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Upload Assignment: Term Project Proposal Due:Programming Languages Week 10 Assignments: Upload Assignment: Term Project Proposal Due: Due Date Sunday, March 20, 2022 11:59 PM Points...

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Upload Assignment: Term Project Proposal Due:Programming Languages Week 10 Assignments:
Upload Assignment: Term Project Proposal Due:
Due Date
Sunday, March 20, 2022
11:59 PM
Points Possible
A course needs to have a core project experience. A courses may go very fast. Therefore, it
is impossible to post too many projects. A good term project will help students to put all the
knowledge they learn from this course into use.
Term projects are usually good showcases in job interview activities.
The starting date for the term project is the first day of the class. The due date is the last day
of the class. Students have enough time to work on it.
Proposal is due on week 10 but you may work on the term project much earlie
1. A Scheme Language Interpreter. https:
Project 3: Term Project
Problem Statement:
1 Motivation:
A Term Project is the most essential part of this course. We set up the requirement for a term
project in every one of our courses because of the following reasons:

2. Problem Ideas:
Any project related to programming language tools will be acceptable. Here are the candidate
projects. You may pick anyone from the following (but not limited to).
When finished, make sure to click Submit.
Optionally, click Save as Draft to save changes and continue working later, or click Cancel to quit without saving changes.
2. A single instruction assembler and runner (debugger). https:
3. GEOJSON Visualizer https:
The project can start at any time after the course starts.
In week 10, you will be required to submit a 100-point worth project proposal.
In week 16, your project will be due, you will be required to submit all your deliverables before the
end of the course. Late submission may not be graded. The final project submission is of 700-point
1. project title and idea
2. project deliverables
3. tools
4. materials
5. schedule
A final report in .docx or .pdf
A presentation made by the student in
a PowerPoint,
google slides o
a YouTube link.
All the technical files (program files, design schematics, etc.)
Programs developed for other courses or other purposes won't be accepted.


Deliverables - Proposal:
In week 10, a proposal should be submitted. In the proposal, you should include the following items:

Deliverables – Final Report:
In week 16, a final report should be submitted.
All materials can be grouped into a directory and be compressed to a .zip file. The YouTube video link is
good enough. Do NOT send the whole video presentation file over to us.

Grading Ru
Components Points Possible Points Earned
Project Proposal (Due Week XXXXXXXXXX
Final Project Report
When finished, make sure to click Submit.
Optionally, click Save as Draft to save changes and continue working later, or click Cancel to quit without saving changes.
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Files of any other format will not be checked through SafeAssign.
I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database
Originality 100
Creativity 100
Completeness 100
Technical Difficulty 100
Technical Report in .docx, .pdf or google doc format 100
Presentation (video, powerpoint of google slides) 100
Implementation and Project Directory .zip file 100
Total (Extra-points may be given to students) 700
Text Submission
Write Submission
Attach Files
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When finished, make sure to click Submit.
Optionally, click Save as Draft to save changes and continue working later, or click Cancel to quit without saving changes.
For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).
When finished, make sure to click Submit.
Optionally, click Save as Draft to save changes and continue working later, or click Cancel to quit without saving changes.

Project 3: Term Project
Problem Statement:
1 Motivation:
A Term Project is the most essential part of this course. We set up the requirement for a term
project in every one of our courses because of the following reasons:
• A course needs to have a core project experience. A courses may go very fast. Therefore,
it is impossible to post too many projects. A good term project will help students to put
all the knowledge they learn from this course into use.
• Term projects are usually good showcases in job interview activities.
• The starting date for the term project is the first day of the class. The due date is the last
day of the class. Students have enough time to work on it.
• Proposal is due on week 10 but you may work on the term project much earlie
2. Problem Ideas:
Any project related to programming language tools will be acceptable. Here are the candidate
projects. You may pick anyone from the following (but not limited to).
1. A Scheme Language Interpreter. https:
2. A single instruction assembler and runner (debugger). https:
3. GEOJSON Visualizer https:
Programs developed for other courses or other purposes won't be accepted.
• The project can start at any time after the course starts.
• In week 10, you will be required to submit a 100-point worth project proposal.
• In week 16, your project will be due, you will be required to submit all your deliverables before
the end of the course. Late submission may not be graded. The final project submission is of 700-
point worth.
Deliverables - Proposal:
In week 10, a proposal should be submitted. In the proposal, you should include the following items:
1. project title and idea
2. project deliverables
3. tools
4. materials
5. schedule
Deliverables – Final Report:
In week 16, a final report should be submitted.
• A final report in .docx or .pdf
• A presentation made by the student in
â–ª a PowerPoint,
â–ª google slides or
â–ª a YouTube link.
• All the technical files (program files, design schematics, etc.)
All materials can be grouped into a directory and be compressed to a .zip file. The YouTube video link is
good enough. Do NOT send the whole video presentation file over to us.
Grading Ru
Components Points Possible Points Earned
Project Proposal (Due Week XXXXXXXXXX
Final Project Report
Originality 100
Creativity 100
Completeness 100
Technical Difficulty 100
Technical Report in .docx, .pdf or google doc format 100
Presentation (video, powerpoint of google slides) 100
Implementation and Project Directory .zip file 100
Total (Extra-points may be given to students) 700
Answered 1 days After Mar 13, 2023


Shubham answered on Mar 15 2023
49 Votes
Project title and idea
Project Title: GEOJSON Visualizer project
The GEOJSON Visualizer project aims to create a web-based application that allows users to upload GEOJSON data and visualize it on an interactive map. The GEOJSON format is a standard format used for representing geospatial data. It is widely used in the GIS domain and provides a flexible and lightweight way to store and exchange geospatial data. The GEOJSON Visualizer application will provide an easy-to-use interface where users can upload their GEOJSON data, and the application will automatically display the data on a map (Plieger et al. 2018). The map will allow users to zoom in and out, pan, and interact with the data in various ways. The application will also provide various visualization options, such as different map styles, color schemes, and markers, to help users understand and analyze their data.
The application will be developed using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it will leverage existing li
aries such as Leaflet and Mapbox to provide the mapping functionality. The application will be designed to be responsive, meaning it will work on different devices and screen sizes. The potential use case includes visualizing data related to climate, pollution, and natural resources. U
an planning includes visualizing data related to population density, infrastructure, and zoning.
Emergency response provides data related to disasters, such as floods, fires, and earthquakes.
Agriculture: Visualizing data related to crop yield, soil moisture, and weather patterns.
Overall, the GEOJSON Visualizer project has the potential to be a useful tool for anyone working with geospatial data, and it can be expanded and customized to fit different use cases and domains.
Project deliverables
The GEOJSON Visualizer project aims to develop a web-based application that allows users to upload GEOJSON data and visualize it on an interactive map.
Requirements specification is the document that describes the requirements and specifications for the GEOJSON Visualizer application. This document will include functional and non-functional requirements, user stories, and use cases. Design document includes document for describing the architecture and design of the GEOJSON Visualizer application. This document will include the system architecture, data model, user interface design, and database design.
The development of the GEOJSON Visualizer application using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application will use existing mapping li
aries such as Leaflet and Mapbox to provide the mapping functionality (Harikumar et al. 2021). A series of tests to ensure that the GEOJSON Visualizer application meets the requirements and specifications. The testing will include unit testing, integration...

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