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THE FAMILY Using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper, using APA standards, that addresses the following questions: Families have changed greatly...

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Using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 1000-word (minimum) paper, using APA standards, that addresses the following questions:

Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to become more diverse.

    1. Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
    2. What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
    3. Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
    4. Do you feel the trend towards diverse families is positive or negative?
    5. If the trend changed towards traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect women’s rights?

This assignment is worth 200 points, which can be accumulated according to the table below. Overall this project counts for 15% of your final grade. If you have any questions please let me know.

Final Project Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Introduction and a conclusion that reviews all main points you present.

Explained why the family is considered the most important agent of socialization.



Described the changes to the family and explained why they occurred.


Described the differences in marriage and family with relation to race, class, gender, and choice.

Integrated personal views on the main issue.


Related essay writings to the concepts and theories discussed in the textbook and outside resources.


Submitted on or before due date, using correct spelling and grammar and appropriate APA format.




When completing the assignment, please focus on the grading criteria. I want you to answer the questions above, but also take into consideration where you accumulate your point. We will be discussing family multiple times throughout this quarter and you should have a good understanding of what important roles the family plays in our lives. Please make sure that you base your answers not so much on personal accounts, but rather on the research you have found during class, in your book, and other sources through the library. I will be available to discuss any questions about this assignment throughout the quarter also, so please approach me if you have any concerns.

Also if you would like to receive extra credit, you may give a presentation on your project to the class on the date the project is due. If you choose to do so, please let me know at least 1 week in advance so I can schedule class activities accordingly. Also your presentation should follow the same format as your current event presentation as having to be prepared, having visual aids, etc. This is not a mandatory part of the grade and is not required. This is only to give you extra credit, and this credit may be applied to any of your grades in the course (exams, project, presentation, etc)

Answered Same Day Dec 22, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 22 2021
132 Votes
Running Head: A study on the Family

Running Head: A study on the Family

A study on the Family

Name of the Student>


A study on the Family

Agents of socialization are institutional and comprise of various sources of socialization. Agents
of socialization provide the infants and children with the critical information that is essential for
the child to successfully function in a society. Examples of these would include family, peers,
neighborhood, workplace, media etc. Family is the most important and primary agent of
socialization for children .A family is the most influential agent of socialization. Family provides
person with nurture, love and care. Family is the reason for which a person turns out to be good
or not, as they are the most important part in the socialization process. Family helps children in
internalizing the culture they belong to and also help them in developing a social identity. A
family provides social status to the young members in the society. A family’s social class
ackground will have a direct influence on the social class that a person would belong to. Also
family provides the person with the necessary emotional support required during different
situations. The initial years of an infant or a child includes highest interaction with their parents,
hence the messages sent across from them holds a major impact on their lives. They shape our
ehavior and help us in acquiring as a person of self.
With the newer generations coming in, there are significant changes that are seen among the
families of the U.S., about their lives and way it functions. Families are defined as set of people
holding primary relationships i.e. biological, social, economic and emotional. The changing
environment in the U.S. families relates to the increase in the lifespan of the people, efficient
safe and effective birth control, and increase in the divorce rates in the U.S, women participation
as a...

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