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The purpose of this assessment is to give you the opportunity to apply persuasive communication techniques to create change in your own workplace. Every workplace has problems or issues, from poor...

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The purpose of this assessment is to give you the opportunity to apply persuasive communication techniques to create change in your own workplace. Every workplace has problems or issues, from poor rostering, to inadequate planning for staff education, to inadequate equipment for clinical procedures, to inadequate staffto-patient ratios and many more problems. Your task for this assessment is to clarify an issue or problem in your workplace and present a strategy to create change, thereby creating better outcomes for the patients, staff and organisation. For this assessment task, you are required to: • select an issue or problem relevant to your workplace or your role, • devise a strategy to address the issue or problem and create change in your workplace, and • draw upon the persuasive communication techniques and theories we have covered in this subject to present your strategy for creating change so as to convince the target audience to implement this strategy in the workplace. There are two parts to this assessment task, and both must be completed. PART 1: Using Microsoft PowerPoint, produce a narrated PowerPoint presentation demonstrating your use of persuasive language and techniques to present the workplace issue/problem and your strategy to create change in the workplace. The target audience for this presentation are the decision makers in your workplace that can support you and the implementation of your strategy for creating change. Students are responsible for checking that their narration has been correctly recorded prior to uploading the presentation. Submissions that do not include working narration will be marked as submitted. Please do not upload PDF versions, as the recording will not work. The format of this submission must be Microsoft PowerPoint. For instructions on preparing a narrated PowerPoint, consider viewing this instructional video. You are expected to include contemporary literature to support your presentation and you must cite all sources you use in the preparation of this presentation, including images, data and content, using accurate Page 15 of 20 APA 7th edition referencing style and format. A reference list should be on the last page/s of the PowerPoint slides, but you should cite any references in your narration as you speak. PART 2: Submit a short-written piece (not to exceed 500 words) that outlines any practical and communication considerations you noted in order to prepare your presentation. These considerations should include: • the audience profile (cultural diversity or workplace culture considerations, membership, rank or position), • physical preparations (room, equipment, self), and • any anticipated barriers or obstacles to your proposal from the audience and how you would address identified barriers or obstacles if they arose. You are expected to utilise credible literature to support your ideas. This short written paper does not need to be in academic essay format so it does not require an introduction or conclusion. You may use first person. Correct APA (7th ed.) should be used throughout.ASSESSMENT TASK 3 MARKING CRITERIA Criteria HD D C P N Narrated PowerPoint [60%] Persuasive language and techniques Weight 15% Demonstrates advanced spoken persuasive communication skills, with evidence of: Sophisticated understanding and use of persuasive language and techniques. Speaks with commanding authority, conveying confidence and competence. Articulate prose. Engaging, speaking voice and manner. Demonstrates very good spoken persuasive communication skills, with evidence of: Comprehensive understanding and use of persuasive language and techniques. Very well spoken, speaks with confidence. Easy to listen to, effective and engaging presenter. Demonstrates sound spoken persuasive communication skills, with evidence of: Sound understanding and use of persuasive language and techniques. Presents key message successfully with largely logical sequencing. Speaking voice sound and effective, exhibits some authority and mostly engaging. Demonstrates satisfactory spoken persuasive communication skills, with evidence of: Satisfactory understanding and use of persuasive language and techniques. Satisfactory structure and engagement. Sequence occasionally confusing. Speaking voice needed some consideration in parts (volume/pitch/pace) but held audience attention for the most part. Demonstrates poor spoken persuasive communication skills, with evidence of: Limited to no understanding and use of persuasive language and techniques. Speaking voice difficult to understand most of the time (volume/pitch/pace) or distracting background noise. Speaker lacked authority or presence. Nonengaging presentation. Development of persuasive argument Weight 30% Presents a sophisticated, effective argument that flows logically. Includes a clear problem statement and solution that is addressed through a masterful understanding of topic. Presents a comprehensive argument that is structured and logical. Includes a very sound problem statement and solution that is addressed through a very good understanding of topic. Presents a sound argument that is mostly logical in structure. Includes a sound problem statement and solution that is addressed through a good understanding of topic. Presents a general argument, with a basic structure. Problem statement and solution are basic or non-specific, demonstrating a superficial level of understanding of topic. Presents a vague or incomplete argument. Little or no logical structure, difficult to follow. Lacks subject knowledge, problem statement or solution. Use of evidence Weight 10% Judiciously integrates a wide range of relevant, current and reliable literature from scholarly sources to support presentation. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have always been applied accurately and consistently. Effectively integrates an indepth range of relevant literature from scholarly sources to support presentation. