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Learning objectives assessed: CLO1: Integrate and apply contemporary Ethics & Governance issues in a business context CLO2: Critically analyse and apply ethics to contemporary business practice CLO3:...

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Learning objectives assessed:
CLO1: Integrate and apply contemporary Ethics & Governance issues in a business context
CLO2: Critically analyse and apply ethics to contemporary business practice
CLO3: Critically analyse key perspectives on corporate social responsibility and their application
CLO6: Effectively communicate ethics and governance concepts and arguments in a logical manner.
Assessment task details:
This Assessment provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning around the interaction between organisational context and the process of ethical decision making.
You are required to formulate an argument, undertake research to locate academic references, and support your argument with theories covered in this course.  To formulate your argument, you are required to undertake research to locate academic references using online databases (e.g. EBSCO, Proquest, Emerald, Science Direct etc). You must to use at least 12 academic references to support your argument.
The case study revolves around the naming of trainee lawyers who cheated in an online bar exam.
Read the Case Study materials are provided in the following three links:
https: XXXXXXXXXX (Links to an external site.)
https: XXXXXXXXXX (Links to an external site.)
https:,Mr%20Lionel%20Wong%20Choong%20Yoong (Links to an external site.).
In an original "spirit of second chances", it had been directed that the six not be named in the hope that they would not face prejudice in the long run. However, this decision, to not reveal names, was reversed.
The career implications are not only for the six trainee. It is significant as revealing their identities of students who cheat has far reaching consequences for employment and career for any student.  Regardless of whether a student is found to have
eached academic conduct, or exonerated, there are negative consequences caused by the publicity and public interest.
Problem Brief
You are employed by a business who has experienced poor performance of fresh from university employees. The business has realised that some students are not prepared adequately for their professional work and this may be attributed to the lack of learning. Contract writing, or ghost writing is becoming common and the sharing of assignments via Whatsapp, or the sale of assignments on Carousell now has an impact on the reputation of educational qualifications. An increasing problem is when student assignments appear on Google searches revealing the prevalence of the problem where students upload their assignments to Studocu.
You have been asked to write a business report to
ief senior executives on how company policy should be revised based on the ethical considerations of the behaviour of employees prior to joining. A major consideration is whether employees should be given the "second chance", in professional appoints where integrity and ethics is of a major priority.
In your report, you have been asked to research ethical theories and make recommendations that would guide the business around hiring students whose identifies have been made known. In making an argument, you are to address cases where the student has been found guilty and where investigations have exonerated the student.
How to perform this task
The following are suggestions for how you may perform this assignment.
Relate to the Problem
Remember, your role as future managers, is to help formulate problem statements or to help your audience identify
oader problems they are unable to see. A problem may be a lack of awareness of the ethics literature and theory.
Find and Generate
Conduct out a literature survey on one of the ethics theories, e.g. virtue, deontology, utilitarian. Become well versed in the selected ethics theories.
Work out a process that would address the  problem that was identified in the first stage. Bring together the different bodies of theory and your individual ideas. Identify recommendations that would assist the business address the ethical questions.
Organise and Manage
Present your solution in a report structure showing the approach taken and the solution, as you would present to a client.
Embark and Clarify
As you are training to be a problems solver, make sure you engage with your tutors in-class and check at every stage. In the future, in your working life, you will often need to clarify and keep your clients up to date. Do not surprise your clients with a solution they did  not want. This is the same as your assignment - do not surprise your tutor with a piece of work that is under-developed.
Communicate your research and solution well. Ensure that you deliver this report in time with appropriate use of reference to scholarly literature and considered use of in-text citations to support your recommendations.
Answered 7 days After Aug 25, 2022 RMIT University


Deblina answered on Sep 02 2022
76 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Role of Human Resources    3
Role of Sustainability    4
Role of Ethics & Compliance    5
The Path Forward    6
Conclusion    7
References    9
Integrity is one of the major aspects of Business Administration which is a competitive and important condition for the effective functioning of the business. The aspect of integrity and ethical context in Business Administration promotes the sustainability of the business and enhances the aspects of the performance of the business which are provided with specialized and appropriate training for the employees. Training on integrity and their things each provided in many businesses in order to ensure high levels of integrity in the business administration.
Role of Human Resources
In accordance with the issues that have been contemplated in the company must be addressed with the consideration of the role of human resources. The organizations' psychology must effectively contemplate the development of the frameworks in order to measure and evaluate the culture. It is effective to work and incorporate the expertise of the aspects of ethics and compliance which remains a relatively unusual approach. The human resource apartment of the company has a direct influence over the aspects of diversity and inclusion and other leadership development along with the issues of incentive and performance management. This particular department also has the role of recruiting eligible candidates by effectively verifying they are skills accordingly with an effective consideration of the ethical and sustainable culture of the organization (Alizadeh et al., 2021). The theories of the ethical cultural study agree that specialized individuals are prominently fit for solving they are responsibilities in the business by meeting their expectations and they should be reverted on the basis of the behaviour or the ethics that they contemplate.
On the other hand, the theory has also pointed out that employees who do not have many skills with regard to behaviour or ethics must be verified for a significant causal factor of co
uption earlier at the beginning of their career in the industry. The more contemplative factor has to be mentioned that incentive and reward systems tend to be based on budgets that are set at the corporate level and must be translated by human resources into the performance management system. Organizations have to contemplate taking an intentional approach to practice and evaluate with a more recursive scenario by cu
ing the unintended consequences of incentive systems that will systematically improve the ethical culture. It is yours to gain inside into the pressure and anxiety that affects the team requires through an open discussion to understand the skills of the employees and willingness to share the concerns and failures of the employees in this regard. Diversity initiative in the workplace is one of the major focuses for measuring the effectiveness in order to downplay or hide aspects of the socialite and disease in order to fit in the organizations' culture.
A culture of inclusion is one of the major ethical contexts that reduces dissonance between personal and organizational values and reflects the characteristics of the workplace that can be effective at ensuring a comfortable environment for the employees in the workplace. Consequently, it is also contemplative to provide efforts to still the aspects of safety that will enable the employees to share their challenges and concerns. Knowing that their voices will be heard cooperative actions must be taken in order to ensure the effectiveness of the ethical context of the administration in the business (Benitez et al., 2020). Another major aspect that the Human Resource Department must contemplate about the effectiveness of the skills and knowledge is of the candidates who are being recruited. Skill and knowledge tests must be conducted efficiently for contemplating the factor driving Innovation and the fear of failure that undermine creativity and experimentation in the organization.
Role of Sustainability
Sustainability was one of the major aspects of social responsibility and the aspect is protecting the environment of the business. It is obvious that the supply chain efforts of the business organisation need to focus on the audit and the effectiveness of the performance of the employees in order to ensure the effective sustainability of the company in terms of the environment and concerns. On the other hands sustainability also reports the effective address that the company makes to its employees and the way the company treats the employee’s security and other forms of regeneration that are effective in terms of the community (Doh, 2019).
Individuals who are working must effectively considered the organisations culture and values...

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