e
ors as per ECU Referencing guidelines which need to be addressed
    Referencing is very good.

There may be some minor e
ors in the intext and/or endtext referencing as per ECU Referencing guidelines which need to be addressed
    Referencing is excellent.

In-text and endtext referencing all conforms to ECU Referencing guidelines
Answered Same Day Aug 21, 2020


Sarabjeet answered on Aug 26 2020
140 Votes
Employee Thefts
Running Head: Employee Theft
Employee Theft
Student Name:
University Name:
Unit Name:
Introduction    2
Employee theft is a problem in the hotel industry    3
Employee theft is a problem across different departments    5
Underlying motivations behind employee theft in hotels    6
Types of employee theft in hotels    7
Best practices adopted by international hotels to prevent employee theft    8
Practical recommendations on how employee theft can be managed effectively    12
References    13
Appendices    15
A problem of employee thefts in the hotel is the oldest problem. Employees lose billions of a dollar each year in a theft. Moreover, by nature, the hotel, guests, and employees from home offer many opportunities for theft. Theft identity theft in a hotel may take several forms for theft of property and guest property by credit card fraud. An employer thinks to a worker that the member of staff is gone to steal someday. The hotel needs to take steps to stop the theft and after a suspected theft, be cautious in taking action against the employee. Both have practice and legal effect. Developing inner controlled systems that decrease theft’s without the understanding of workers perceptions as well as their inclination towards collaboration with management is impossible. However, very few studies have found out how foodstuffs look at employee theft and will encourage them to reveal data about the actions of the theft by their peer. Apart from this, the previous study on workers theft has also requested the workers to disclose data about genuine works related to various kinds of theft (Ismail and Ghiselli, 1998). Though, it is probable that a few respondents cannot be totally honest in their answer regarding themselves.
Employee theft is a problem in the hotel industry
Employee thefts have a strong effect on the food business. According to US Chamber of the Commerce, the yearly revenue loss is $ 40 to $ 400 billion due to theft of employees, and about 15 percent contributes to small company failures in the first year (Olifant and Olifant, 2001). The estimated costs related to the employee theft in the restaurant business are $ 3 to 6 billion$ (Garabar and Walkup, 2004). Generally, employee thefts in food items fall into the two categories: loss of "shrinkage" list or loss of "negligence" cash or business. List of food or liquor, the unpaid food use, fraudulent credit card, unauthorized exemption, theft tips moreover free food provided to friends and family are some samples of the employee theft (ET) in the restaurant business. Apart from this, these kinds of theft may not be known for lasting as proper inner control processes are not there (Al-Ababneh, Al-Sabi, Al-Shakhsheer & Masadeh, 2017).
It is difficult to suppose that you rent a filling place in your business, you will really take it from you, it happens each day in every kind of occupations or different ways. It has been estimated that seventy-five percent of every employee theft is not paid attention. Difficult financial times, the lack of salaries increase or the risks of downsizing or cutback make employees more attractive to help themselves (AVITZUR, 2010). Employees may take several forms by stolen office supplies as well as theft to steal the time by stealing property and stealing confidential information from ill leave and improper reporting of leave. When employee theft is discovered, employe
owner are violated and often respond with emotions. Remember that this is a business problem and will assist in quick solutions and prevention as it addresses (AVITZUR, 2010).
Employee theft is a problem across different departments
Theft of employees is a problem in almost all the departments of the hotel. Corporations use different types of schemes to steal money from corporations. This false reimbursement ranges from embezzlement, bill and payroll schemes to share claims and trade secrets. Did you know, employee fraud costs in 2016 £ 40 million in business? The most common type of employee theft, however, when employees steal money and property under the nose of a company Theft of stolen goods is £ 190 million in British business (Brien, Thomas & Brown, 2017). However, it is worth noting that there are two types of theft in the workplace: tangible theft, such as stealing money or steady, clothes etc. And intellectual property such as illegal theft, confidential sales figures, etc. According to the National Fraud Agency, theft and business fraud spend more than £ 73 billion on the UK economy every year, so it is advisable to invest in people, processes and products to reduce the chances of safe, secure and future employee theft is.
Although the hospital industry is different from the retail industry, it is also susceptible to employee theft (Chen & Sandino, 2009). Stealing food from the kitchen is an important operating loss in the hotel. With more focus on hospitality customer service and comfort, this makes the employee vulnerable to theft. Toiletries, linen, towels and other housekeeping...

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