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used almost always accurately and consistently. A sound range of literature from scholarly sources has been used to support presentation. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are used but there are inconsistencies. A satisfactory range of literature from varied sources, some of which are not credible or relevant, has been used to support presentation. Attempt made to adhere to APA referencing 7th edition conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list, but with some errors and inconsistencies. Literature is largely irrelevant, not credible, or tenuously related to the topic OR no literature is used to support presentation. Adherence to APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list is minimal or non- existent. Page 17 of 20 Criteria HD D C P N Slide creation and mechanics Weight 5% Presents highly polished and visually appealing slides. Excellent, logical structure and sequence of ideas that is clear and easy to follow. Text is easy to read, graphics enhance understanding of ideas. No spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Presents effective visually attractive slides. Effective, logical structure and sequence of ideas that is clear and easy to follow. Text is easy to read, graphics enhance readability. Minimal spelling and/or punctuation and/or grammatical errors. Presents good clear slides. Mostly coherent structure and sequence of ideas that is able to be followed. Text is occasionally difficult to read due to overcrowding and/or too many ideas per slide. Some minor spelling and/or punctuation and/or grammatical errors. Presents satisfactory slides. Basic structure and sequence of ideas that at times may not be logical or easy to follow. Choice of colours and/or fonts and/or images and/or bullets and/or graphics occasionally detract from the content. Some spelling and/or punctuation and/or grammatical errors. Unattractive slides, layout confusing and/or crowded where the choice of colours and/or font and/or images and/or bullets and/or graphics detract from the content. Numerous spelling, punctuation and/or grammatical errors. Short written piece [40%] Discussion of considerations of preparation of proposal Weight 25% A sophisticated discussion of all necessary considerations demonstrating thoughtful and insightful planning and preparation was undertaken. A comprehensive discussion detailing almost all considerations demonstrating very good planning and preparation was undertaken. A sound discussion of most considerations demonstrating sound planning and preparation was undertaken. A satisfactory discussion of some of the considerations demonstrating basic planning and preparation was undertaken. An unsatisfactory discussion of a limited number of considerations made in the preparation and delivery of presentation OR does not describe any considerations. Use of evidence Weight 10% An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been used to support the discussion. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have always been applied accurately and consistently. An in-depth range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been used to support the discussion. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used almost always accurately and consistently. A sound range of literature from scholarly sources has been used to support the discussion. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list are used but there are inconsistencies. A satisfactory range of literature from varied sources, some of which are not credible or relevant, has been used to support the discussion. Attempt made to adhere to APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list, but with some errors and inconsistencies Literature from sources is largely irrelevant or not credible OR no literature has been used to support the discussion. Adherence to APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list is minimal or non-existent. Page 18 of 20 Criteria HD D C P N Format and presentation Weight 5% Demonstrates advanced written communication skills, with evidence of: Sophisticated language, including use of accurate terminology. Highly effective sequencing and structure of paragraphs. Very well constructed sentences and correct punctuation and spelling. Demonstrates very good written communication skills, with evidence of: Effective language, including use of accurate terminology. Effective sequencing and structure of paragraphs. Wellconstructed sentences and very minor punctuation and spelling errors. Demonstrates sound written communication skills, with evidence of: Sound language, including use of accurate terminology. Logical sequencing and structure of paragraphs. Soundly constructed sentences and minor punctuation and spelling errors. Demonstrates satisfactory written communication skills, with evidence of: Basic language, including use of largely accurate terminology. Largely logical sequencing and structure of paragraphs. Satisfactorily constructed sentences and minor punctuation and spelling errors. Demonstrates poor written communication skills, with evidence of: Poor language, including use of inaccurate terminology. Inconsistent sequencing and structure of paragraphs. Poorly constructed sentences and significant punctuation and spelling errors.
Answered Same Day Aug 11, 2021


Sumita Mitra answered on Aug 12 2021
146 Votes
Persuasive language Techniques
Persuasive Language Techniques
Adequate Nurse Staffing
Let us Begin with a Short Instance:
Ladies and gentleman, these days we hear lots of stories regarding nurse staffing which leads to in patient mortality, nurse burnouts and poor staffing. This generally leads to poor medical treatment. So how can all this issues be mitigated to an extent to help ourselves.
Lets all come together and take a pledge today to do something when each one of us go out of this room after the presentation.
“ What you all Say Comrades”
Good Evening Everyone, “Hope we will Create some Value addition Out here today for a better tomo
Need to Cancel all non essential procedures and visits in the hospitals.
One ward One Nurse Policy to reduce...

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