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The data that you are working with contains the exam grades and the overall grade for students who took a statistics course at a university. Write python code to answer the questions below and ensure...

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The data that you are working with contains the exam grades and the overall grade for students who took a statistics course at a university. Write python code to answer the questions below and ensure that you round all numeric calculations to 2 decimal places.

  1. (2pts) Load the attached data into a numpy array:

    Download exam_grades.csv

  2. (1pt) How many observations and columns are in the data set?

  3. (2pts) What is the minimum and maximum overall course grade for the statistics course (i.e. for the entire data set).

  4. (5pts) What time period (e.g. years) does the data set cover? Note: only display unique years (do not display duplicates).

  5. (10 pts) For each year that you identified above, count the number of students who took the course each year.

  6. (20 pts) For each year that you identified above, calculate the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation for each of the three exam scores. Summarize your findings.

Answered 1 days After Jan 26, 2023


Pratyush answered on Jan 27 2023
57 Votes

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