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The purpose of this essay is for students to present a comprehensive discussion and justification identifying two (2) care priorities within a clinical scenario using the Levett-Jones’ Clinical...

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The purpose of this essay is for students to present a comprehensive discussion and justification identifying two (2) care priorities within a clinical scenario using the Levett-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle.
Students are required to provide critical analysis and justification of the care priorities using appropriate academic references.
Essay should revise issue of stigma, coping, family impact and services available
Discuss the trajectories, adjustments, redefining “care”, communication and inter-displinary care.
Word length is 1600 hundred
APA references minimum of 15 resources latest publication with in 4/5 years
Should be plagiarism free
Plz target for the high distinction by following provided ru
ic with this document.
Due date March XXXXXXXXXX

NRSG366 Assessment Task One: Case Study One
NRSG366 Semester One 2018
Assessment Task One: Case Study One
Multiple factors influence the care of patients with chronic conditions. As a Primary
Heath Care nurse, it is important that care given is prioritised based on both
clinical and patient needs. Prioritisation of the patient needs for care is integral to
daily nursing practice. This requires integrating and collaborating different aspects of
patient needs in order to maximise care activities and the effectiveness of nursing
This case study is designed to demonstrate the integration of various principles of
managing care of patients with chronic conditions. Students will be expected to
identify and discuss two PRIORITIES OF CARE and apply the clinical reasoning cycle
to these as a means of justification. Please refer to the subject outline and marking
ic when answering this question.
NRSG366 Assessment Task One: Case Study One
Case scenario

Peter Mitchell is a 52 year old male with mo
id obesity and type 2 diabetes who
was admitted to the medical ward with poorly controlled diabetes, obesity ventilation
syndrome and sleep apnoea. Peter was refe
ed by his GP after he presented with
symptoms of shakiness, diaphoresis, increased hunger, high BGL levels and difficulty
eathing whilst sleeping. Peter has been a smoker for approximately 30 years and
smokes approximately 20 cigarettes per day.
On his previous admission, Peter was seen by a dietician and commenced on low
energy, high protein diet (LEHP) to assist with weight reduction. His GP had
previously discussed weight loss with Peter however he had never wanted to do
anything about it as it seemed ‘too hard’. Peter was also reviewed by the
physiotherapist and was commenced on light exercises which he was to continue at
home on discharge.
Peter has been discharged home, with refe
al to community care unit for ongoing
support and follow up, after four weeks in the medical ward to manage his weight
and clinical como
Past medical history

 Obesity (weight 145kgs with a BMI of 50.2m2).
 Type 2 diabetes (Diagnosed 9 years ago)
 Hypertension
 Depression (Diagnosed three months ago by GP).
 Sleep apnoea
 Gastro oesophageal disease reflux disease

Social History

Peter is an unemployed male who receives government benefits. Peter lost his job
three years ago as a fork lift driver at the Moranbah coal mine in far North
Queensland. Peter states that he has always been a ’biggish guy’ with his ‘normal
weight’ sitting at around 105kg but since starting insulin and losing his job he has
gained a significant amount of weight.
NRSG366 Assessment Task One: Case Study One
Consequently, because of his weight issues Peter has difficulty finding work
due to fatigue and feeling generally ‘uncomfortable’ about his size. Peter is a
divorcee who lives alone, his two sons live in the same state but live in different
cities and rarely visit him. He is socially isolated because he is
assed by his size and he rarely goes out. Peter is also finding it
increasingly difficult to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Peter realises that
he is in the prime of his middle age life and is motivated to lose weight and quit
smoking but isn’t sure where to start.
ent Medication

 Insulin Novamix 30 B D (34units mane & 28units nocte)
 Metformin 500mg BD
 Lisinopril 10mg daily

 Nexium 20mg daily

 Metoprolol 50mg BD

 Pregabalin (Lyrica) 50mg nocte

Last observations on discharge
 Weight 145kgs
 Height 170cms
 BP 180/92mmHg

 RR 23 Bpm
 HR 102 Bpm

 Sp02 95% on RA

ASSESSMENT TASK 1: Individual Case Study Marking Criteria - Weighting: 40%

High HD
Low HD
Awareness and
The language is
sophisticated, with
language and
terminology, and
suits the purpose for
which the essay is
Content is
organised, and there
is a logical
progression of ideas
that promotes flow
of thought.
The language is
appropriate, with
language and
terminology, and
suits the purpose for
which the essay is
Content is
organised, and there
is a logical
progression of ideas
that promotes flow of
thought. The essay
ends with rational
The language is
appropriate with
terminology that
suits the purpose
for which the essay
is intended.
The content is
organised in a
logical manner and
promotes the flow
of thought. The
essay ends with
The language is
appropriate and suits
the purpose for which
the essay is intended

The content is
organised in a logical
manner and promotes
the flow of thought.
The essay ends with a
ational conclusion.
The language is
Most content is
organised in a
logical manner,
and the essay
ends with a
The language is
not clear and
appropriate, it
does not
promote flow of
Content within
the essay is not
There is an
followed by the
ody of the
essay with
The language
is not clear and
appropriate, it
does not
promote flow of
Content within
the essay is not
There is either
no introduction
or no
language in
the essay is
not and
there is no
flow of
There is no

