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The course is database design. I need you to do only part 3 of the project I already did part 1 and 2 and I attached my work so you should be based on part 1 and part 2. please follow the steps. Use...

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The course is database design. I need you to do only part 3 of the project I already did part 1 and 2 and I attached my work so you should be based on part 1 and part 2. please follow the steps. Use PHP. i need you to send me zip files and it should include all the files source file class file, bat, txt. I’m going to do the presentation so i need a PowerPoint slide of your work with speaker notes for part 3. Check out examples below how to do the demo video, Examples of previous projects:
Consider the design of the following database system for managing a social network website: each user is registered with the website with a username, password, first name, last name, and an email. Username and email are unique. Each user is associated with a list of ho
ies selected from the following list: hiking, swimming, calligraphy, bowling, movie, cooking, and dancing. A user can follow a list of other users and can also be followed by another list of users. See https: for an example.
Moreover, a user can post a blog. Given a blog, another user, and only another user, can give a comment to the blog. To ensure the quality of the website, each user can post at most 2 blogs a day, and each user can give at most 3 comments in one day. For each blog, the user who posted the blog cannot give any comment (no self-comment), and another user can give at most one comment. Each blog is identified by a blogid, subject, description, and a list of tags for search purposes. Each comment is identified by a commentid, a sentiment (positive or negative), and a description.
For all parts of this project, your system must be either desktop or web application. Some simple GUI interfaces are required for each functionality. All functionalities must be performed via the interface of your application; direct SQL statement execution via any tools (e.g., MySQL workbench) is not allowed.
Part 1, use PHP, don’t do part 1 I already did and I attached my work but you should be based on part 1 & 2 to do part 3.
Use Java/C#/PHP/Python and SQL, implement the following functionality:
1. (5 pts) Implement a user registration and login interface so that only a registered user can log in to the system. You must prevent SQL injection attacks.
2. (5 pts) Sign up for a new user with information such as: username, password, password confirmed, first name, last name, email. Duplicate username and email should be detected and fail the signup. Unmatching passwords should be detected, as well.
How to submit: 1. The source code package. All files (source codes, class files, bat, and txt) should be contained in a war or zip file called for a team whose team name is xx submitted via Canvas. Team name is helawi
Part 2, use PHP, don’t do part 2 I already did and I attached my work but you should be based on part 1 & 2 to do part 3.
Part 2 emphasizes the programming of GUI interfaces and design and their integration with database operations. Complete step 1 manually and then implement the following functionalities (steps 2, 3 and 4) using your programming language and SQL with necessary GUI interfaces.
1. (6 pts) Draw the project ER diagram and implement your project relational database. Make sure you will have enough tables for your project. Having only ONE table is not acceptable.
2. (10 pts) Implement a button called “Initialize Database”. When a user clicks it, all necessary tables will be created (or recreated) automatically, with each table be populated with at least 5 tuples so that each query below will return some results. All students should use the username “comp440”, and possibly the password “pass1234”.
3. (10 pts) Implement a GUI interface so that a user can insert a blog such as Subject: The future of blockchain Description: Blockchain is a buzzword nowadays. … Tags: blockchain, bitcoin, decentralized The ids of the blogs should be generated automatically using the autoincrement feature of MySQL. Make sure that a user can only insert 2 blogs a day.
4. (10 pts) Select a blog from the above list; one can write a comment like the following: A dropdown menu to choose “Negative” or “Positive,” and then a description such as “This is a nice blog. I like the comparison between blockchain and the Internet.”. Make sure that a user can give at most 3 comments a day and, at most, one comment for each blog and not to his own blog.
How to submit: 1. The source code package. All files (source codes, class files, bat, and txt) should be contained in a war or zip file called for a team whose team name is xx submitted via Canvas. Team name is helawi
2. create slides for your presentation Use a recorder: https: And send me your video. I only need you to record your screen and your voice for the project demo, not your face. If you are not comfortable recording your voice please create slides for project demo with speaker notes so that I can do the presentation by myself.
Part 3: use PHP
Based on part 1 & part 2, implement the following functionalities using your selected programming language (PHP, Java, Python, C#, and …) and SQL with necessary GUI interfaces. Part 3 emphasizes both the GUI interfaces and their integration with backend database operations. I attached part 1 and 2 answer.

1. (6 pts) List the users who post at least two blogs, one has a tag of “X”, and another has a tag of “Y”.
1. (6 pts) List all the blogs of user X, such that all the comments are positive for these blogs.
1. (6 pts) List the users who posted the most number of blogs on 5/1/2022; if there is a tie, list all the users who have a tie.
1. (6 pts) List the users who are followed by both X and Y. Usernames X and Y are inputs from the user.
1. (6 pts) List a user pair (A, B) such that they have at least one common ho
1. (6 pts) Display all the users who never posted a blog.
1. (6 pts) Display all the users who never posted a comment.
1. (6 pts) Display all the users who posted some comments, but each of them is negative.
1. (6 pts) Display those users such that all the blogs they posted so far never received any negative comments.

How to submit:
1. The source code package. All files (source codes, class files, bat, and txt) should be contained in a war or zip file called for a team whose team name is xx submitted via Canvas. Team name is helawi
1. create slides for your presentation Use a recorder: https: And send me your video. I only need you to record your screen and your voice for the project demo, not your face. If you are not comfortable recording your voice please create PowerPoint slides for project demo with speaker notes so that I can do the presentation video by myself.

PowerPoint Presentation
ER Diagram
After Clicking the Initialise Database. It will create database and table. If database if present it will remove it and create new one.
Login Panel
Registration Panel which check unique Username and Email as a validation
After Login. This is the Dashboard panel.
Blog form where the user submit the blog
Blog View Where every user will able to see the blog of others
Comment. If Register user check his own post he is not able to comment his own post
Post of Other User, He is able to post the comment
Answered 2 days After May 03, 2022


Salony answered on May 06 2022
100 Votes
Slide 1
Front Page of part3 of project .this is collapsible button when someone click on it result will be displayed
This query displays all user who has at least two blogs and different tags
This query results in for a particular user list all the blog which are having positive...

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