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The principle and its relationship with legislation:
Instructions to attempt this task:
The given below text is about the legislation (placement principles) 1998 Children and young person Act.
The text below is just a guide line.
· You need to do critical analysis of the policy (placement principles) 1998 Children and young person Act. (350 words)
· You need to use WRP approach (Carol Baachi’s) to analyse the issues in the placement principal Act. (200 words)
· You need to write down the solutions to the issues (100 words) Write down the effectiveness, changes, reforms and amendments required.
For this you can use the reviews and case studies
· Please use these references below:
Review of Children and young person (care and protection act 1998 NSW
Section 13 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 provides for a general order of placement for Aboriginal children. The aim is to ensure that if possible and assessed as safe, Aboriginal children and young people are placed within their biological family, extended family, local Aboriginal community or wider Aboriginal community and culture.
The purpose of the Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander Child and Young Person Placement Principles is to enhance and preserve Aboriginal children’s sense of their Aboriginal identity. The objective of the principles is to ensure an Aboriginal child’s right to be raised in their own culture. They also recognise the importance and value of family, extended family, kinship networks, culture and community, in raising Aboriginal children.
This general order of placement aims to ensure that, where possible, children and young people are placed within their family, community or other Aboriginal community to stay connected with their Aboriginal culture. This reflects the NSW Government’s determination to avoid a repetition of past practices which had a devastating impact on so many Aboriginal families.
Effective applications of the principles require Aboriginal families, extended family and Aboriginal community representatives to be consulted and involved in decision-making about care a
angements for Aboriginal children and young people.
The principles also support the importance of Aboriginal people having increased and ongoing involvement and control in Aboriginal child and family welfare, and child protection matters.
Aboriginal & To
es Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP) aims to keep children connected to their families, communities, cultures and country, and to ensure the participation of Aboriginal & To
es Strait islander people in decisions about their children's care & protection. The ATSICPP centres on five elements: prevention, partnership, participation, placement and connection.
What legislation is it under?
Child Protection Act 1998
Aims of the legislation?
ensure that the value of culture to the safety and wellbeing of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander children is embedded in policy and practice
ecognise and protect the rights of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander children, family and communities in child welfare matters
increase the level of self-determination of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples in child welfare matters
educe the over-representation of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander children in child protection systems (AIHW 2020).
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2022 Macquaire University


Parul answered on Jun 02 2022
95 Votes
Critical Analysis of the Policy
The Children and Young Persons Act in 1998 offers a
oad level command of the placement for the children especially aboriginals. Overall objective of this act is to ensure that safety and security of aboriginal children as well as young people which are placed within the extended family, community or wider aboriginal community. Overall aim of the Young Person Placement and To
es Strait Islander is to improve as well as preserve Aboriginal sense within the children thereby protecting their Aboriginal identity. In this manner, children can also comprehend the relevance of family, extended family, networks, kinship, community and culture in grooming the Aboriginal culture. Essentially, the general order of placement aspires to ensure efforts to place the young children and people in good families as well as communities. In this manner aboriginal members in the community can stay much interconnect with others as well as with the culture. Children Act of 1998 also reflects the commitment of the government active in New South Wales (NSW) that aims to minimise overall repetition of past practices with a devasting outcomes on majority of Aboriginal families. Technically, effective applications of the principles take into consideration the families associated with aboriginal background, extended family as well as the community members. These are the key stakeholders that needs to be consulted as well as involved in several decision-making regarding the child-care a
angements for the young people and Aboriginal children.
WRP approach (Carol Baachi’s)...

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