Reasoning and
Evaluation of
the Evidence
A critical and
considered case is
presented, that is
well-constructed and
alanced. The
planned care has
een justified and
ationale provided.
There is clear
evidence of the use
of the clinical
easoning cycle in
A critical case is
presented, that is
well-constructed and
alanced. The
planned care has
een justified and
ationale provided
There is sufficient
evidence of the use
of the clinical
easoning cycle in
analysis and
A clear, well-
constructed and
alanced case has
een presented.
There is
justification of care
provided with
evidence of critical
There is evidence
of the use of the
clinical reasoning
cycle in
A clear, well-
structured case has
een presented with
some justification or
ationale of care.
There is some
evidence of critical
There is some
evidence of the use of
the clinical reasoning
cycle in one or more of
the areas of
A clear case has
een presented
with minimal
justification or
ationale of care
and limited
evidence of critical
There is minimal
evidence of the
use of the clinical
easoning cycle in
one or more areas
A clear case has
not been
presented, with
minimal links or
evidence of
critical thinking
There is
evidence of the
use of the
easoning cycle
A clear case
has not been
with minimal
links or
evidence of
critical thinking
There minimal
evidence of the
use of the
easoning cycle
There is no
evidence of
the content
does not
match the
case study
There is no
evidence of
the use of
the clinical


analysis and
analysis and
interpretation, analysis
and application
Evidence &
There is evidence of
oth depth and
eadth of high
quality reading.
The content is
pertinent to the
topic. High quality
evidence and
examples are
There is evidence of
oth depth and
eadth of reading
The content is
pertinent to the
topic. Quality
evidence and
examples are
There is evidence
of both depth and
eadth of reading
The content is
elevant to the
topic. Quality
evidence and
examples are
There is evidence of
The content is
elevant to the topic.
Appropriate evidence
and examples are
There is limited
evidence of
The content is
elevant to the
topic. Evidence
and examples are
presented of
varying quality.
Evidence and
examples are
presented of
varying quality.
Evidence and
examples are
presented of
poor quality
and not related
to case study.
The content,
are not
There are
Answered Same Day Mar 07, 2020 NRSG366


Sarah answered on Mar 18 2020
136 Votes
Assignment Title
Student Name
Course Name
Instructor Name
Peter Mitchell is a 52-year-old middle aged man suffering from obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, depression, sleep apnoea and gastro-oesophageal disease reflux disease (GERD). Before leaving his last job, he was weighing 105 kg, and in last three years, he has gained about 40kgs resulted in 145 kgs. He regularly takes insulin for controlling his diabetes.
He is unemployed for past three years and is socially isolated because of his size. Peter Mitchell is a divorcee, and his two children are living separately in different cities who hardly get time to meet him. Peter is depressed as for last three he is unemployed, and he could not get any job because of his weight. There is a requirement for priority care for Peter to handle his health situation and can become better over the time.
Critical Analysis
The two-priority care are obesity and GERD. These two cares were chosen based on the Levett-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Rossiter, 2013).
Considering the patient situation, it is clear that the patient is alone at home and unable to do the basic daily activities and is unemployment. Peter was already an obese patient, but that was never a constraint over his employment. Peter has gained more weight since becoming unemployed and unable to get a new job. Peter complains about shakiness, increased hunger, diaphoresis, sleep apnoea and high BGL levels. Peter is facing more trouble and has various complications in his health that require to address them with priority. Peter is unable to do his daily routines that are causing more trouble for his livelihood, and he is living alone.
After collecting information from the patient it is clear that Peter has gained more weight as he is alone and suffering from obesity, depression, type 2 diabetics for 9 years, hypertension, GRED and sleep apnoea (Hershcovici & Fass, 2013). The patient was given diet schedule to reduce his weight but he failed to follow them, and physiotherapist recommended some exercise to Peter post his discharge (Avhandling, 2014). He is reluctant to take hard and tough dieting issue as he is complaining that he is suffering from increased hunger issue. The patient is motivated to lose weight and quit smoking.
Process information is the next important stage of Levett-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle where it is essential to understand and co
elate them with the medical condition (Rossiter, 2013). The patient will not cooperate with strict diet schedule given by the dietician as it is difficult to follow. The critical information to consider is obesity and GERD when compared to others because due to GERD the patient is facing more difficulty in the following diet (Barnes et al., 2014). The patient is always being overweight to obese and being oversize was not a great issue before. Similarly, the patient it is not complaining much about the people with diabetes and taking insulin and complaints related to the hypertension is not alarming as of the cu
ent observation (Bessesen, 2014). The patient was addicted to smoking and aims to quit smoking and wants to reduce weight but his medical condition is not cooperating, and he requires more care to overcome the issues.
Paying closer attention to identifying problems will result in identifying the cause of the problem. Smoking habit is a major problem and quitting smoking will also cause some weight gain to the people who are reducing them. Due to GERD, he is unable to control the food consumption and facing more digestive issues. There is a close relationship between obesity and GERD as both of them fuel the problem. Smoking is related to the GERD that is smoking causes GERD (Hamdy, 2018). In this case, the obese patient should pay attention to the GERD problem so that he can reduce the challenges associated with the dieting and reducing smoking...

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