J Anitha answered on
Jun 05 2021
Social Media Analytics in Health Monitoring
Ajay Mani Kiran
Abstract - With the invention of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn that are known as social media it is easier to monitor diseases among people. Monitoring diseases become easier. Monitoring disease from huge data sets from Social Media are discussed in this paper.
Keywords – Twitter, Facebook
Millions of people are killed by Infectious disease every year. Epidemics have become frequent in the past decade. The impact of epidemics is severe. For example SARS disease has affected the economy of the world[11]. Also Global risk of unnatural epidemics exists because of biote
orism Better surveillance systems is the need of the hour to detect epidemics.
A. Traditional Method of disease surveillance
It depends on data from doctors, hospitals and laboratories. It produces data of emerging out
eaks and the necessity of vaccinations. Epidemics can result in exponential rise in cases. For e.g. 2014 out
eak of Ebola. Epidemics detected earlier are easier to control.
B. Rapid Detection of disease in social media.
Detecting out
eaks of Ebola by surveillance system uses Twitter. It would create geospatial tags for African continent. It searches for terms such as “haemo
hage”, “fever”, “virus”, “Ebola”, “Lassa” on the Twittesphere. A system to detect influenza would check doctor consultation, buying of tissues, paracetamol or aspirin and making sick leave in the office.
In the past there were disease surveillance[14] such as Epi-Spider to detect out
eak of disease. Social media are used for mining data for other health applications also.
A. News media
Diseases can also be tracked from news articles such as HealthMap and MedISys. Health Map provided alert for a “mystery haemo
hagic fever”. According to WHO initial out
eaks are from Global Public Health Intelligence Network. Global Flu Trends mine data to predict influenza epidemics.
B. Moderated expert sites
Expert sites give valuable epidemic alerts. Some of the expert sites are Flutrackers and ProMED-mail[15]. They produce co
ect and high-quality out
eak information at the right time.
Many Epidemics MERS, Coronavirus and Ebola were tracked by ProMED-mail[1].
There are other trackers like TEPHINET that is a network of Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions, epidemic tracker HealthMap, and Epicore that was developed by Skoll Global Threats Fund. These trackers when combined with ProMED provides a rapid and good epidemic detection system
C. C. Trade-off between accuracy and timeliness
The Surveillance systems for the disease provides timely and valid data. The out
eaks can be detected early.
E. D. Efficient Use of Social Media Analytics
Epidemic detection can be enhanced and controlled using social media. Well-constructed algorithms are written for data mining[13].
The Time series analysis compares several years of data for the epidemic[20].
With Social media users engage and participate in surveillance activities. People directly send reports and surveys to public health authorities.
E. Surveillance and Out
eak of disease Management.
Social media helps in spreading news about disease out
eak and improves public health. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, blogs and discussion forums were used[5].
Social media works to prevent disease among the public. It determines the pitfalls, mistakes and biases in the cu
ent disease detection system. Earlier Social Media was not used in the disease control system.
People create and post information related with the disease and their queries in the Social Media.
People tell their views and share their personal information in the Social Media.
Social media gives way to unadulterated personal expression among masses instead of traditional real meetings. Video conferencing can happen in social media[19].
Research articles were created using the Internet. They elaborate on the disease surveillance and health related information. Thus, there will be accuracy, speed and cost effective solution about the disease and its control. Added to the Research articles in the Internet, Blogs and Short Message Service can also be created[2].
A social media group for Disease Surveillance was formed by the International health society. It researches and uses innovative techniques for preventing diseases during public health surveillance.
The existing system follows traditional way of disease surveillance practice and out
eak management. Social Media is used for better surveillance practice and prevention. The social media targets effective populations and especially vulnerable populations for an intervention. It interacts with the community and improves the health.
The Social Media identifies the non-infectious disease due to alcohol, tobacco and sexual activity within the masses in a better way. Facebook and twitter were used to find alcohol usage among college students and others. Apart from that it also determines alcohol related injuries. The social media data is used for surveillance of alcohol users and for target audience who are in need of health support.
A. Health Risk Behaviors.
Facebook and MySpace targets adolescents about health risk behaviors. In general substance abuse and sexual activities with adolescent people contribute to Health risk behaviors[4]. The social media creates specialized chat rooms and websites for discussion. Thus, it provides the masses about the adult health issues, tobacco use, substance use and the sexual activities.
B. Infectious Diseases.
Social Media educates the target populations about the Infectious diseases such as sexually transmitted infections( STI)[17]. Thus it protects the masses from Infectious diseases.
C. Non-Infectious Diseases.
Social Media is also used in surveillance of Non-Infectious Diseases like depression, cancer, obesity, diabetes and asthma.It targets populations with illnesses of high prevalence and public health impact with an intervention to improve health outcomes. High...