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The employees in your organization are unhappy with several aspects of their job, including pay and time off/vacation. You, as the Human Resource manager tried to solve this issue by creating a new...

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The employees in your organization are unhappy with several aspects of their job, including pay and time off/vacation. You, as the Human Resource manager tried to solve this issue by creating a new compensation plan and regular meetings to address their concerns, but with no positive outcome. You overhear talk of the employees unionizing their position. When you bring this issue to your CEO, she strongly opposes unions and tells you to let the employees know if they unionize, they will lose their jobs.

You, as the Human Resource manager, know the CEO threats are illegal and you may lose your job if the employees decide to unionize. How would you handle this? Write a one (1) page formal letter to the employees to voice the concerns. The letter should be a minimum of 500 words.

Use terms and theory in your chapter readings to support your case. Be clear and concise in your letter.

NOTE:Write the assignment in format of a formal letter to the employees.
(1) describe the main issues posed by the employees
(2) detail the aspects used in the past to resolve the issue and
(3) provide a final analysis of your suggestions to the employees (using terms and theory from the chapter readings).

Use a minimum of 1 to 2 pages on the Case Study response (not including the Title Page)

Answered 1 days After Aug 01, 2021


Anurag answered on Aug 02 2021
152 Votes
A Formal Letter to the Employees        4
A Letter to the Employees
Your Name
HR Manage
ABC Company
Address: XYZ Streat
Date: 02/08/2021
The Employees,
ABC Company,
XYZ Street,
Sub: A Letter to the Employees to Voice My Concern
Dear Employees,
The main issue we are dealing with is labors planning on unionizing. As the HR Manager it is my duty to warn you against the atrocities of forming union since the CEO strongly opposes against this system. There are consequences that might befall on the employees if you still plan on forming a union. There are various issues in the company for which all of you are revolting but you must think from the authority’s perspective as well. No organization is seamless but managing the situation in a unified way is very important. no organization is flawless and it is my duty as a HR Manager to maintain the harmony amongst the upper and lower strata of the organization between the CEO and other employees of the...

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