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Thegrades.savfile is a sample SPSS data set. The data represent a teacher's recording of student demographics and performance on quizzes and a final exam across three sections of the course. Each...

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Thegrades.savfile is a sample SPSS data set. The data represent a teacher's recording of student demographics and performance on quizzes and a final exam across three sections of the course. Each section consists of 35 students (N = 105). There are 21 variables in grades.sav.

This assessment is on ANOVA. You will analyzethe following variables in thegrades.savdata set:

SPSS Variables and Definitions
SPSS VariableDefinition
SectionClass section
Quiz3Quiz 3: number of correct answers
Step 1: The Data Analysis Plan

In Step 1:

  • Name the variables used in this analysis and whether they are categorical or continuous.
  • State a research question, null hypothesis, and alternate hypothesis for the ANOVA.
Step 2: Testing Assumptions

Test for one of the assumptions of ANOVA—normality.

  • Create SPSS output showing the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality. Run the Shapiro-Wilk test on the dependent variable test for the entire sample. Do not split the data up by gender before running the normality test.
  • Paste the table in the DAA.
  • Interpret the Shapiro-Wilk test and how you determined whether the assumption of normality was met or violated.
Step 3: Results and Interpretation

In Step 3:

  • Paste the following SPSS tables into the document:
    • Descriptives table.
    • ANOVA table.
    • Multiple Comparison table.
  • Report the means and standard deviations of quiz3 for each group of the section variable.
  • Report the results of theFtest and interpret the statistical results against the null hypothesis and state whether it is accepted or rejected.
  • Interpret the post-hoc tests (multiple comparisons), if the Fis significant.
Step 4: Statistical Conclusions

In Step 4:

  • Provide a brief summary of your analysis and the conclusions drawn about this ANOVA.
  • Analyze the limitations of the statistical test and/or possible alternative explanations for your results.
Step 5: Application

In Step 5:

  • Analyze how you might use the ANOVA in your field of study.
  • Name an independent variable (IV) (the IV should have three or more groups or categories) and dependent variable (DV) that would work for such an analysis and why studying it may be important to the field or practice.

Submit your DAA Template as an attached Word document in the assessment area.

***Accurate, precise, and thorough explanation of interpretations and evaluations must be demonstrated***

Answered 1 days After Mar 11, 2022


Atreye answered on Mar 13 2022
112 Votes
Step 1:
Name the two variables used in this analysis and whether they are categorical or continuous.
The two variables are as below:
· Section
· Quiz3
Section is categorical variable as it is having three categories 1 and 2.
Quiz3 is continuous as it can take unlimited number of values between the lowest and highest points of measurement.
State a research question, null hypothesis, and alternate hypothesis for the ANOVA.
The null and alternative hypothesis can be stated as below:
Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference in mean of quiz3 among three different section.
Alternative hypothesis: There is significant difference in mean of quiz3 among three different section.
Step 2:
Create SPSS output showing the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality. Run the Shapiro-Wilk test on the dependent variable test for the entire sample. Do not split the data up by gender before running the normality test.
Paste the table in the DAA. Interpret the Shapiro-Wilk test and how you determined whether the assumption of normality was met or violated.
The hypotheses for Shapiro Wilk test are:
H0: the data for quiz is normally distributed.
H1: the data for quiz is normally distributed.
The test statistic and the p-value for Shapiro Wilk test is obtained as 0.0.879 and 0.0002 for section 1, 0.951 and 0.089 for section 2 and 0.851 and 0.000 for section 2. Only for section 2 , the p-value is greater than 0.05 level of significance, but for other sections the p-values are less than 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is not rejected for section 2 and it can be concluded that the assumption of normality is supported only for section 2 and for others the assumption of normality is violated.
Step 3:
· Paste the following SPSS tables into the document:
· Descriptive table, ANOVA table, Multiple...

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