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The assessment supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in sourcing books, periodicals and other documents, as well as evaluating the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the...

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The assessment supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in sourcing books, periodicals and other documents, as well as evaluating the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the materials. Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of succinct analytical and reflective skills, as well as informed online and library research. This assessment provides experience and understanding of information literacy and the analysis and synthesis of a range of resources involved in academic research and writing.Instructions In this assessment, you will address a contemporary organisational or business issue and apply research skills to identify, select and analyse 10 sources to form an annotated bibliography. The issue and resources used in Assessment 1A will also form the basis for Assessment 1B – Forming an Argument. A digital communications topic will be selected by your lecturer in week 1. The selected topic will be the basis of student research for all three assessments. When examining a topic(decided by the facilitator), consider the following: • Locate material (books, periodicals, white papers and other documents) that may contain useful information and ideas on your issue. • Briefly examine and review the items and select 10 that represent a variety of perspectives on the issue. • Write an annotation of 150 words for each reference summarising the central theme and scope. The annotation should include one or more sentences that, o evaluate the authority or background of the author o comment on the intended audience o compare or contrast this work with another you have cited o explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic • Reference the book, article, or document using APA 6th style in the reference list. o Use at least 1 in-text citation per annotation. Be sure to review a variety of resources before selecting the 10 most suitable ones. Please include a title page, use the APA 6th referencing style, and list the materials in alphabetical order. Students are responsible for: • Staying within the word limit • Keeping drafts and backups of their assignment • Submitting the assignment via Blackboard by the due date • Ensuring their assignment is written and submitted while observing and committing to the Academic Integrity policy Please note that if you require an extension for this assignment, you must apply using the university application form and provide verifiable evidence of extenuating circumstances before the due date and include your most recent draft. Please also treat the prescribed word limit as a limit not to be breached. Referencing: MGT502_Assessment_1A_Brief_Annotated Bibliography_Module 3.1 Page 3 of 5 It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Answered Same Day Jul 22, 2021 MGT 502


Anju Lata answered on Jul 25 2021
154 Votes
Running Head: Effects of Covid-19 on Zoom
Effects of Covid-19 on Zoom
Assessment 1A
MGT502 Business Communication
Topic: Effects of Covid-19 on Zoom
Part A: Annotated Bibliography
    1. Website: A Meteoric Rise & Fall: The Impact of COVID-19 on Zoom
    Evaluation: The article is published in DevPro Journal, presents a realistic scenario of the role of zoom during this pandemic. The author is the CEO and founder of Runsafe Security, a frontline company involved in patented cyber hardening transformation process to protect the embedded systems from cyber threats. The article not only analyzes the topic but also recommends possible cyber solutions like making the meetings private and imposing password authorization to enter the meeting.
Summary: Due to covid-19 pandemic the zoom has become a mainstream tool for the organizations of all size, governments, families, and students. During the global crisis, this high tech favoured tool allowed everyone to work remotely. However, the video conferencing software also revealed some security issues. Several times the classes and conferences got disrupted and hijacked with threatening images and hate messages (Saunders, 2020). Many such reports got filed with FBI, about Zoom Bombing, which has made all the high tech companies like zoom to improve their capacity, security and support requirements.
Reference – Saunders,J.(2020). A Meteoric Rise & Fall: The impact of Covid-19 on Zoom. Retrieved from https:
    2. Website : Zoom reveals the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on its earnings.
    Evaluation: The article illustrates technical up gradation made by zoom for its increasing customer database. The study presents most recent empirical data about the revenues and free cash flow in Zoom company. The articles exhibits transparency in content as it has included ve
al statements of Eric Yuan, who is the founder of Zoom.
Summary: The article states that Zoom has depicted unprecedented growth in its revenue since the pandemic started. The free cash flow has hiked to $257 million compared to same time last year when it was $15 million (Gorey, 2020). Revenue has jumped by 169 pc this year and the number of paying customers has increased. The article states that the pandemic has increased the demand for distributed and face to face collaborations and interactions using zoom. As a security update, Zoom has upgraded its encryption to AES 256 bit GCM. This change is considered as significant improvement in its technical features.
Reference – Gorey,C.(2020). Zoom reveals the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on its earnings. Retrieved from https:
    3. Journal: The impact of COVID-19 on the undergraduate medical cu
    Evaluation: The journal is peer reviewed, has a disclosure statement and includes proper reference list. It is available at the journal of Medical Education online. The article emphasizes that online tools like open book examination (OBE) approach is being used to take examinations. It is to be considered that how Zoom would be used to deliver teaching on practical and clinical skills remotely that have been done till now using clinical placements.
Summary - The journal elaborates on how the pandemic has changed the nature of education being delivered across medical colleges globally. The zoom has been adopted as a novel method of education delivery as online webinar. As most of the international students have returned to their native places during the pandemic, the online teaching platforms have become helpful due to global accessibility (Sandhu & Wolf, 2020).
Reference – Sandhu, P. & Wolf, M. (2020) The impact of COVID-19 on the undergraduate medical cu
iculum, Medical Education Online, 25(1).1-10,  DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2020.1764740
    4. Website: 'Zoom fatigue' is real, and it's causing a new kind of anxiety amid coronavirus isolation
    Evaluation: The article is a news blog explaining the realistic personal experiences of zoom users. It states the negative aspects of using zoom in this pandemic. The article validates it content through ve
al statements of researchers from different universities of UK.
    Summary: Prolonged use of Zoom sessions is causing anxiety among its users amid the corona virus isolation. Many researchers get exhausted through daily video calls comprising of multiple meetings, courses and workshops. Zoom fatigue, is being experienced by the scholars attending lengthy and frequent interactions with students and colleagues using Zoom and other video conferencing tools (Pickrell, 2020). During the zoom sessions we don’t have options of non ve
al cues so we simply keep on...

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