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The main goal of any business communication is to determine what message needs to be delivered, and how to deliver it clearly and concisely to the intended audience. In your post, explore how we...

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The main goal of any business communication is to determine what message needs to be delivered, and how to deliver it clearly and concisely to the intended audience. In your post, explore how we identify what message needs to be delivered to the intended audience, and what methods we should employ to deliver the message concisely and with the highest level of clarity.offer examples of unclear communications and suggestions to improve them.
Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 23 2020
139 Votes
    The term ‘business communication’ makes the meaning of comprehensible; a communication that is meant for business purpose. In a business organisational setting, as mentioned by Prajogo, Toy, Bhattacharya, Oke and Cheng (2018), messages that are needed to be delivered to its intended audiences are of two major types- internal and external. It is rationally assumable that the nature of the message used for communicating with the internal and external audiences are somewhat different and requires proper techniques for their identification.
    In case of identifying the level of effectiveness of the messages used for communication within, an organisation individual performance audit must be conducted. The individual performance audit, as affirmed by Assaad, Janvier and Lapointe (2018), would help in identifying the level of understanding an individual employee has about the organisational directions mentioned in the message for...

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