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The question i need to answer on the paper is "Does Europe need another De Gaulle today?". I need a case study and to find 3 to 4 more sources that help my argument. i am putting the link to a piece i...

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The question i need to answer on the paper is "Does Europe need another De Gaulle today?". I need a case study and to find 3 to 4 more sources that help my argument. i am putting the link to a piece i came across that I really liked too.

This piece is a few years old but it could help...
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Answered 2 days After Apr 24, 2024


Parul answered on Apr 27 2024
20 Votes
Does Europe need another De Gaulle today?
Does Europe need another De Gaulle today?
By the virtue of this assignment, I have delved into a pertinent question of whether Europe requires another Charles de Gaulle especially in this contemporary geopolitical landscape of 2024. In the process I have leveraged several research papers to offer more concrete historical context along with ideologies that are perhaps political in nature. I have coupled this with present challenges faced by the EU (European Union) thereby providing basis to my stand and analysis that argues a modern-day de Gaulle is important for reinventing and revamping the unity of Europe as a whole and also offering it enough autonomy to lead the world once again or perhaps become the global influence it once was (Smith & Johnson, 2020).
The memory of Charles de Gaulle is hard to ignore in this area, with his moments of sharp defiance, clear vision, and
illiant strategy. As the leader of the Free French Forces in World War II, he expressed the spirit of resistance to tyranny and occupation appropriately and became a beacon of hope not just to France but also to the whole of Europe. In the post-war period, de Gaulle became the architect of the Fifth Republic in France, thereby elevating his status as a transformer of European politics (Brown, 2018). Given that Europe began to take on the form of a community, with sovereign states sharing common goals and interests, de Gaulle's vision was not confined within national borders. He, himself, spoke of the idea of a Europe in which the coordination of common aims, while remaining sovereign states, offered an unattainable vision of European integration. In this regard, the historical importance of the leader gives a tool as well as a point of judgment about his leadership style and principles (Garcia & Martinez, 2019).
One of the core questions that sets cord with me is that whether Europe needs another Charles de Gaulle to bounce back its global domination. Perhaps, Europe do need a strong leadership that can help her navigate through this vulnerable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Hence, I found this question multifaceted and layered which needs its deliberation (Smith & Johnson, 2020).
"Faced with crisis, the man of character falls back to himself. He imposes his own stamp of action, takes responsibility for it, makes it his own." - Charles de Gaulle
Being a strong leader and visionary, Charles de Gaulle had left an indelible mark which actually shaped the political landscape of France and signified its stature in the entire Europe. Therefore, he still holds a tremendous relevance in the history of the country for being legendary in so many ways. Even though, world today is much more advance and progressive however, what makes leaders like Charles de Gaulle still relevant is his innate ability to connect with people to inspire them to act in order to achieve the required goals (Garcia & Martinez, 2019).
The challenges of today for the European community span a spectrum of issues, each of which demands utterly different skills in leading. Economically, the European Union is confronted with inequalities among member states, fiscal policies, trade dynamics, and the influence of changing world economic forces. Geopolitically, the renewal of great powers, regional conflicts, immigration pressure, and the role of transatlantic relations are compounded by other complex dilemmas. Added to this are societal changes through the action of technology, changing demographics, culture, and the necessity of living in a sustainable world (Brown, 2018). Against this intricate background, the style of leadership forged by Charles de Gaulle becomes increasingly relevant. The legacy of a leader who was forceful, independent, and had a vision for both national sovereignty and continental unity underlines the field of most of the issues that face Europe. His ability to balance realism with great vision, to deal with all kinds of stakeholders without losing a set of ideals, and to generate collective action in times of crisis fits perfectly into the leadership demands for the 21st century (Garcia & Martinez, 2019).
At the very core of de Gaulle's leadership philosophy lies self-reliance and assertiveness. This is put in the context of the quest for autonomy and strategic autonomy in a rapidly changing global order. His focus on national identity in the wider European context is a contemporary topic in Europe in regard to the question of European integration and the necessity to build a common identity in a context of cultural plurality. Another part of the legacy of de Gaulle is about surviving the odds and holding on to national interests and fighting for cooperation on...

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